An extra special good morning or good evening wherever you may be. It is now just after 4:30 a.m. in "The City."
As promised, I had to create this extra blog to encompass all of the pictures from yesterday's car show. I have chosen to place them in categories or themes for my personal enjoyment, and I hope, yours too.
The show took place in the shadow of the Ottawa County Courthouse on Washington Ave and 5th. St. |
These first pictures are in one of my themes..
There were more, but these are a nice selection.
Next, the Camaro/Firebird/Vega section in homage to my own 69 SS and its Pontiac Camaro derivatives.
A Chevy Vega with a Big-Block Chevy engine. |
Very much like my own 69. |
A Pontiac Firebird derivative. |
The Chevrolet Nova on the right lent its platform to the Camaro.Firebird. |
In another homage, here are some pictures of vintage vehicles.
For Mary's dad, a 1950 Willy's Jeep. |
For my dad, a Crosley in its original condition. Crosleys were made in the U.S.A. by a one-time owner of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team, Powell Crsley Jr. Crosleys were manufactured from 1939 to 1942 when WWII halted production, Production resumed in 1946 until the last ones were produced in 1952. The Crosley was a low-priced car intended to get good mileage. My dad always said that he wanted to use a Crosley driveline to make a lawn tractor. He never did. |
For Dave and Lisa |
For Adam, a rare AMC Gremlin X. Adam has an affinity for "Orphan Cars." |
For Mary |
All in all, a great show that was well attended on a beautiful day in "The City."
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