Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 5:30 a.m. in "The City." I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so here I am at the keyboard.
Phew, yesterday was a snowplow driver's dream or his nightmare, depending on how long he/she spent in the process. If you are paid for the job, then it was a dream. If you are paid for the season, then it was a nightmare. Since I am paid in neither fashion, it was just a lot of work.
I took some photos to give the flavor of what I was up against so that my loyal readers can get a sense of what it is like here in W. MI this winter.
The front porch area when I first got up yesterday morning. |
Same for the back deck. |
I am running out of places to pile the snow. |
The mail must go through! |
The snowfall seemed to never end |
A space I carved out for the fur-children in the back-forty. |
There. enough complaining. Well, not exactly, as I have to report some additional forecast details from the NWS as they relate to Ottawa, County.
As of now, the NWS is forecasting a
Winter Weather Advisory for Ottawa, County that has expectations for an additional three to five inches of additional snow, starting slowly later this morning and increasing steadily in the afternoon hours to 90%. The high temperature is forecast to reach 17° after the sun rises this morning @ 8:16 a.m. and well before it sets @ 5:19. Oh my, I honestly don't know where I am going to pile that much additional snow. This winter is eerily reminiscent of the year that I had my shoulder repaired and John, our handyman, was here nearly every day so that I/we could get out and go to P/T.
Below, are some pictures from the February of 2014. However, keep in mind that these pictures are from February of 2011, whereas the previous pictures are from December of 2017!
The snow piles in the back-forty were nearly as tall as yours truly. |
This was the pile on the deck. |
Another angle. This was the winter that killed my first electric snowblower! |
The area that John carved out for the trash bin. |
So, if I sound a bit worried in December, that's because I am. To paraphrase the late Lloyd Bridges from one of my favorite movies,
Airplane, "I picked a heck of a winter to have a baking yak.!"
However, once I came in from the cold yesterday, in the late morning, Mary made a tasty brunch of hot tea accompanied by chickpea sandwiches with a side of peas and corn.
After my second go around with the snow, we watched a Hallmark movie as I sat with Ginger in my lap and Mary made a dinner that was a tasty salad with homemade dressing and one of my now famous vegan sausages.
While Ginger is cute, she is no replacement for STWD, who used her superior size to displace Ginger later. |
Radishes, lettuce, and onions combined to make a great salad! |
On my plate and ready to munch! |
I spent part of the afternoon yesterday doing some additional highlighting for the index before going outside to face snowmageddon. Too much snow precluded a repeat of the previous day's visit to the "Promised Land" of the heated streets and sidewalks of downtown GH to walk the fur-children. Instead, I was pressed into another round of snow removal.
Today, more highlighting, more TV viewing, perhaps pro-football, and a very likely necessity of more snow removal. Mary will be indexing. Ciao.
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