Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:30 a.m. in "The City." Oddly enough, I just listened to George Noory sign on for the night on his show, Coast to Coast AM, with his own signature sign-on, "Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. I added my own twist a long time ago by borrowing from one of my favorite cop shows, one that was on both radio and later television, Dragnet, as produced and starred in by the late Jack Webb, that being "The City" which Webb intoned before every episode when he described the city in which he worked, Los Angeles, CA. Just to remind my faithful followers, here is that opening. however, unlike Webb, I don't change the names to protect the innocent.

At any rate, yesterday in "The City", not much was happening. We got up in time to have a quick lunch before I set out on my personal quest to get my hair cut. Yes, I know, I should get a discount, but I like the experience of going to the barber shop to get my hair cut and my beard trimmed.

This time I threw the barber, Laura, a curve when I asked for her professional opinion on a change I was considering making to my mustache. I decided a few days ago that I'd like to make my mustache more luxuriant and full. So I asked Laura to make that subtle, but significant, change. Great barber that she is, she agreed. We both agreed that if I didn't like it, I could always cut it shorter in the future. I like it and that's what matters.

Before I left for the barber, I saw the southbound run of MMRR locomotive #2019 as it plied the rails of the RSTL towing 12 CHCs, two of those very rusty, two DBTCs, and one DWTC. The other day, I watched the passage of that same locomotive as it headed north, with a long string of those DWTCs in tow. This being spring, the cars were laden with anhydrous ammonia, which is used as fertilizer by the farmers here in West Michigan. I have no idea about the northbound run yesterday because we were on our way to Rockford, MI. Mary had decided she needed to visit the yarn shop there. Surprisingly, she didn't buy anything, but did come away with some good ideas for her stash.

While we were in Rockford, we made a short visit to their river-walk, but quickly turned back to the car as the wind made it feel much colder than the sun made it appear. The first day of spring yesterday was chilly, to say the least. We drove past the site of the Corner Bar in Rockford to note that not much progress has been made in their rebuilding since a fire devastated the building nearly one year ago. We don't believe that they will be ready for the tourist season there.

On the way home, we stopped at the grocery outlet in Coopersville, MI to pick up a few items. We selected some garlic bulbs grown by the Amish farmers of the area and also some green peppers and canned goods. In addition, we picked up a package of whole-wheat spaghetti noodles that weighs 10 pounds and should last us for the next year, if not longer.

Finally, a stop at our favorite watering hole on the other side of the bridge in Spring Lake, MI, Stan's. In addition, we reminded ourselves that since we will be in town on Saturday night, that we could make the appearance of Max and Ruth Blomquist at Seven Steps Up in Spring Lake. Mary purchased tickets on line when we got home

For dinner, Mary tried a new recipe for vegan pasta with some of the faux chicken I'd made the other day. I liked the final product, but we both agreed that our aging palates needed more spice. Next time, Mary plans to add some pepper flakes which should be all that is required to make the recipe perfect. 

I almost forgot to mention that we had dropped Ginger at daycare before we left town. She likes it there when she doesn't have to be bathed or groomed. We had hoped to get that done for her yesterday, but they were fully booked. She doesn't know it yet, but she'll be going back today.

I'll be peeling apples for applesauce today while Ginger is out and Mary is at her hair appointment. Ginger won't like it, but she needs to be groomed so that she can look her best.

We have a current temperature of 29° according to my DTWS. The NWS is forecasting a high for today of 42° with mostly cloudy skies. Thursday, the high will only reach 40°, but the sun will be shining brightly.  The sun will rise this morning @ 7:46 a.m. and set later today @ 7:58 p.m. Ciao.

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