Yesterday morning, Sugar the Weather Dog, Mary, and I went on safari to the farmer's market. Some eggs, tomatoes, and lettuce came home with us. We picked up the Grand Haven Tribune Saturday/Sunday edition on the way back. Once home, Mary went back to work, and I returned to laundry duty. It is all done and put away. In the afternoon, Mary went walkabout to see the various art displays that are part of Art Walk 2014. She took numerous pictures, and they will be available in a future edition of her blog. When the time comes, I'll let you know where to look.
While I was in the lower level of the palatial estate, I put the storm window in the downstairs bedroom. I used that bedroom during my recuperation last winter, and the screen did not provide much protection from the cold. I just have to seal the window for the winter.
I also spent some time in the kitchen. I finished making the Cajun chickpeas that I started the other night. Since I had also harvested the kale from the garden, I decided to combine it with the potatoes we had in the larder. I found a recipe for a modified version of Irish Colcannon. Interestingly enough, as an aside, the spell check in my word processing program doesn't know the word Colcannon. At any rate, this recipe used kale instead of cabbage. Since I am now bereft of kale, I'll switch to cabbage and add the onions that are usually called for in Colcannon recipes. My culinary skills are growing by leaps and bounds.
Mary came down from working and we shared the Colcannon for lunch. What we didn't eat, Mary packaged up for Sally at the Post. Then Mary went on her Art Walk walkabout while I finished the laundry and that window. I'm up to page 273 in my highlighting duties, so I think I can take today off to spend time in the "Bone Zone" with Abby and the oldies station. Mary will have to work.
In sports, the boys in blue tried to win their third in a row over the Brewers. Alas, they lost 1 - 2. The Brewers won't make the playoffs this year after getting off to a hot start. My beloved Red Sox lost another to the Yankees, 4 - 10. The Tigers were crushed by the Twins, 3 - 12.
The Wolverines of Michigan were soundly defeated by the Utes of Utah, 10 - 26. The MSU Spartans soundly defeated the Wyoming Cowboys, 56 - 14. Wisconsin soundly defeated South Florida, 27 - 10 to hold on to their Big 10 lead.
That looks like enough for today. The sun will rise at 7:35 a.m.,and set at 7:32 p.m. Ciao.
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