Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City." I feel a bit like the character that Jim Carrey played in The Truman Show, when he greets his neighbors every morning. Since I mentioned it, I'll include a movie clip I found on YouTube™ when I thought about that idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdwuW8n3JYA. Why? No reason other than it is something I like to do.

I was thinking earlier about what being married provides to anyone. In my case, I was fortunate to find a very lovely young lady who could overlook my many oddities and faults and still agree to marry me. Why? I can only chalk it up to good fortune and perhaps the providence of being in the right place at the right time. I think that Humphrey Bogart said it well in Casablanca, when he intoned this famous line, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." He says that in this clip, also courtesy of YouTube™ @ 1:38 of the clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvHUGOHdHhY

In Bogart's case, he says it in a fit of self-indulgent, drunken self-pity. In my case, I celebrate that moment. If Mary's car hadn't broken down and if I didn't work at the gas station on the corner near where she lived, my life would have been much emptier. Of course, it may have been a meant to be. But why ask why? Just enjoy the moment(s) when you realize how fortunate you were/are when the right person comes into your life. I do, every day, especially as I get older.

But enough melancholia. I did in fact get out and walk yesterday. I didn't go far, and I used my cane as Mary walked STWD to The Bookman to get the newspaper, but it felt good to get out and enjoy the simple, and all too often taken for granted, act of walking. Another seven weeks and I should be able to accompany Mary on many walks that are more extensive in nature, perhaps as far as our favorite watering hole.

We have a current temperature of 36° under clear skies. Later today, Mary plans to take an extended walk with Ginger, since the high temperature is forecast by the NWS to reach a mostly sunny 46°. I am going to accompany her part of the way, if she'll let me, and then turn back so that she can go a greater distance with Ginger. Or, I may just accompany her when she walks with STWD to get the newspaper @ The Bookman. I am not going to go farther than I can safely go.

I am about halfway through the last book I need to read for my Loutit Library Cabin Fever Reliever freebie, a glass mug that adds to my collection of items that I add to simply by doing one of many things I like to do, read. I may or may not get into the kitchen too, but that's a game day decision. Mary has many craft things to complete and a chat to participate on too.

The sun will rise @ 7:23 a.m. and set @ 6:32 p.m. Ciao.

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