The current temperature is 29° under snowy-skies. Today's high is forecast to reach 33°, also under snowy-skies with a 70% chance for light snow in the morning that will give way to cloudy-skies in the afternoon. In spite of the relatively warm temperatures yesterday, today's high temperature will be about five degrees lower. The sun will rise today @ 8:10 a.m. and set later @ 5:10 p.m.
We had a great day yesterday. We had planned that aforementioned walk to the Grand Haven Community Center to see the play Little Women, based on the book by Louisa May Alcott and written for the stage by Thomas Hischak. This production was presented by our own Central Park Players. We were not disappointed. As has generally been the case for us, any live theater or musical production is always a delight!
I was in the "male minority" and I had never read the book nor seen any version of the story, and yet I liked it. Maybe that's because it was much like the Hallmark Channel™ movies that I love.
Because I liked this production so much, I "borrowed" this picture from Facebook™.

For anyone, like me, who has no experience with this story, there is a movie version coming out on Christmas Day.
We had left the fur-children at home for the afternoon and we then journeyed to Don Luis for dinner. While it was cold without any wind to speak of, the walk to Don Luis was invigorating and the dinner, as always, was excellent.
By the by, both the Lions and the Bears lost their respective games yesterday.
I went up to the media room shortly after our arrival at home and by 11:00 p.m., I was spent. I slept until around 5:00 a.m.
While I slept, Mary made more progress on my kitchen apron. It is looking great.
Today, I plan to play more music, work in the kitchen, and do more reading. That's enough for one day. Ciao.
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