Monday, October 15, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "The City."

Let's KISS this blog and minimize my tendency to ramble. See, I'm already doing it.

The Bears snatched defeat from the jaws of victory yesterday, losing by a field goal in OT, 28 - 31.

My beloved Red Sox tied up their ALCS series @ 1 - 1, with a 7 - 5 win over the Astros.

I made it to my volunteer session for the Rob Davidson for Congress campaign yesterday afternoon. Two hours of calling yielded few contacts, many disconnected numbers and several people telling me that they didn't want to talk about politics. You can't fix stupid.

Mary dropped me off at the session and then went pumpkin shopping for the front porch of the manse. I like her arrangement. Small gourds, different pumpkins, and a red mum combined to make an attractive holiday display.  I wonder if she took any pix?

We have a current temperature of 52° as we drop to the overnight low of 43° with a 90% chance for showers. Later this ayem, after the sun rises @ 7:58 and well before it sets @ 7:02 p.m., there is an 80% chance for light rain as the temperature climbs to today's high of 46°. Compared to yesterday, that is downright rigid.

There is good news on the weather front. According to a forecast from meteorologists, we are in a zone that will see warmer than average temperatures from November through January due to an El NiƱo winter that will make it warmer in the plains states and colder in the southern states. Awwww.

Today, we have little on the agenda. Yesterday, while I was making phone calls, Mary did a great job saving our lives by removing some things from the freezer that were dated 2015! I know that my parents used to have a freezer in the basement that held frozen foods that were probably decades old, but we tend to err on the safe side. My plan is to peel some of the Cortland apples that we bought on our trip north and turn some into apple pie and some into applesauce.

Otherwise, the fur-children will have to wait for their morning walk until the rain is over. Mary hopes to organize more of her cabinets too while I assist with the things on the top shelves.

By the by, I finished my last novel early this morning. I have to wait for more books that I have requested to come in at the Loutit District Library as I am now out of library books. Ciao.

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