Saturday, November 18, 2017

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City."

In keeping with my usual format, I will start with the latest weather report. We have a current temperature of 45° with rain occurring on and off all night @ 40%. Later today, the rains will continue @ 100% and the temperature will remain @ 45°. The sun will rise later this morning @ 7:41 a.m. and set later today @ 5:17 p.m.

Yesterday, Ginger and I did some trainspotting. At around 8:30 a.m., we heard the train roll through towing what I imagine was a long string of cars. However, while Ginger observed the entire train as it passed, she was unable to tell me more. The length of the train is based on my personal experience as a trainspotter who spotted from a comfortable spot on the bed. I was able to lie there for about one hour and then I had to give up and return to my chair in the media room. However, I think I am improving overall. I am eight days post steroid injection, so I have another two weeks to go before the full effects will be felt.

But I digress. I was able to spot the northbound run of the train @ 1:10 p.m.and with Ginger's help, I can tell you that locomotive #2019 rolled past on the RSTL towing two CHCs, three, DBTCs, and six DWTCs, with three of those having red, noncorrosive stripes painted around their mid-sections. Also worthy of note is that Ginger probably feels vindicated when she barks post-train passage. She must be certain that her barking made the train go away, just as she planned.

Mary and I traveled to the grocery store yesterday and I returned the cans that Mary loathes returning. However, the store itself was a disaster as the trash bins were overflowing, the can redemption machines were partially out of order, and the shopping carts were all in the parking lot. Let's just say that the store's condition is a far cry from what it was after it was remodeled two years ago when they had a huge staff on hand and everything was perfect. I know that Mary hates going to the big-box everything store, but it is no worse than the current state of the regular store that she prefers.

Before we traveled to the grocery store, I made more of the vegan sausages yesterday and they turned out great.

Sports news is limited at this time of year. Adam clued me into the NIU Huskies game against the Western Michigan Broncos. The Huskies defeated the Broncos 35 - 31 and their next opponent is the Chippewas of Central Michigan on Friday, November 24 @ 11:00 a.m. Then the Huskies play in the MAC Championship game on December 2, @ 11:00 a.m. Their opponent has yet to be determined.

The MSU Spartans fell hard last week in a game against the Buckeyes of Ohio State, 3 - 48. That means that bowl games may be offered, but a shot @ the national championship no longer exists. The Spartans are home today to play the Terrapins of Maryland @ 4:00 p.m.

Speaking of the Terrapins, the Wolverines of Michigan pummeled them last week, 35 - 10. Today, the Wolverines face the Badgers of Wisconsin @ 12:00 The Badgers are for real and the Wolverines will have their hands full.

A perfect segue to my activities for today. I plan to have Mary drop me at the library for the Irish Jam session @ 1:00 p.m. I changed the strings on Abagael yesterday and she is ready to go and sounding great. I have been working on a few new songs to sing while I am there.

I am nearly done with my book club read, Ali, and then I can get on to some other books for pleasure reading. I enjoyed the Ali book, but I am ready for some pulp-fiction. Mary will be doing something crafty now that the Christmas tree skirt is done. Ciao.

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