The current temperature is 45° under cloudy skies. Today's high is forecast to reach 49°, under partly-cloudy-skies. The sun will rise today @ 7:57 a.m. and set later @ 7:04 p.m.
A Small Craft Advisory will be in effect until 4:00 p.m. today. There is also a Frost Advisory in effect for parts of West Michigan that are considerably est of GH, from 2:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.
We had a good day yesterday in spite of the gray skies. The fur-children did not get a walk, but somehow, I don't think they were that concerned once they had been out for their morning activities.
Later, I made my way to the kitchen and used some home-grown scallions to make another of my soon to be famous stir-fry brunches. I had assistance, as Mary had to come down and help so that I wasn't running the water when she needed it upstairs.
Somewhere in the day, I was upstairs and Mary took time to make that aforementioned Salsa Verde from our home-grown tomatillos. It has a great aroma and great taste. I can't wait to try it on some tortilla chips.
Lots of peppers, some home-grown, went into the salsa. |
We spent the afternoon lazing about before we had a light supper of vegan sausages and salad. Then it was time for the concert @ Seven Steps Up, featuring May Erlewine and her band. I cannot express how great it was to hear such a talented group for nearly two hours. If you get a chance, I recommend that you go to YouTube and listen to some samples of her latest offerings. I've included one of her songs entitled Whole Again, a tribute to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, best known for her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Cavanaugh.
Of course, there are many other songs by May on YouTube too.
But, what is a concert @ Seven Steps Up without pictures, so here goes.
Sometimes, May prefaced her songs with some personal commentary. |
She closed her show with a happy song and happy thoughts. |
May, her backup singers and band as the show was ending. |
Today, I'll be off to the Art Meet-Up at the library and we may get to that big-box home center that we avoided yesterday. Ciao.
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