Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Friday, January 27, 2023
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Terrific! |
In addition, she took another suggestion and made tofu cubes in the air-fryer and added those to garlic and olive oil spaghetti noodles for dinner. Sadly, I am now all out of suggestions.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Monday, January 23, 2023
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 4:45 a.m. in "The City", where the skies are cloudy/rainy, with the NWS forecasting that the rain should end soon. However, the rain may return later in the day.
The current temperature is 46°, although it feels more like 40° with strong winds out of the southwest
@ 13 mph. The NWS has also continued that Small Craft Advisory until 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, with wind speeds from 10 - 20 knots and possible gusts up to 25 knots producing waves up to six feet in height from St. Joseph to Manistee.
It looks like we are about to enter the "Real" January, with colder temperatures, snow showers, and more winter-like weather conditions.
The sun will rise this morning @ 8:12 a.m. and set later @ 5:37 p.m.
I was excited to hear that once again, Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers went down to defeat, this time at the hands of the Dallas Cowboys, 14 - 31. I am so tired of Tom Brady. Face it folks, while he is only 45 years of age, he is no longer the wunderkind of his youth, and he no longer has the support of his previous offensive line nor his coach in New England. Nuff said.
Given that it is now Tuesday, and the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is in the rearview mirror, I'd like to add a few words of my own regarding the legacy of that great man.
He would have been the first to tell you that he was just a man, albeit a flawed man, one who had no superpowers. However, his message about what mankind needs to do to be more open and accepting, to be truly egalitarian, transcends the few words that the politicians, especially those on the wrong side of the aisle, like to quote.
Dr. King knew that the "Arc of the Moral Universe is long, but it bends towards justice." He said those words knowing that the journey had already been long and that it would be longer still. He knew that until all men and women could enjoy the freedoms promised in the Constitution, that no woman or man would ever be truly free.
Dr. King's life cannot be distilled down to a few quoted words, nor can he be consigned to a place for men who said much but did little. He needs to be placed high atop his proverbial mountaintop and his words taken in their entirety. He was a man who embraced peaceful resistance, a man who fought for a world without war, a man who prophesized his own death, and a man who put us in a path that we need to follow.
So, on this post MLK Jr. day, let us renew the promises and pledges made by our slaveholding forefathers in the Constitution, and let freedom ring from the mountaintops, the halls of our capitol, and in every city and town in this country, let us be sure to follow the words left by Dr. King and "Let freedom ring!"
An endnote.
I had an epiphany recently that my baby, Sugar the Weather Dog, had visited me and left me with a few thoughts.
We both knew it was her time to go, and she said, "I thank you for letting me go even though it hurt you so much." "It hurt me too." "I left you in good paws, with my little sister, Ginger." "Take care of yourselves and be sure to take extra special care of Ginger." She was and is a very special little sister and a very special part of our family." Ciao.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
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Terrific contrasts between the water, the clouds in the sky, and the empty docks. |
Otherwise, we are mostly staying indoors, reading, working crossword puzzles, solving crypto quotes, cross-stitching, and recuperating.
Monday, January 9, 2023
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 4:25 p.m. in "The City."
The skies are cloudy, and the current temperature is 34° with light snow falling across the Tri-Cities area. It feels more like 28° with a slight wind out of the east @ seven mph. The NWS has forecast that snow to end @ 5:00 p.m.
Tomorrow's sunrise will be @ 8:16 a.m. with sunset @ 5:25 p.m.
We got back from P/T @ 3:15 p.m. and while it was grueling, I am making progress and that feels good. I have good range of motion in my new knee and my therapist, Eric, feels I am doing better than expected. That's allowed me to progress using my new quad cane to walk around the manse more and use my walker less. What's not to like?
Otherwise, not much is happening around here. I am still grateful for Mary's above and beyond assistance with my basic needs. I guess I expected that the replacement of my knee would be a trying experience, but I'd never have done this well without Mary.
When we go to P/T, I am now able to get myself into and out of the car by myself, something I was unable to do in the first two weeks. Once again, what's not to like?
On one sense, winter is a good time for joint replacement, with the exception of the snow and ice, I have no need to be out of the manse with the exception of the P/T appointments. I'm good with that. Mary has to take Ginger for walks, but when the only weather-related issues are cold temperatures, she doesn't mind those safaris.
I hope to return to a more regular blog schedule in the near future, but at some point, in March, I'll be out of circulation once again when my right knee is replaced. We have summer plans, so I should be good to go by then.
My camera awaits, as do my easel, my paints, and my colored pencils, which are calling out to me. That's not to mention a need to bake some cookies. I have plans to live many more years and so some pain now will make those years better.
That looks like enough for today. Ciao.
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Hello again everyone, I'm back!
I'll begin, as always, by saying:
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 6:00 p.m. in "The City."
Yes, my loyal readers, I've been out of the blogosphere for a couple of weeks due to much-needed knee replacement surgery on my left knee. The surgery and the ensuing recovery and rehab have not been pleasant experiences, but the pain in my knee was not a pleasant experience either.
I saw the surgeon today and my prognosis is excellent. I have more rehab to go and one more knee replacement sometime in March. But once I am past that, I'll be even more bionic and ready to walk pain free for the first time in several years.
I have to thank Mary for her love and steadfast devotion to my care. She has always been our chief cook and bottle washer, but in the past, I've been able to assist with the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Now, all of those things and my post-surgical care, including chauffeuring me to P/T, have fallen on her shoulders. She has done great, and for that I will be eternally grateful. To paraphrase Eric Segal in Love Story, love means being there for someone when they are in need. Mary has been my love, my best friend, and my rock for nearly 50 years.
In addition, most of you may know that in West Michigan, we had a blizzard over the Christmas weekend that made history and also made getting to rehab sessions very difficult in the ensuing days. Mary also made those visits possible too.
Just because I can, I am going to include what little I know about sports.
Last Saturday, the Wolverines of Michigan dropped a game to the Horned Frogs of TCU to end the Wolverines season with one loss and no college championship. As Wolverines' QB, J. J. McCarthy said in a post-game interview, "We'll be back!" Here's hoping.
Last Sunday, the Detroit Lions took the Chicago Bears to the woodshed and kept the Lions slim playoff hopes alive. Of course, the Lions defeated a mediocre Bears squad, so...
I can't predict how often I'll be blogging, but I can predict that I'll be here as often as possible.
Mostly, I've been watching movies on Hallmark and sleeping.
I think that's enough for my first blog of 2023. Ciao.