Friday, December 14, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be.It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City."

We didn't do much yesterday. That's OK, because that was part of the plan. We got up late, fed the fur-children, and then ate a brunch of vegan hot dogs and Coleslaw.

Once brunch/lunch was over, I started the indoor chores and was recruited to go into the kitchen and make more vegan sausages and prepare for a new dish, roasted cauliflower with several other ingredients such as; whole cloves of garlic, sliced onions, thyme and nutritional yeast. That dish, which along with two of the sausages I'd made became our dinner. To say the least, the cauliflower was/is a keeper. Mary took pix using our Smartphone and I'll include them now.

Once I had separated the cauliflower into florets, Mary added the sliced onions, garlic I had prepared earlier and then added the thyme and nutritional yeast before roasting.
The finished product, which was terrific.
We went to our chiropractor appointment yesterday afternoon and then to The Bookman for a tear-off calendar for 2019. In addition, Mary picked out a book of Grand Haven scenes/landmarks for me to color while I am recovering from my shoulder surgery. A quick stop at JWs, and then home to the fur-children and dinner preparations. Before we left, the fur-children wanted to go for a walk, but we didn't have time, so they will wait until later today. However, even tough I got Ginger to go out around 3:30 a.m., STWD wouldn't go out on this rainy morning. We won't go for a walk with them in the rain either.

If we walk at all, their walk will wait until I am done baking the cookies I have planned for the final Irish Jam Session of 2018. I'll be baking funfetti cookies following one of two possible recipes. I've baked these before, but I can't find that recipe anymore. I anticipate that this batch will be good too.

We have a current temperature of 35° that feels like 30° with light rain falling. That's why
Ginger had to be dried off and also why STWD wouldn't go out/ Later this morning, the rains should clear and leave us with partly-cloudy skies and a high temperature of 42°. The su will rise this morning @ 8:08 a.m. and set later @ 5:10 p.m.

Other than ny baking and a trip to the grocers for Mary, nothing is on the agenda for today. Ciao.

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