Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and
across the world. It is just past 4:30 a.m. in "The City."
The current temperature is 43° under partly-cloudy skies. Today's high is
forecast to reach 62°, a full eight degrees warmer than yesterday, but still under mostly-cloudy-skies. The sun will rise today @ 8:03 a.m. and set later @ 6:56 p.m. There are no advisories, watches, nor warnings in effect. Our next significant chance for rain is Monday @ 100% with a high temperature forecast of 62°.
I made more soy-curl jerky yesterday, this batch a bit more spicy than the last, but just spicy enough to get your attention, along with some baked some tofu cubes without spice that are suitable for many dishes. That was the extent of my kitchen activities yesterday.
I also found time to watch as the trains rolled through GH, with the first occurring @ 9:33 a.m. heading south. Behind locomotives 2025 and 2019 were nine CHCs. seven DWTCs, and five DBTCs. Plus, there was a tank car that was so rusty that I couldn't discern what color it was in the past or now. Later in the afternoon, I espied those same locomotives heading north, towing three CHCs and one DWTC.
Shortly after I let the fur-children out for their morning ritual, I started the taking down of our vast vegetable gardens in preparation for winter. It looks weird out there without the plants that I have been nurturing all summer.
Mary and Ginger went walkabout to the waterfront and then meandered their way home through the mean streets of GH. LOL Since they were out and about, Mary took her trusty waterproof Olympus camera and took some shots of Ginger and other things. I'll include some here.
Ginger without any concerns in the world. |
Ginger responding to Mary calling Ginger's name. |
The channel, sans the fishing boats of summer. |
A similar shot alongside the nearby Chinook Pier. |
We returned from a trip to the nearby big-box home center and saw this fallen branch in the vast gardens. It came down while we were out or I would have noticed it while I was working in the garden. |
I know it fell while we were out, because it wasn't there in the morning. |
While I was perusing the pix on the memory-card of Mary's camera, I came across some shots of our trip to Tunnel Park a couple of weeks ago. I like many of them, so I'll add those now.
Looking back towards the main park from the beach side of the tunnel for which the park is named. |
Looking north from the overlook on the beach. |
The "Big Lake" is so photogenic. |
From almost any angle. |
I always like these shots through the beach grasses. |
Just beautiful! |
A well warn path through the dunes. |
There are so many pix yet to be taken, so while I am at my Irish Jam Session this afternoon, Mary has plans to go to Hemlock Crossing for another in their series of nature talks and walks entitled:
Wildlife Encounter - Michigan's Marsupial: The Virginia Opossum. There will be a 45 minute lecture followed by a guided hike. I like these too, but music generally wins out over nature programs with me.
The Wolverines of Michigan will be in Pennsylvania tonight @ 7:30 p.m. to face the Penn State Nittany Lions. The lackluster Spartans of MSU are in their bye week. The also disappointing Huskies of NIU will be in Ohio today @ 2:30 to play the Miami RedHawks.
Otherwise, not much is happening here in GH, and that's fine with me. I have some apples to be peeled, some painting I'd like to complete, and a book or two that I'd like to start, so I have plenty to do while the fur-children and I are home and Mary is out. Ciao.
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