Thursday, December 30, 2021
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Monday, December 27, 2021
The calm before the storm. |
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just passing 10:30 p.m. in "The City." A current temperature of 33° feels more like 26° with the wind directly out of the north @ nine mph. It was a bit cooler today than yesterday, but tomorrow will be a little warmer as we rise to the forecast high temperature of 38° before dropping to the overnight low temperature of 31° The sun will rise tomorrow @ 8:15 a.m. and set later 5:15 p.m. There are no alerts in the forecast at this time.
We had a great Christmas today. We didn't get up too early, and then we came down to find our stockings filled with goodies for ourselves and the fur-children. They each got a new toy to play with and a dental bone to chew. I got two new journals, and I also received an adult coloring book of flowers for my winter enjoyment. Plus, Mary cross-stitched a bookmark that depicts the various crew members of the Starship Enterprise. As you may know, you don't want to be one of the red shirt-wearing crew members who beam down with Captain Kirk. Mary got a dragon snow-globe for her desk.
In case you feel a need to forget, the 2 - 11 - 1 Detroit Lions are in Atlanta tomorrow to play the 6 - 8 Falcons @ 1:00 p.m. The almost as terrible, 4 - 10 Chicago Bears visit Seattle tomorrow to play the 5 - 9 Seahawks @ 4:05 p.m. Is it any wonder that I like to watch Hallmark Channel™ movies versus watching the ineptitude that is passing for professional football? That doesn't even factor in the decimation being caused in all professional sports by the Covid-19 virus.
Speaking of football, the MI Wolverines will be playing in the Orange Bowl versus the Georgia Bulldogs on Friday, December 31, 2021, @ 7:30 p.m. The MSU Spartans are slotted into the Peach Bowl versus the Pitt Panthers the day before, December 30, 2021, @ 7:00 p.m.
But back to today here at the manse. We had a nice brunch of one of my favorites, vegan hot dog wraps with a side of cheezy broccoli, and then we each retired to our corners to take advantage of the sunlight for painting and cross-stitching. Mid-afternoon, we took the fur-children for a short walkabout. I came home to the manse and fell asleep as Mary once again repaired to her office for more cross stitching before she prepared our dinner repast of hammish with baked potatoes and for me, another of my personal faves, Ocean Spray™ jellied cranberry sauce.
While we ate, we finished watching Love Actually. Then I came up to fall asleep in the media room before traveling to my own office for this blog.
Tomorrow, we have no specific plans and that's fine with me. I may or may not do some indoor chores, I hope to paint more and play music too. Mary is nearly finished with the cross-stitch project she plans to frame. Otherwise, it looks like an average day here on the Palatial Estate. Ciao.
Friday, December 24, 2021
The skies were overcast, but I think this shot turned out fine. |
As did this pic. |
A slightly different angle. |
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 11:00 p.m. in "The City." Our current temperature, per my DTWS, is 43°, while the NWS is broadcasting 39° under cloudy skies. In addition, the "Real Feel" temperature, per the NWS, is 36° with a wind out of the south @ four mph. There are no watches, advisories, alerts, or warnings in effect at this time.
Tomorrow's high temperature is forecast by the NWS to be 49°, which is 11° warmer than today. For December 24, I'll take it! Unfortunately, the NWS is also forecasting a 59% chance for showers tomorrow too, so that will put the proverbial damper on the last shopping day before Christmas. In fact, the temperature on Christmas Day is forecast to reach only 42°, albeit with only a 39% chance for more showers.
The sun will rise tomorrow @ 8:13 a.m. and set tomorrow evening @ 5:16 p.m. Can spring be far behind? Spring officially begins with the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2022. So, I guess that means that it is only about 7 1/2 weeks away. In addition, assuming that the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockout in baseball don't put an end to the 2022 baseball season, the pitchers and catchers will report to spring training beginning on or about February 15, 2022. Here's hoping, because, "Baseball is life!
Earlier this afternoon, Mary and Ginger went for a walkabout in Duncan Woods before going to the big-box nearly everything store. However, sometimes they don't have everything we want at the big-box nearly everything store, but that's a story for another day.
At any rate, while Mary and Ginger were walking, I took STWD for a short sojourn, and then I came back to do very little. Also while Mary and Ginger were walking, they missed a turn on their chosen path and ended up in Lake Forest Cemetery, which is adjacent to Duncan Woods. Our Senior Staff Photographer took the following photo, the only photo available for this blog.
Near the Columbarium at Lake Forest Cemetery. |
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Prior to the Small Craft Advisory, the lake was relatively calm. |
I'd have missed this gull against the cloudy sky if Mary hadn't pointed it out to me. |
The sun was mostly obscured at about 3:30 p.m. this afternoon. |
The beach was deserted with the cold air temperatures. |
The snowmaking machines were the only snowstorm in our area today. |
There were two machines at work today. |
How long will the snow last? |
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just past 6:15 a.m. in "The City." I'm going to keep this one short, just like the fuse that the woeful 4 - 10 Chicago Bears displayed last night versus the almost as bad 7 - 7 Minnesota Vikings in yet another loss for the Bears, 9 - 17. Were the Bears jobbed by the Zebras? Yes, but they probably could have been worse.
I should have watched more of the 2 - 11 - 1 Detroit Lions win over the 10 - 4 AZ Cardinals last Sunday, 30 - 12. Every Lions win diminishes the chance of a good position in the NFL draft, assuming there is a next season and a draft with the Covid-19 pandemic seemingly never-ending.
We have a current temperature of 26° that feels like 22° under clear skies with a wind out of the west @ three mph. Today's high temperature after sunrise @ 8:11 a.m. and well before sunset @ 5:14 p.m. will be 41° with winds developing that may reach 20 - 30 mph!
That forecast goes hand in hand with the NWS forecast that includes a Small Craft Advisory from St. Joseph to Manistee from 1:00 p.m. this afternoon until 7:000 p.m. tomorrow night. Wind speeds of 15 - 25 knots with possible gusts up to 30 knots will propel waves up to eight feet.
I made more of my vegan Italian sausages yesterday afternoon after a short sojourn with STWD and Mary, who had just returned from dropping Ginger for her appointment @ the groomer. Ginger came back later looking beautiful and clean and mary went to the eye doctor to retrieve her new glasses, one pair of which had to be reordered due to fit and focus issues. Otherwise, I tried to be as inert as possible.
I did more reading from our shared book with Mary who is awaiting her latest shipment of cross stitching floss which should arrive before the end of the week.
In short, I didn't accomplish much and that's just fine with me.
I have my first of five knee treatments this afternoon and that is just a blip in what promises to be an uneventful day and week. That's all folks. Ciao.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
These swans must overwinter somewhere here in GH. |
There was a huge bevy or flock of swans on the lake. |
I shot this one because I was there and I could capture all of the waterfowl as they swam side by side. |
The ducks on Duck Pond. |
One of the trails we were following had a large branch across most of the path due to the recent high winds. |
I was trying to capture a shot through the cattails along the shore of Duck Pond. I like how this one turned out. |
As we walked back to the manse, I took this shot from a different angle. |
To paraphrase the Munchkins, "He's really most sincerely dead!" |
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Monday, December 13, 2021
Duncan Woods is left to nature as much as possible. |
Great shadows. |
Ginger loves walking and sniffing in the woods. |
I'm always amazed by the quality of the pix from a Smart Phone. |
Saturday, December 11, 2021
It must have been a cold and short ride for the bride and groom. |
I like how this shot of the sky came out with the buildings in the foreground. |
During that on-line photo seminar I watched the other day, I learned more about the importance of a frame for shots. Here is the result of my efforts earlier today. |
Same shot and distance, but with less telephoto effect. |
By late today, the sky had mostly cleared. |
But the winds quickly moved in more clouds. |
This casserole was very tasty and words cannot describe how good it was for dinner. |
Otherwise, I mostly spent my day reading from the biography of Lady Bird Johnson I've previously referenced, doing a crossword puzzle, and reading from the Adam Schiff book, Midnight in Washington, which we are sharing. Mary continued to cross-stitch and listen to her book along with that great dinner preparation. She is back at the cross-stitching and book listening downstairs right now.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Sunday, December 5, 2021
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Note the intricate cross-stitch pattern and the use of myriad colors of floss. |