I knew it, someone has been at this keyboard again. I don't know who, but if I'm extra vigilant, I'll figure it out. It can't be Mary or Sugar the Weather Dog, because they are both sound asleep. Still there is this tell tale trail of white hair, so there must be clue in that, if I can just figure out where I've seen that hair color before. Mary got me this new window mounted thermometer, and if it stays stuck to the glass, it should provide some good readings of the actual temperatures right outside of my office window. Right now it shows 46 degrees while the desktop display shows 52 degrees. I like to think that the one on the window is the "real" temperature right outside, but I'll continue to track the two and make comparisons. I did some additional highlighting this morning, and I am up to page 314, so I am just past the 60% done point. I finished what I started this afternoon, when Mary reminded me that I said I would go downtown with her to see the newest exhibit at the Tri-Cities Museum. It was about Middle-Eastern and Asian art forms and it was great. We also saw some of their medical exhibits, and they were cool too. However, in the holiday go home early spirit, the staff was turning off the lights right behind us. We then went to our favorite watering hole, drank too much and had our usual food choices. We like many things, but why change when you really like something? Then, we stumbled home, sticking mostly to Washington's better lit sidewalks until we got home. I thought that this being Thanksgiving, I'd mention some of the things for which I am thankful. First and foremost, there is Mary. I never tell her how much I love her, and I need to do that more. I am thankful that she was there for me when I had all that surgery over the last two years. I am thankful that she is there to help me get home when it gets dark, both literally and figuratively. I am thankful for her for Adam, the best son a man could ever want. He is a good man. By extension, I am thankful for Stephany. She is a delight and I love her like I love Adam. I am thankful for Sugar the Weather Dog, even though she is an expensive adopted child. To paraphrase a former secretary of defense, "You don't always come home with the dog you went out to get." She may not be a bulldog, but she is the "Right Dog," to paraphrase another political wannabe. She is just the right size, or at least she will be if I don't give in to her begging and make her the right size again. I am thankful for this town. As Mary and I often say, this was a righteous decision. Most of all, I am thankful for the good fortune that has come our way in general. While there have been some setbacks, it has been mostly good. So, before I get more maudlin, I'll just say, "Happy Thanksgiving to all." Oh, I didn't want to forget to say thanks to all of our service men and women and to all of the veterans of all the wars that this country has fought in over the years. Ciao and I'll see you at...Tea time. I'll close with some pictures. I don't have any of Mary or Adam and Steph on my computer, so you will have to get by with these.
Part of the attraction of Grand Haven
See what I mean about being cute?
This is what I don't want Sugar the Weather Dog to look like
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