Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be in the world or the universe, or at least in "The City." It is just past 5:30 a.m. and the current temperature is 54°, coincidentally the low that was forecast for this early morning. The temperature is expected to rise to the lower 70s today, tomorrow, and the day after that. By Tuesday, there is a 50% chance of showers. So with that in mind, I watered on Saturday morning.
Yesterday was the final day of Coast Guard Festival 2014™. Naturally, we had to go over to the barbershop to see the parade and I have some pictures to share Mary has some too, which she will share in future blogs. The weather was superb, the parade was great, and the fireworks later were spectacular. In short, what's not to like?
After walking Sugar the Weather Dog first thing, I came home to find Mary struggling with her deviled eggs. I would go so far as to say that they were giving her a devil of a time. It seems as though the eggs wouldn't get hard boiled. Once, twice, three times and then voila, they were done. With a quick mix of ingredients, she crafted the deviled eggs, transferred then to the serving tray, and we were off to the Grand Parade. The eggs quickly vanished at the gathering. We listened to Lew Russ serenade the crowd and then it was time for the parade. Many dignitaries, many floats, lots of local high school bands, the Coast Guard Pipe Band, and lots of handouts for the children. What's not to like? A few pictures right now seem in order.
Every parade needs a cow. |
The Coast Guard Pipe Band. |
Adam would say that all parades need Mustangs, so the Mustang club obliged. |
Just in case you didn't know. |
Coast Guard dignitaries. |
A great local pizza restaurant. |
Other pictures have too many "small people" to include on my blog, sorry.
In sports, the boys in blue went back to their old ways, losing to the Dodgers 2 - 5. My beloved Red Sox fell to the Yankees, 4 - 6. The Tigers crushed the Rockies, 11 - 5. Unfortunately, the Caps fell to the Ft. Wayne Tin Caps, 0 - 6.
In other news, our neighbor got the wall torn down in the back forty. A little masonry repair, and a new fence, and he will have it all done. It already looks better. I think Mary took some pictures. Once home, it was time to have dinner and then fall asleep, at least for me. Mary got me up later so that I could view the culminating fireworks display. Eat your hearts out SoHa, but I think that these fireworks were probably better. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands, flocked to our little city for the final day of the festival and then stayed for the fireworks extravaganza. When the fireworks were over, Mary and I retreated to our front porch to watch the exodus from our city. The people were wonderful, no horns were honked, and no problems occurred during the nearly one and one half hour mass exodus. We hope the people can make it again next year for the 2015 Coast Guard Festival™.
Today, a walk with Sugar the Weather Dog, who unsurprisingly spent some time in her hide-e-hole last night as the fireworks roared. Also some time to read the newspaper and play the girls. That's about it. The sun will be rising shortly at 6:35 a.m. and setting later at 9:01 p.m. Mary has to get to work on her latest project and I have to finish my last bowlful of Kellogg's Cornflakes™. The Kellogg company has a Michigan heritage. Ciao.
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