Saturday, February 4, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "The City."

Yesterday was an early day for us, as we got up shortly after 9:00 a.m. I recognize that for many people that would be considered late, but that's just one of the great things about being retired. It has taken me a long time to get past the idea that I am wasting time. When you were programmed for over 40 years to get up with an alarm, as I was, you find yourself thinking of yourself as a slacker when you just lay in bed. But no more. From this point forward, I plan to take each day as it comes and then do what I want when I want.

We got up and Mary made French toast using a new vegan recipe that we found on the internet. No eggs, chickpea flour, and flax seed combined with cinnamon, maple syrup, and almond milk produced a very tasty version of the staple that many people enjoy for breakfast.

After that tasty breakfast, I decided to go to the library to return two books that were due and get credit for the reading. I have now completed seven books of the 10 that I need to get my "free" insulated lunch bag. I also picked up two books that I had requested. I love having a library so close to home.

When I returned, Mary told me that I had a job in the kitchen. I made my world famous Coleslaw to accompany the veggie hot dogs that Mary decided to make for lunch. We do have to get more of the Vienna sport peppers that I like on my hotdogs. During the process of making lunch, Mary rediscovered that the blade in the food processor is still very sharp, However, it looks like she will survive her encounter.

Also after my return from the library, I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies and spicy chickpeas. The aquafaba liquid that is part and parcel to all canned beans makes a great egg replacer. I was able to use my new stand mixer in the process. However, I underestimated the expansion of the cookies and I ended up with a large cookie that I had to divide into smaller parts. Same great taste, but oddly shaped. Making the spicy chickpeas allowed me to use the aquafaba for my cookies and also the oven that was hot from the cookies.

It is worthy of note that the windy conditions made the walk to the library into the teeth of the wind out of the west, very brisk. Right now, the current temperature is a brisk 25° under clear skies, but it feels like 13° with the wind that is blowing @ about 15 mph. Later today, the high temperature is forecast by the NWS to be 32° with the same windy conditions and mostly cloudy skies. We had a mostly sunny day yesterday that was a welcome sight in West Michigan.

GTTSD was at the ready at her trainspotting post when I was in the kitchen baking and she let me know that a train was approaching. She can't talk, but she makes her spotting of a train very evident. At 11:13 a.m., we saw EMD GP 38-2 locomotives 2019 and 2057 heading south with eight CHCs, one seemingly very new and painted in safety orange along with two DBTCs.

A little research on the internet tells me that this is a new CSX corporate mandated paint scheme that improves visibility. All cars are expected to receive the orange paint scheme during the next few years. So, the car may not be new, but the paint surely was.

At 2:55 p.m., I was upstairs playing with Ivy, my 12 string Ovation guitar, when GTTSD once again alerted me to the passage of those same locomotives as they headed north. There were 10 DBTCs, all fully loaded, in tow.

Sunday's high temperature is forecast to be 34°. On Monday, the high temperature is forecast to be 40° and by Tuesday, the temperature will reach 41°, albeit with rain. It looks like the temperatures will be bouncing around from the 20s to the 40s as the month progresses.

Today looks like another late rise as we'll be listening to the Pet Files and the Flowerland Show. That takes us up to 11:00 a.m. and then we can get up and have "Dunch", that meal that isn't breakfast and not a real brunch either. What that will be is probably a mystery to Mary too. I'll do some reading after the morning sojourn with the fur-children. Mary wants to read more too, as she is trying to earn her own insulated lunch bag. Otherwise, not much is planned.

The sun will rise @ 7:56 a.m. and set @ 6:01 p.m. Ciao

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