Sunday, December 3, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 8:00 p.m. in "The City."

I'm going to skip over the details of the bad news from the world of pro football and just say that both the Bears and the Lions lost. Nuff said.

We took time this afternoon to travel to P.J. Hoffmaster State Park in nearby Muskegon. My yak is feeling well enough to tolerate some walking and so with Mary driving and Ginger sitting in my lap, we made the trek to the shores of the "Big Lake". We forgot to take the camera, so Mary used her phone to take what are some incredibly clear pictures of Ginger, yours truly, and the beach. Since getting the pictures from the phone is a labor-intensive process, I selected a few to represent what we saw.

Here they are in no particular order,

Looking north

Looking south

Looking southwest

Looking down from above

Enjoying the view from the overlook

Fall and the environs at P..J. Hoffmaster are covered in leaves
We all had a good time and then took a circuitous route home to GH. We think Ginger had a good time playing on the beach that is usually forbidden to dogs, but with no one to stop her...

We had a great brunch of vegan biscuits and gravy. Mary used the last of the portabello mushrooms from a previous grocery run and when combined with some spices. the gravy tasted great atop the vegan biscuits that she made from scratch.

Later, after we had been home for a while, Mary made what she might term a down and dirty pasta sauce that she served with garlic bread and some of the vegan "meatballs" that I made yesterday. All in all very satisfying.

I am upstairs preparing to watch TV while Mary is downstairs working on something with needles and yarn. She just likes to sit in the La-Z-Boy and knit and watch something on TV or listen to the music channel.

Tomorrow, we have to decide whether Ginger needs to see her doctor or whether she was just experiencing an adjustment to some new food that she won't be getting in the future.

At any rate, the current temperature is a comfortable 42° under cloudy skies Tomorrow, when we are supposed to travel to visit my yak doctor, the high temperature is supposed to reach 57° with T-storms and windy conditions. By Tuesday. we'll be dropping into the 30s and then the 20s and staying there for the foreseeable future.

The sun will rise @ 7:59 a.m. and set @ 5:09 p.m. Ciao.

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