Monday, February 13, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "The City."

I was just outside with the fur-children @ about 12:15 a.m. and I can testify with certainty that the winds are indeed blowing @ 18 mph. Since the back-forty of the PE is somewhat screened, I was able to accompany GTTSD on her nightly rounds and enjoy my time. However, I also had to take STWD out, but she insists on going to the front forty of the PE and there, the winds are blowing without restriction. So, we didn't stay out long.

We have a current temperature of 35° that feels like 25° with the presence of those 18 mph winds. Brrrrr! Later today, the high will only reach a sunny 38° but the winds will have abated a bit down to 11 mph. The sun will rise @ 7:44 a.m. and set @ 6:14 p.m.

Does anyone really know what day this is? You get a genuine no-prize if you correctly identified this as the day that the pitchers and catchers for my beloved Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers officially report to training camp The Cubs pitchers and catchers report tomorrow. Yes, my friends, baseball time is here again! Sadly, the references that the late Steve Goodman made to WGN are no longer as valid as they once were.

But I digress. Mary spent much of yesterday working on that index from H E double hockey sticks. Let's just say that there were other things she would rather have been doing. She did get the chance to make breakfast which consisted of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. They were delicious. She also put together a nice salad for lunch with chickpeas and her homemade ranch dressing. I had some of that supplemented with some store-bought vegan blue cheese dressing as there wasn't enough of her dressing to use for both salads.

I got a sweet tooth after lunch and so I baked a batch of my soon to be famous oatmeal raisin cookies assisted by the presence of two sous dogs. I think the cookies turned out great. That was after I had finished the cover for my yak support and read a goodly portion of my current thriller.

By the time she had been indexing for what seemed like forever, she decided that it was time for us to go out to dinner @ our favorite watering hole. As always, it was busy.

Today, Mary has to finish that soon to be forgotten index and I have to do some indoor chores. I'll finish my thriller and then I may walk to the library to get the last signatures on my book list and receive my "Free" lunch bag. I also have some books on hold for my future reading pleasure.

Otherwise, I don't have any plans other than to walk to The Bookman with STWD to pick up a copy of today's Grand Haven Tribune and read that plus getting a biscuit treat for Sugar. I also have to sort more pieces for my jigsaw puzzle edges. I must have missed some in my last sort. I need to play with the girls too. They look lonely. I have not played for a few days in deference to Mary's working in the next room.

Trainspotting by GTTSD and yours truly is very likely today as we didn't spot any last Friday. Ciao.

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