Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 10:45 p.m. in "The City." My DTWS is showing a current temperature of 67° that feels like 66° according to the NWS with a wind out of the southeast @ eight mph.
The NWS has issued a Small Craft Advisory from Holland to Manistee, with 15 to 25 knot winds propelling waves from three to five feet in height, mostly north of GH, beginning shortly @ 11:00 p.m. tonight and continuing until 3:00 p.m. tomorrow.
The sun will rise tomorrow morning @ 7:58 a.m. and set later tomorrow night @ 7 :03 p.m.
I had another successful trip to my P/T appointment. When I got home, I finished two crossword puzzles and then Mary and I walked STWD for about two blocks. As you know, Sugar is getting up in years, so a short distance is all she wants to travel. A few sniffs and stops and she is good to go.
Also after I got home, I changed the lens on my camera to a more wide-angle type and then we loaded Ginger into the car. We were headed to that big-box nearly everything store, but first, a stop was in order at Duncan Woods, AKA Duncan Park,. I grabbed my camera and we set out for one of Mary and Ginger's favorite spots for walking and one of my favorite spots for taking pix. While Mary and Ginger went walkabout, I found some interesting subjects to focus on in the woods using various aperture openings and shutter speeds. So while it was dark in the forest primeval, I got some great pix.
Very little has changed about Duncan Park since Mrs. Martha Huntington Duncan bequeathed the park to the City of Grand Haven in 1913. Like her husband Robert, she loved the woods and wanted to see the park preserved in perpetuity. |
When it rains, the water carves its own path through the forest floor. |
Hikers like to pile up fallen limbs into a teepee-like shape. |
While I have no idea as to the type of mushroom growing directly out of the forest floor, I like how this photograph turned out. |
I suspect that this is a new sprout of the same type of mushroom. |
These mushrooms or "Fun Guys", like to grow on decaying tree limbs. |
As do these. |
Whereas these seem to prefer living trees as seen from a distance. |
I shot that same growth almost straight on. |
Whereas this shot was taken from below, as suggested by a presenter in a recent Coffee With Olympus session I viewed. |
Hey, I'm a photographer, not a botanist, so I once again have no idea about the type of fungi in this shot. |
I took this shot because of the montage of subjects that surrounded the mushroom. |
I don't know enough about mushrooms to allow me to determine if any of theses mushrooms/fungi were edible or poisonous.
Tomorrow, since there is rain in the forecast, I believe I'll be reading more, playing more music, working another crossword puzzle, and making some of my famous vegan Italian meatballs and burgers, along with vegging out after that. Right now, Mary is happily stitching away on a fossil picture and will likely continue tomorrow, along with listening to her latest book. Ciao.
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