Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever  you may be. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City."

Had a rather uneventful day yesterday. Mary made a nice breakfast of scrambled tofu on English muffins with a salad on the side, I think. If I'm wrong, she will correct me in a few hours. Later, before we set out to go to the hospital for my pre-surgery tests, she made a nice lunch to tide us over.

Somewhere in there, Ginger and I did some trainspotting. At 8:25 a.m., we heard that lonesome whistle blow. However, the trainspotting didn't take long because all we spotted was indeed the source of that lonesome whistle as locomotive #2019 was seen heading south with no cars in tow. Later  at 11:57 a.m., that same locomotive headed north, towing four CHCs, on two DBTCs. 

Everything went well at the hospital and the tests took less time than we anticipated.We then we picked up the newly repaired front hall carpet and finished up with a stop at the grocery store in Spring Lake and then our favorite watering hole on the other side of  the bridge.

Home at last where the fur-children greeted us and we watched some TV news and then had a light dinner.

I've been watching car shows while Mary slept in the La-Z-Boy before she came up to bed and she and Ginger retired for the night.

Today, we plan to go to the Flashback Cinema at the Grand Haven 9 theater to see Casablanca, starring Humphrey Bogart, and Ingrid Bergman. It has been a long time since we've had the opportunity to see this film in its wide-screen format and it will be another revelation to see all of the things that are never seen on a TV screen. Of course, I'll be enjoying a humongous bucket of popcorn and a ginormous cherry cola. Mary will show restraint by drinking water and eating a small popcorn. Her loss, my gain.

We have a current temperature of 31° under clear skies. Later today, the temperature will rise to 37° under sunny skies and the overnight low will not go below freezing. The sun will rise today @ 7:43 a.m. and set later @ 6:15 p.m. Ciao.

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