Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is fast approaching 5:00 a.m. in "The City."

The current temperature is 37° under cloudy-skies. Today's high is forecast to reach 41°, with fog in the morning and clouds in the afternoon, but only a 20% chance for additional precipitation. The sun will rise today @ 7:42 a.m. and set later @ 5:17 p.m. Oh, we are still on track to reach a high temperature on Thursday of 49°. We shall see. At any rate, like the Wicked Witch of the East, things are melting.

Well my loyal readers, the fat lady has sung. Not enough people came to the bi-weekly Grand Haven Art Meetups. So Jeremy, the organizer, had to admit defeat and pull the plug on any future meetups at the library. That's sad, as I attended both the inaugural meeting and the final farewell. In between, small numbers of people sometimes attended, but there weren't enough to allow the meetings to continue. I for one shall miss this activity.

Yesterday, was a rather pedestrian day. We got up late and didn't accomplish much. It seems that the winter months lead to less activity and less productivity. Maybe that's okay, but having spent so much of my adult life having a schedule and meeting goals and deadlines, that I still haven't gotten used to the feeling that some downtime is acceptable.

Oh, we did finish making tos caramelized onions and they are great as usual. We had some on vegan hot-dogs for lunch.

Today, I have an appointment at my barber @ 12:00 p.m. and then we have an appointment @ the groomer for the fur-children @ 1:00 p.m., but that's all that is on today's to do list.

Mary started another loaf of bread last night and it is currently rising nicely in the big-bowl on the kitchen counter. I understand that this one is destined to be baked in the Dutch oven in our kitchen stove.

I may, or may not, get to my arts and crafts activities today. No rush I guess.

There is at least one funny thing about being retired. You wake up in the morning, see your father's face in the mirror, and wonder how that old guy you are seeing just appeared one day. My brothers and I used to call our father "The Old Man", but he was only in his mid-forties when we were in our teens. Now, I see him every morning. Time has a way of forcing perspective on you.

I did record some new verbiage for my novel this morning, verbiage that came to me as I lay in bed. I'm not sure how I plan to incorporate my thoughts yet, but I have recorded them as a way to not lose them.

So there you have it, another day in paradox. Ciao.

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