Good Morning, wherever you may be. It is just past 7:00 a.m. in "This City." The sun has already risen at 6:39 a.m and it will set later at 5:24 p.m. after a sunny day and a high temperature of 68°. As of now, the forecast calls for temperatures in the upper 60s or the lower 70 s until Wednesday. Unfortunately rain is also in the forecast. Oh well, enough doom and gloom.
Yesterday was another beautiful day in the Panhandle of Florida. 71° and sunny skies. By mid-afternoon, I was able to don my summer uniform and head to the deck with Mary, STWD, and a book.
Prior to that, Mary dropped me off at the music store for that Ukulele lesson and a meeting of the Ukulele Society. I enjoyed both. I will have Mary drop me off for the balance of the Saturdays that we are here for the Ukulele jam.
Otherwise, we took a long walk with the intrepid weather dog and hope to repeat that this morning after watching some TV. I also plan to start the day in my summer uniform, as the temperature is already in the lower 60s as we head for today's high of 68°.
So much to do, so little time.
Enough, I need to get on with my day. Hope the reno is going well for Steph and Adam. Ciao
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "This City."
It looks like today will be the day that all the good weather comes together at the same time. The current temperature of 49° will give way to a high of 68 sunny degrees by mid afternoon. I thought yesterday was beautiful, and it was, but today promises to be even more so. The sun will rise at 6:42 a.m. and set at 5:24 p.m.
I have plans to take Winnie back to her home store to participate in a free lesson session that the store offers on Saturday mornings. That lasts one hour and then there is a Ukulele jam session for advanced players. All of this information is per the store's website, so here's hoping. I'm open to anything.
Mary will drop me off and then do some errands that she has planned. A stop at the library, the health food coop, and the Palafox Market are currently on the agenda. Naturally, STWD will be walked before we leave, so we'll have to get up early in order to accomplish all of our goals.
Speaking of the intrepid weather dog, she is doing better on her new antihistamine. She's still shedding, but that is no more than the regular shedding that she normally does. She seems less lethargic and more willing to take a long walk again.
Mary created another version of her soon to be famous roast vegan beast, mushroom gravy, and some Cole slaw. She wasn't entirely satisfied with the roast. I think some Teriyaki Sauce might be just what it needs, The Cole slaw was her best effort so far. As I've said before, all recipes are just suggestions to Mary. Therefore, I am making the suggestion for the Teriyaki Sauce.
Yesterday afternoon, we spent some time at the beach, both together and then later, I went down by myself. I took some pictures to give the flavor of the day's activities. Plus, the deck beckoned me.
It looks like today will be the day that all the good weather comes together at the same time. The current temperature of 49° will give way to a high of 68 sunny degrees by mid afternoon. I thought yesterday was beautiful, and it was, but today promises to be even more so. The sun will rise at 6:42 a.m. and set at 5:24 p.m.
I have plans to take Winnie back to her home store to participate in a free lesson session that the store offers on Saturday mornings. That lasts one hour and then there is a Ukulele jam session for advanced players. All of this information is per the store's website, so here's hoping. I'm open to anything.
Mary will drop me off and then do some errands that she has planned. A stop at the library, the health food coop, and the Palafox Market are currently on the agenda. Naturally, STWD will be walked before we leave, so we'll have to get up early in order to accomplish all of our goals.
Speaking of the intrepid weather dog, she is doing better on her new antihistamine. She's still shedding, but that is no more than the regular shedding that she normally does. She seems less lethargic and more willing to take a long walk again.
Mary created another version of her soon to be famous roast vegan beast, mushroom gravy, and some Cole slaw. She wasn't entirely satisfied with the roast. I think some Teriyaki Sauce might be just what it needs, The Cole slaw was her best effort so far. As I've said before, all recipes are just suggestions to Mary. Therefore, I am making the suggestion for the Teriyaki Sauce.
Yesterday afternoon, we spent some time at the beach, both together and then later, I went down by myself. I took some pictures to give the flavor of the day's activities. Plus, the deck beckoned me.
We approached "Mother Ocean" by crossing this bridge. |
The motto here is "Leave only your footprints." |
What's a sunny day without my "Summer Uniform" , my dog, and a book? |
One thing about these new digital cameras. You can't always see what your pictures look like until later due to the glare. |
Once we return home, I look forward to another deck day. Sugar is always welcome and a book is always near at hand. I'll also find time for some additional crossword solving and newspaper reading. Ciao.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is nearing 4:00 a.m. in "This City."
Today's weather promises to be a delight. A current temperature of 43° that feels like 40°, will yield a sunny day with a high of 65°. We'll bounce around in the upper 60° range for the next several days, until a high of 71° is reached on Tuesday. Since that is a long range forecast, it is still iffy. I am hoping that the T-storms also predicted for that day are also iffy. I suspect that STWD would agree.
Speaking of the intrepid one, she had her doctor's visit yesterday. It seems that she is doing much better, but she still has to take a milder form of antihistamine while we are here. I also asked about what appears to be her seeming neediness lately. As the doctor said, "Pets do have feelings and when they don't feel right, they try to stay close to their humans for comfort, because they can't tell you how they feel." I can easily identify with that sentiment.
Mary and I made it to Pensacola yesterday. It was sunny, but the winds made the day feel on the cool side. But that's just an aside. Our first stop was at a place called Blues Angel Music, a store founded in 1997 by a former Navy fighter pilot and his wife, also a Navy veteran. My plan was just to touch some stings on one of their "Girls", but when Mary saw the joy on my face, she felt I should add another member to my little family. I thank her for her understanding and indulgence of my habit.
So, I hereby introduce you to "Winnie" and her "How To" book.
I am not sure what suggested her name, but Winnie she became and will be forevermore. The music store has a class on Saturday mornings for beginner Uke players, so I may have to go. What can I say, a lesson is a lesson.
Speaking of lessons, I tried to get copies made of the PDF lessons for my harmonicas, but I relearned something about copyright laws. The local store that I wanted to have print out the lessons couldn't, due to a healthy fear of the "Copyright Police." I understood.
We also made a stop at the French bakery and the cooperative grocery store before we headed home.
So, now I have a load of things to accomplish here on "The Beach." Editing and adding to my novel, trying to play the harmonica, learning to play the ukulele, and reading in general. I just thought I was busy at home.
Sad news in the music world, Paul Kantner, a co-founder of the San Francisco based band Jefferson Airplane, died at the age of 74. The late Dennis Hopper, the late Robin Williams, perhaps Grace Slick, another founding member of the Airplane, nobody knows for sure, famously said, "If you remember the 60s, you weren't there." I was there, and I do remember songs like White Rabbit, Somebody to Love, Wooden Ships, and Volunteer. Another blast from my youth has passed. Sigh.
The sun will rise at 6:41 a.m. and set at 5:22 p.m. Ciao.
Today's weather promises to be a delight. A current temperature of 43° that feels like 40°, will yield a sunny day with a high of 65°. We'll bounce around in the upper 60° range for the next several days, until a high of 71° is reached on Tuesday. Since that is a long range forecast, it is still iffy. I am hoping that the T-storms also predicted for that day are also iffy. I suspect that STWD would agree.
Speaking of the intrepid one, she had her doctor's visit yesterday. It seems that she is doing much better, but she still has to take a milder form of antihistamine while we are here. I also asked about what appears to be her seeming neediness lately. As the doctor said, "Pets do have feelings and when they don't feel right, they try to stay close to their humans for comfort, because they can't tell you how they feel." I can easily identify with that sentiment.
Mary and I made it to Pensacola yesterday. It was sunny, but the winds made the day feel on the cool side. But that's just an aside. Our first stop was at a place called Blues Angel Music, a store founded in 1997 by a former Navy fighter pilot and his wife, also a Navy veteran. My plan was just to touch some stings on one of their "Girls", but when Mary saw the joy on my face, she felt I should add another member to my little family. I thank her for her understanding and indulgence of my habit.
So, I hereby introduce you to "Winnie" and her "How To" book.
If she has strings, I can learn. |
I am not sure what suggested her name, but Winnie she became and will be forevermore. The music store has a class on Saturday mornings for beginner Uke players, so I may have to go. What can I say, a lesson is a lesson.
Speaking of lessons, I tried to get copies made of the PDF lessons for my harmonicas, but I relearned something about copyright laws. The local store that I wanted to have print out the lessons couldn't, due to a healthy fear of the "Copyright Police." I understood.
We also made a stop at the French bakery and the cooperative grocery store before we headed home.
So, now I have a load of things to accomplish here on "The Beach." Editing and adding to my novel, trying to play the harmonica, learning to play the ukulele, and reading in general. I just thought I was busy at home.
Sad news in the music world, Paul Kantner, a co-founder of the San Francisco based band Jefferson Airplane, died at the age of 74. The late Dennis Hopper, the late Robin Williams, perhaps Grace Slick, another founding member of the Airplane, nobody knows for sure, famously said, "If you remember the 60s, you weren't there." I was there, and I do remember songs like White Rabbit, Somebody to Love, Wooden Ships, and Volunteer. Another blast from my youth has passed. Sigh.
The sun will rise at 6:41 a.m. and set at 5:22 p.m. Ciao.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is fast closing on 2:30 a.m. in "This City." The forecast is correct, it's raining and according to that same forecast, that will continue until about 2:00 p.m. Unfortunately, STWD has her doctor's appointment at 9:00 a.m. today, when the rains are expected with a 60% chance.
The current temperature is 47°, but it feels like 40°. Naturally, we'll have cloudy skies until the rains finally stop completely at 3:00 p.m., when gray skies are gonna clear up, and the intrepid one can put on a happy face. Oops, I think Ethel Merman slipped in there for a second. That's when today's high of 57° will be reached. We are expecting clear skies and warmer temperatures for the nest few days.
Well, now you know some of our plans for today. The balance of the day will be devoted to taking a trip to Pensacola for a few things. Then home for an afternoon of nothing, my strength. I will do more reading, some contemplation, and that should round out the day nicely. I anticipate that Mary will knit a bit. A nice bit of alliteration, don't you think? My English 101 professor, Jack Dodds, would be proud.
The sun will rise at 6:42 a.m. and set at 5:22 p.m. Ciao.
The current temperature is 47°, but it feels like 40°. Naturally, we'll have cloudy skies until the rains finally stop completely at 3:00 p.m., when gray skies are gonna clear up, and the intrepid one can put on a happy face. Oops, I think Ethel Merman slipped in there for a second. That's when today's high of 57° will be reached. We are expecting clear skies and warmer temperatures for the nest few days.
Well, now you know some of our plans for today. The balance of the day will be devoted to taking a trip to Pensacola for a few things. Then home for an afternoon of nothing, my strength. I will do more reading, some contemplation, and that should round out the day nicely. I anticipate that Mary will knit a bit. A nice bit of alliteration, don't you think? My English 101 professor, Jack Dodds, would be proud.
The sun will rise at 6:42 a.m. and set at 5:22 p.m. Ciao.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "This City."
STWD is still feeling the effects of the antihistamine that she is taking for her allergies. She seems to almost be under the influence, so to speak. She does have an appointment to see her local doctor on Thursday, so we'll see what is what then.
The current temperature is 56°. We'll see 43° before we climb back to today's high of 56°. There is a 90% chance of rain this morning, so getting the intrepid one out in the morning's light will be problematical at best. Such was the case last night too. In fact, she is also reluctant to do her duty.
Elsewhere, we sat on the deck for a while yesterday afternoon and Sugar was unwilling to join us, except when a dog walked by with its human. Apparently, she can smell them, the dogs that is, for blocks, as she couldn't see nor hear their approach.
Mary and I walked to the local Holiday Inn™ for a quick afternoon snack. The rains held off and so the warm temperatures were a delight. We didn't accomplish much else, but there is always another day when you are retired.
Today, we'll attempt to accomplish something. We still have newspapers to read and I have more pages to read in the biography of Thomas Jefferson that I am now reading alone. Shared reading was proving too difficult.
We'll pick up today's newspapers if we get out this morning.
The sun is scheduled to rise at 6:42 a.m. and it will set at 5:20 p.m. Ciao.
STWD is still feeling the effects of the antihistamine that she is taking for her allergies. She seems to almost be under the influence, so to speak. She does have an appointment to see her local doctor on Thursday, so we'll see what is what then.
The current temperature is 56°. We'll see 43° before we climb back to today's high of 56°. There is a 90% chance of rain this morning, so getting the intrepid one out in the morning's light will be problematical at best. Such was the case last night too. In fact, she is also reluctant to do her duty.
Elsewhere, we sat on the deck for a while yesterday afternoon and Sugar was unwilling to join us, except when a dog walked by with its human. Apparently, she can smell them, the dogs that is, for blocks, as she couldn't see nor hear their approach.
Mary and I walked to the local Holiday Inn™ for a quick afternoon snack. The rains held off and so the warm temperatures were a delight. We didn't accomplish much else, but there is always another day when you are retired.
Today, we'll attempt to accomplish something. We still have newspapers to read and I have more pages to read in the biography of Thomas Jefferson that I am now reading alone. Shared reading was proving too difficult.
We'll pick up today's newspapers if we get out this morning.
The sun is scheduled to rise at 6:42 a.m. and it will set at 5:20 p.m. Ciao.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 3:30 a.m. in "This City." A current temperature of 51° will lead to reaching today's high of 65° by about 1:00 p.m. That 51° is the lowest we are expected to go this morning. Unfortunately, the forecast calls for a 60% chance of showers accompanied by possible T-storms. I know a certain weather dog who will not be happy.
Speaking of STWD, she is asleep on the bed. She has been more comfortable every day, so here's hoping. She has to go to her local doctor on Thursday morning. The pills she has left to ingest are antihistamines for her allergies. One of the side effects of those pills is lethargy, and the intrepid one has that in abundance. Her morning walks are always a challenge lately. Yesterday, something spooked her and sh wouldn't leave Mary's side in the kitchen. Unfortunately, since Sugar is our "Little Big Dog" i.e., a big do on short legs, she can easily trip Mary, however unintentionally.
We made it out to to the store yesterday after a short stop at the public library in Gulf Breeze. Fortunately, we understand that the local school libraries are well equipped to serve students, because the public library leaves something to be desired as a research location. Those stops were uneventful, and we followed up with a trip eastward along the southern coast of the Gulf Islands National Seashore. The scenery is beautiful. Finally a stop at the local watering hole and then home to hunker down for a few days to stay in and avoid the showers.
We'll go out later today with STWD, but that will be a short walk, depending on the precipitation.
Worthy of note, is that locally, we have seen gasoline prices as low as $1.75/gallon.
Today, we have plans to lie in bed until 11:00 a.m. Then, Mary has to chat, help me navigate my harmonica lesson site, and do more knitting. I'll work more crosswords, and read along with the aforementioned harmonica lessons. I believe that Mary's interest in The X-Files has been piqued or rekindled once again. I never got into that program. I'm not sure, but I believe that there is another episode on tonight. If that conflicts with my plans, I'll watch NCIS upstairs. I also did that last night for another show.
Otherwise, that's enough for one day. The sun will rise at 6:42 a.m. and set at 5:19 p.m. Once again, the sun will give way to that waning gibbous moon. Ciao.
Speaking of STWD, she is asleep on the bed. She has been more comfortable every day, so here's hoping. She has to go to her local doctor on Thursday morning. The pills she has left to ingest are antihistamines for her allergies. One of the side effects of those pills is lethargy, and the intrepid one has that in abundance. Her morning walks are always a challenge lately. Yesterday, something spooked her and sh wouldn't leave Mary's side in the kitchen. Unfortunately, since Sugar is our "Little Big Dog" i.e., a big do on short legs, she can easily trip Mary, however unintentionally.
We made it out to to the store yesterday after a short stop at the public library in Gulf Breeze. Fortunately, we understand that the local school libraries are well equipped to serve students, because the public library leaves something to be desired as a research location. Those stops were uneventful, and we followed up with a trip eastward along the southern coast of the Gulf Islands National Seashore. The scenery is beautiful. Finally a stop at the local watering hole and then home to hunker down for a few days to stay in and avoid the showers.
We'll go out later today with STWD, but that will be a short walk, depending on the precipitation.
Worthy of note, is that locally, we have seen gasoline prices as low as $1.75/gallon.
Today, we have plans to lie in bed until 11:00 a.m. Then, Mary has to chat, help me navigate my harmonica lesson site, and do more knitting. I'll work more crosswords, and read along with the aforementioned harmonica lessons. I believe that Mary's interest in The X-Files has been piqued or rekindled once again. I never got into that program. I'm not sure, but I believe that there is another episode on tonight. If that conflicts with my plans, I'll watch NCIS upstairs. I also did that last night for another show.
Otherwise, that's enough for one day. The sun will rise at 6:42 a.m. and set at 5:19 p.m. Once again, the sun will give way to that waning gibbous moon. Ciao.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "This City."
I can't decide which game was more thrilling yesterday. I rooted for the Broncos to win, and they did, 20 - 18. It was a steady workmanlike performance by Peyton Manning and the relentless Bronco's defense that put the team over the top and sent them on to Super Bowl 50™. I always like it when the Patriots lose. Nothing personal, well maybe just a little, I just like to see a team prevail that wasn't expected to be in the game. According to some, this is the year that the NFL™ will ditch the use of Roman Numerals for the Super Bowl. I always like it when the Patriots lose.
In the case of the Panthers win over the Cardinals that Panthers on to Super Bowl 50™, Cam Newton, like Joe Willie Namath and many of his Jets teammates did before Super Bowl III, backed up his talk with the seeming ability to move the football at will against the Cardinals. Sacks, picks, rushes, and TD tosses all contributed to the Panther's lopsided victory, 49 - 15, over the Cardinals.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Bulls win over the Cavaliers on Saturday night, 96 - 83. Of even more import though, spring is just around the corner, as pitchers and catchers report in later February. The Boys in Blue report to training camp on February 19, 2016, and my beloved Red Sox report one day earlier on February 18. The remodeled Detroit Tigers also report on that date. That's just a scant 24 days away my friends! I can't pin down the date, but I believe the Caps will go to camp sometime around those dates
Mary was busy futzing in the kitchen yesterday. The intrepid weather dog, in her role as STSD, was there to provide any assistance that she could. If it is sweet, or tasty,. Sugar is there. Mary made meals, vegan "ham", and snacks for the games.
Before the games yesterday, we traveled to Pensacola for a stop at the big-box electronics store to get an upgraded Blue Tooth™ speaker for our cell phone. This one was on sale, surprise, for one-half off. It sounds great and it has a purported battery life of 30 hours.
We walked on the beach of "The Beach" at half time of the Broncos-Patriots game. We picked up a large number of shells that had been stirred up by the activities of the sand harvesting that is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico.
Today, after the morning walk with STWD, we need to replenish our supplies at the local small box store in nearby Gulf Breeze. We don't need much, but the trip is necessary. Other than that, just reading yesterday's newspaper, today's newspapers, and doing the requisite crosswords, and knitting should consume our day.
The sun will rise at 6:43 a,m and set at 5:19 p.m. with a waning gibbous moon in the sky. The current temperature of 32° will move quickly upwards to 63° under sunny skies. Tomorrow, the high temperature will be 66° with rain in the forecast. Ciao.
I can't decide which game was more thrilling yesterday. I rooted for the Broncos to win, and they did, 20 - 18. It was a steady workmanlike performance by Peyton Manning and the relentless Bronco's defense that put the team over the top and sent them on to Super Bowl 50™. I always like it when the Patriots lose. Nothing personal, well maybe just a little, I just like to see a team prevail that wasn't expected to be in the game. According to some, this is the year that the NFL™ will ditch the use of Roman Numerals for the Super Bowl. I always like it when the Patriots lose.
In the case of the Panthers win over the Cardinals that Panthers on to Super Bowl 50™, Cam Newton, like Joe Willie Namath and many of his Jets teammates did before Super Bowl III, backed up his talk with the seeming ability to move the football at will against the Cardinals. Sacks, picks, rushes, and TD tosses all contributed to the Panther's lopsided victory, 49 - 15, over the Cardinals.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Bulls win over the Cavaliers on Saturday night, 96 - 83. Of even more import though, spring is just around the corner, as pitchers and catchers report in later February. The Boys in Blue report to training camp on February 19, 2016, and my beloved Red Sox report one day earlier on February 18. The remodeled Detroit Tigers also report on that date. That's just a scant 24 days away my friends! I can't pin down the date, but I believe the Caps will go to camp sometime around those dates
Mary was busy futzing in the kitchen yesterday. The intrepid weather dog, in her role as STSD, was there to provide any assistance that she could. If it is sweet, or tasty,. Sugar is there. Mary made meals, vegan "ham", and snacks for the games.
Before the games yesterday, we traveled to Pensacola for a stop at the big-box electronics store to get an upgraded Blue Tooth™ speaker for our cell phone. This one was on sale, surprise, for one-half off. It sounds great and it has a purported battery life of 30 hours.
We walked on the beach of "The Beach" at half time of the Broncos-Patriots game. We picked up a large number of shells that had been stirred up by the activities of the sand harvesting that is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico.
Today, after the morning walk with STWD, we need to replenish our supplies at the local small box store in nearby Gulf Breeze. We don't need much, but the trip is necessary. Other than that, just reading yesterday's newspaper, today's newspapers, and doing the requisite crosswords, and knitting should consume our day.
The sun will rise at 6:43 a,m and set at 5:19 p.m. with a waning gibbous moon in the sky. The current temperature of 32° will move quickly upwards to 63° under sunny skies. Tomorrow, the high temperature will be 66° with rain in the forecast. Ciao.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "This City." I'm hoping for short blog, so that I can return to my nice warm bed. Yeah, I know the length of this blog is totally within my control, but I've noticed that I all to often get verbose. But here goes.
Current temperature, 31°, the overnight low has been achieved.
Today's high, 52° under sunny skies.
Sunrise, 6:43 a.m. Sunset, 5:18 p.m. Moon, full.
Walk STWD, done.
Trip to Pensacola, done. Stop at bakery for a baguette, done. Stop at Palafox Market, done.
Stop at Hopjacks for lunch on a great veggie pizza, done.
Return safely to home, done.
Feed the intrepid weather dog and give her her pills, done.
Watch two movies on Hallmark Channel, done. Enjoy a sandwich made on the aforementioned baguette, done.
Eat Mary's Cole Slaw, done.
Watch SNL in bed, done. Fall asleep, done.
Plan to watch football playoffs after a walk with STWD, done.
Watch Mary futz in the kitchen, anticipated.
Sign off, almost. Ciao, done.
Current temperature, 31°, the overnight low has been achieved.
Today's high, 52° under sunny skies.
Sunrise, 6:43 a.m. Sunset, 5:18 p.m. Moon, full.
Walk STWD, done.
Trip to Pensacola, done. Stop at bakery for a baguette, done. Stop at Palafox Market, done.
Stop at Hopjacks for lunch on a great veggie pizza, done.
Return safely to home, done.
Feed the intrepid weather dog and give her her pills, done.
Watch two movies on Hallmark Channel, done. Enjoy a sandwich made on the aforementioned baguette, done.
Eat Mary's Cole Slaw, done.
Watch SNL in bed, done. Fall asleep, done.
Plan to watch football playoffs after a walk with STWD, done.
Watch Mary futz in the kitchen, anticipated.
Sign off, almost. Ciao, done.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 12:30 a.m. in "This City."
Yesterday, the weather improved greatly, although the winds blew and continue to blow at a high rate of speed. That means that STWD was very reluctant to go outside for any reason. I can't say as I blame her, but not going out is a luxury that she doesn't have.
At any rate, I mentioned the continuing winds and low temperatures, so I might as well place the actual weather conditions and the forecast here. We have a current temperature of 37° as we drop to the overnight low of 30°. Today, the forecast calls for the temperature to return to a high of 46° with sunny skies. Sunday the prognostication is for a high of 53°, also with sunny skies. Monday and Tuesday we'll see the mid sixties, with cloudy conditions on Monday and rain on Tuesday. In fact, the temperatures will fall into the fifties with rain also on predominating Wednesday and Thursday.
Yesterday, Mary did that batch cooking that I mentioned in my last blog. Good broth, and great tasting baked beans resulted. However, it is her opinion that the beans while tasty, were not done enough. This was a first time recipe, so apparently, more experimentation is necessary.
I spent part of my day reading after the morning walk with the intrepid one. In addition, our IT guru did an update on some software before Mary sat down to chat. I am still amazed that our IT guru lives in CA and can do those updates from 3,000 miles away.
We also got out to the local dollar store for some needed items. What should have been a short visit went horribly wrong when a recalcitrant computer terminal locked up on the cashier and one of the customers in line before us. It took the store manager to make an executive decision and pull the plug to get the computer to reboot. That usually works for me and it worked for her too. Then we were on our way home.
Today, we'll take the morning safari and then we plan to visit Pensacola for a quick perusal of the things for sale at the Palafox Market. Then another stop at the bakery before we return home to do nothing. Somewhere in there, Mary will be putting a pair of vegan "hams" into the Crockpot™ before we leave.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Sugar is feeling better, but she is not yet 100%. We're still having to fool her to get her pills down Or, is she fooling us? After the pill regimen is done, we'll visit her local doctor for a follow up exam. Here's hoping.
That looks like enough for one day. A full moon is visible in the night sky and the tides produced by that moon, are contributing to the erosion on the shores of the Atlantic in the Northeast. The weather front fueled by El Nino, that is causing the huge snow storms in D.C. is one of the contributing factors to our low temperatures and windy conditions. Ciao.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "This City."
Wow, did we have a storm last night. STWD was terrified and spent her time divided between the space next to the bed, her second favorite hide-e-hole in the closet, or her favorite hide-e-hole, the upstairs bathroom. Come to think of it, during the day yesterday, she did the same.
Last night we lost power for about 20 minutes. Much like where we lived in IL, it was isolated to a small portion of this neighborhood. Whatever line serves this part of the world, the power goes out when the wind blows.
Things have calmed down now, but the forecast for today calls for a high temperature of 48°, with high winds. In other words, Mary may want to take a long walk, which we couldn't do yesterday due to the rain, but today she and the intrepid one will be waving goodbye to me as they depart.
STWD had to be coaxed, physically, to accompany us yesterday morning. We had to walk extra distance to get her to do her duty. Then we returned home and she returned to her hide-e-hole.
Later today, I have plans to stay indoors and stay out of the weather. We tried to go out in the car yesterday, but the rain ruined those plans. Puddles, low visibility, and people driving without a clue, were more than we wanted to experience. Our original plans were to take in a movie, but that would have been a very wet experience.
Mary wants to do some batch cooking, and I believe that that would be a good idea. THe sun will rise at 6:44 a.m. and set at 5:16 p.m. Ciao.
Wow, did we have a storm last night. STWD was terrified and spent her time divided between the space next to the bed, her second favorite hide-e-hole in the closet, or her favorite hide-e-hole, the upstairs bathroom. Come to think of it, during the day yesterday, she did the same.
Last night we lost power for about 20 minutes. Much like where we lived in IL, it was isolated to a small portion of this neighborhood. Whatever line serves this part of the world, the power goes out when the wind blows.
Things have calmed down now, but the forecast for today calls for a high temperature of 48°, with high winds. In other words, Mary may want to take a long walk, which we couldn't do yesterday due to the rain, but today she and the intrepid one will be waving goodbye to me as they depart.
STWD had to be coaxed, physically, to accompany us yesterday morning. We had to walk extra distance to get her to do her duty. Then we returned home and she returned to her hide-e-hole.
Later today, I have plans to stay indoors and stay out of the weather. We tried to go out in the car yesterday, but the rain ruined those plans. Puddles, low visibility, and people driving without a clue, were more than we wanted to experience. Our original plans were to take in a movie, but that would have been a very wet experience.
Mary wants to do some batch cooking, and I believe that that would be a good idea. THe sun will rise at 6:44 a.m. and set at 5:16 p.m. Ciao.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "This City."
I thought I'd get the following out of the way before I continue.
The fictional character Andy Dufresne, in the movie Shawshank Redemption, put forth this idea to his close friend Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding, also a fictional character in that movie, "Get busy living, or get busy dying." My son shared those words with me when I was very ill a few years ago, and I still think they are on point. So, I urge everyone to follow Andy's advice. There, that's my foray into some fictional advice, that rings truer than some truths.
Yesterday was a nice day. The temperatures were comfortable, the skies mostly sunny in the afternoon, and STWD is feeling better. A man doesn't need much more than that. I should note that the weather front that will visit a huge amount of snowfall on the East Coast, was noticeable to the intrepid one, so she was reluctant to go for her morning safari. It took both Mary and me to get Sugar to go out, so I know she is feeling better, and thus had no overwhelming desire to go out.
I tried to start my harmonica lessons yesterday, but the website is not as user friendly as I'd like. In other words, it requires concentration to use, and that's not something I need when I am trying to learn something entirely new to me. Mary thinks she can help, so maybe I'm going to enlist her aid today, maybe.
We traveled to Pensacola yesterday to buy some things for STWD. We did meet our objective. In the process, we learned from the people at the hardware store, of a French style bakery in Pensacola, that makes artisan breads. We arrived just as they were closing and we got what we had been seeking, a loaf of bread with four ingredients, none of which requires a degree in chemistry to understand. Part of that loaf became dinner and it tasted as good as we'd hoped. We had despaired of ever finding a simple loaf of artisan bread in this area. Phew!
Right now, it is raining outside the southern WW. The current temperature is 59° as we drop to the overnight low of 52°, before we reach today's rainy high of 59°. Once again, getting our weather forecaster, Sugar, out for a walk will be a challenge. She likes to walk in the snow, but she isn't much on the wet kind of precipitation. Maybe a break will occur.
Otherwise, more reading, more music, and more retirement. Mary wanted to go to the farmer's market here on "The Beach", but with the rain it may not even take place. I'm reluctant to walk that far on a possibility myself, especially since we don't really need anything. Plus, our experience at the farmer's market in nearby Gulf Breeze, makes us wary.
The sun will rise in a few hours at 6:44 a.m. and set at 5:14 p.m. Ciao.
I thought I'd get the following out of the way before I continue.
The fictional character Andy Dufresne, in the movie Shawshank Redemption, put forth this idea to his close friend Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding, also a fictional character in that movie, "Get busy living, or get busy dying." My son shared those words with me when I was very ill a few years ago, and I still think they are on point. So, I urge everyone to follow Andy's advice. There, that's my foray into some fictional advice, that rings truer than some truths.
Yesterday was a nice day. The temperatures were comfortable, the skies mostly sunny in the afternoon, and STWD is feeling better. A man doesn't need much more than that. I should note that the weather front that will visit a huge amount of snowfall on the East Coast, was noticeable to the intrepid one, so she was reluctant to go for her morning safari. It took both Mary and me to get Sugar to go out, so I know she is feeling better, and thus had no overwhelming desire to go out.
I tried to start my harmonica lessons yesterday, but the website is not as user friendly as I'd like. In other words, it requires concentration to use, and that's not something I need when I am trying to learn something entirely new to me. Mary thinks she can help, so maybe I'm going to enlist her aid today, maybe.
We traveled to Pensacola yesterday to buy some things for STWD. We did meet our objective. In the process, we learned from the people at the hardware store, of a French style bakery in Pensacola, that makes artisan breads. We arrived just as they were closing and we got what we had been seeking, a loaf of bread with four ingredients, none of which requires a degree in chemistry to understand. Part of that loaf became dinner and it tasted as good as we'd hoped. We had despaired of ever finding a simple loaf of artisan bread in this area. Phew!
Right now, it is raining outside the southern WW. The current temperature is 59° as we drop to the overnight low of 52°, before we reach today's rainy high of 59°. Once again, getting our weather forecaster, Sugar, out for a walk will be a challenge. She likes to walk in the snow, but she isn't much on the wet kind of precipitation. Maybe a break will occur.
Otherwise, more reading, more music, and more retirement. Mary wanted to go to the farmer's market here on "The Beach", but with the rain it may not even take place. I'm reluctant to walk that far on a possibility myself, especially since we don't really need anything. Plus, our experience at the farmer's market in nearby Gulf Breeze, makes us wary.
The sun will rise in a few hours at 6:44 a.m. and set at 5:14 p.m. Ciao.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 5:00 a.m. in "This City."
The sun will be rising in just over one hour at 6:44 a.m. and then a scant 11 1/2 hours later, it will set at 5:14 p.m. In between, we'll move the marker off of the current temperature of 43° to today's high of 65 partly sunny degrees. It should be a good day to do nothing while sitting on the deck with STWD after lunch.
Otherwise, not much is on the agenda for today. No travel plans, no chores, and best of all, no need to do anything other than take the morning walk with the intrepid one.
Speaking of Sugar, this time I believe that she really is on the upswing. Much less scratching and much less shedding. She is sleeping soundly at the moment.
I have numerous crosswords to finish today in addition to those that come with today's newspapers. I am still determined to get to those harmonica lessons too. Since I didn't bring any of the girls with me, I have to learn a new instrument. Harmonicas are more portable and take up a lot less space, as does my tin whistle, which I also brought along.
We got another chapter read in our shared book about Thomas Jefferson, but we are behind. Maybe that can be part of the deck activities. Mary's knitting project appears to be going well, but only she knows for sure.
We are edging closer to spring, as pitchers and catchers report in late February. With the addition of a new outfielder and power hitter to the Tigers lineup, the pundits are saying that the team has a chance to contend again this year. In addition, the Tigers have a new radio home on WOOD out of GR. That's a station I can get on local radio at home.
That looks like enough for one day, so I'll say it. Ciao.
The sun will be rising in just over one hour at 6:44 a.m. and then a scant 11 1/2 hours later, it will set at 5:14 p.m. In between, we'll move the marker off of the current temperature of 43° to today's high of 65 partly sunny degrees. It should be a good day to do nothing while sitting on the deck with STWD after lunch.
Otherwise, not much is on the agenda for today. No travel plans, no chores, and best of all, no need to do anything other than take the morning walk with the intrepid one.
Speaking of Sugar, this time I believe that she really is on the upswing. Much less scratching and much less shedding. She is sleeping soundly at the moment.
I have numerous crosswords to finish today in addition to those that come with today's newspapers. I am still determined to get to those harmonica lessons too. Since I didn't bring any of the girls with me, I have to learn a new instrument. Harmonicas are more portable and take up a lot less space, as does my tin whistle, which I also brought along.
We got another chapter read in our shared book about Thomas Jefferson, but we are behind. Maybe that can be part of the deck activities. Mary's knitting project appears to be going well, but only she knows for sure.
We are edging closer to spring, as pitchers and catchers report in late February. With the addition of a new outfielder and power hitter to the Tigers lineup, the pundits are saying that the team has a chance to contend again this year. In addition, the Tigers have a new radio home on WOOD out of GR. That's a station I can get on local radio at home.
That looks like enough for one day, so I'll say it. Ciao.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Good afternoon. It is just past 2:15 P.M. in "This City."
The sun rose this morning at 6:45 a.m. and will set this evening at 5:13 p.m., after a sunny but cooler high of 52°. Tomorrow, the temperature is forecast to reach a zenith of 65° under partly cloudy skies. Thursday, the forecast calls for rain in the afternoon, with a projected high of 66°.
Yesterday was terrific day at Fort Pickens. It was also a free admission day. As always, I enjoy a visit to a fort of any type or description, and in this case I took numerous pictures. Here are just a few.
The sun rose this morning at 6:45 a.m. and will set this evening at 5:13 p.m., after a sunny but cooler high of 52°. Tomorrow, the temperature is forecast to reach a zenith of 65° under partly cloudy skies. Thursday, the forecast calls for rain in the afternoon, with a projected high of 66°.
Yesterday was terrific day at Fort Pickens. It was also a free admission day. As always, I enjoy a visit to a fort of any type or description, and in this case I took numerous pictures. Here are just a few.
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This 3 dimensional map can be viewed in the museum at Fort Pickens |
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This tower was built after WWII to use as a place for spotters to direct fire from one of two batteries located nearby. |
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Sometimes as with STWD, you have to sneak a picture of Mary. |
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One of the batteries for which the tower was built to spo. |
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This is a picture of a howitzer that sits atop the ramparts at the fort, The child is in the picture for perspective. |
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One of many cannons used to direct fire at enemy soldiers who came into the dry moat at the fort. I too am in the picture for perspective. |
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Like all forts of this period, circa 1834, this cannon was used to protect from enemy ships. |
Fort Pickens was obsolete before it was finished. A fort made of bricks, was no match for the weapons of modern warfare. In fact, the only action the Fort Pickens ever saw was during the American Civil War. The fort was built using over 12 billion bricks. This fort was once used to imprison American Indians in the late 1800s.
Other than that, we didn't do much after arising early to take the intrepid weather dog to see her local doctor. She is doing much better.
As you can tell, I got up late today and didn't get to this blog until the afternoon. Ciao.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "This City." The current temperature outside the temporary WW is 41°. We are expecting to feel the 32° overnight low until the sun rises at 6:45 a.m., when the temperature will once again begin its rise towards today's high of 55 sunny degrees. Tomorrow looks like a carbon copy of today.
Yesterday, STWD, Mary, and I took two safaris into the neighborhood. Sugar picked up a few burrs in her pads along the way, but down here, that's the norm.
Speaking of the intrepid one, she is still not 100%. She is experiencing some side effects from the medications she is taking, so we will be calling her local doctor later this morning for additional advice. I have some thoughts, but I am still waiting for my DVM degree to arrive in the mail, so I'll be asking questions of a real DVM.
Otherwise, not much was happening yesterday. Mary and I read the first pages in our shared biography of Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. by Jon Meacham and Edward Herrmann and so far, we are enjoying the read. We picked this book up a few years ago, but never found time to read it with the busy nature of our work schedule. In order to complete this book, we'll have to read two chapters per day.
Mary made lunch and dinner yesterday. Both were variations on the same theme, but I liked them equally. Mary's current incarnation of Cole Slaw, her modified recipe for tofu based cottage cheese, and her interpretation of vegan ham are delicious. She made the ham into a hot ham and vegan cheeses sandwich on a Hoagy style roll for me, and it tasted fine.
Our original plans for today called for us to visit nearby Fort Pickens, a relic of the American Civil War. In keeping with my penchant for saving money, today is a free admission day at all national parks. Sugar's health comes first, so those plans may need to be amended.
Other than that, more reading, more walking, and more chores will round out our day. We may also be making a trip to Sugar's local doctor.
The sun will set at 5:12 p.m. Ciao.
Yesterday, STWD, Mary, and I took two safaris into the neighborhood. Sugar picked up a few burrs in her pads along the way, but down here, that's the norm.
Speaking of the intrepid one, she is still not 100%. She is experiencing some side effects from the medications she is taking, so we will be calling her local doctor later this morning for additional advice. I have some thoughts, but I am still waiting for my DVM degree to arrive in the mail, so I'll be asking questions of a real DVM.
Otherwise, not much was happening yesterday. Mary and I read the first pages in our shared biography of Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. by Jon Meacham and Edward Herrmann and so far, we are enjoying the read. We picked this book up a few years ago, but never found time to read it with the busy nature of our work schedule. In order to complete this book, we'll have to read two chapters per day.
Mary made lunch and dinner yesterday. Both were variations on the same theme, but I liked them equally. Mary's current incarnation of Cole Slaw, her modified recipe for tofu based cottage cheese, and her interpretation of vegan ham are delicious. She made the ham into a hot ham and vegan cheeses sandwich on a Hoagy style roll for me, and it tasted fine.
Our original plans for today called for us to visit nearby Fort Pickens, a relic of the American Civil War. In keeping with my penchant for saving money, today is a free admission day at all national parks. Sugar's health comes first, so those plans may need to be amended.
Other than that, more reading, more walking, and more chores will round out our day. We may also be making a trip to Sugar's local doctor.
The sun will set at 5:12 p.m. Ciao.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "This City."
A current temperature of 51 rainy degrees will slowly fall to an overnight low of 36° before we return to those thrilling highs of the recent past and 55°. I'm not sure if rain was in the forecast, but nonetheless, it is here until later this morning.
Yesterday for our trip to Pensacola, the sun was shining, there were but a few clouds in the sky, and the temperature reached it's 73° high by early afternoon. That allowed us to leave our fleeces in the car after we had walked through the Palafox Market. After a short stop at what we have dubbed the PB Healthfood store, we returned to walk the mean streets of Pensacola and stop in at a place called Hopjacks for a terrific veggie pizza with red sauce and numerous vegetables, including roasted garlic.
When we got home, I was able to don my summer uniform and sit on the deck for a few hours reading. Mary was happily working in the kitchen with the windows open. STWD was there to provide her able assistance in her role as STSD. It never ceases to amaze both Mary and me how much Sugar likes the hot sauce used to make the roasted chickpeas that I like for snacks.
Dinner was tacos made with rice and TVP, that's textured vegetable protein, for those not in the know. Somewhere in there, Mary made the aforementioned chickpeas and baked a squash for the intrepid one's breakfast enjoyment. My assistance was required for the squash to remove the pulp from the skin.
We sat down to dinner, and then started to watch the Hallmark Channel romance lineup after e brief foray into the NFL world. As a true Bears fan, I was happy to hear the the Packers lost to the Cardinals in overtime after a disputed coin flip. While neither the Lions nor the Bears are in the playoffs, the Pack being eliminated is the next best thing.
Today we'll take the regular morning walk with STWD and then settle in for a quiet day, I hope. Mary is trying valiantly to get her latest knitting project on the needles, while I am endeavoring to get back to doing nothing. I have a few chores to do, but that's a regular activity for me.
I finished a book yesterday by John Grisham that became formulaic after a while. I hope to start another later today.
I took a few pictures yesterday and so I'll include them after I sign off. The sun will rise at 6:45 a.m. and set at 5:12 p.m. Ciao.
A current temperature of 51 rainy degrees will slowly fall to an overnight low of 36° before we return to those thrilling highs of the recent past and 55°. I'm not sure if rain was in the forecast, but nonetheless, it is here until later this morning.
Yesterday for our trip to Pensacola, the sun was shining, there were but a few clouds in the sky, and the temperature reached it's 73° high by early afternoon. That allowed us to leave our fleeces in the car after we had walked through the Palafox Market. After a short stop at what we have dubbed the PB Healthfood store, we returned to walk the mean streets of Pensacola and stop in at a place called Hopjacks for a terrific veggie pizza with red sauce and numerous vegetables, including roasted garlic.
When we got home, I was able to don my summer uniform and sit on the deck for a few hours reading. Mary was happily working in the kitchen with the windows open. STWD was there to provide her able assistance in her role as STSD. It never ceases to amaze both Mary and me how much Sugar likes the hot sauce used to make the roasted chickpeas that I like for snacks.
Dinner was tacos made with rice and TVP, that's textured vegetable protein, for those not in the know. Somewhere in there, Mary made the aforementioned chickpeas and baked a squash for the intrepid one's breakfast enjoyment. My assistance was required for the squash to remove the pulp from the skin.
We sat down to dinner, and then started to watch the Hallmark Channel romance lineup after e brief foray into the NFL world. As a true Bears fan, I was happy to hear the the Packers lost to the Cardinals in overtime after a disputed coin flip. While neither the Lions nor the Bears are in the playoffs, the Pack being eliminated is the next best thing.
Today we'll take the regular morning walk with STWD and then settle in for a quiet day, I hope. Mary is trying valiantly to get her latest knitting project on the needles, while I am endeavoring to get back to doing nothing. I have a few chores to do, but that's a regular activity for me.
I finished a book yesterday by John Grisham that became formulaic after a while. I hope to start another later today.
I took a few pictures yesterday and so I'll include them after I sign off. The sun will rise at 6:45 a.m. and set at 5:12 p.m. Ciao.
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Hailing as we do from "Coast Guard City USA, I had to include this Pensacola tribute to the Coasties. |
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A slight amendment, Mary took this picture of yours truly on the deck. |
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An ultralight flew past while I was out there. |
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "This City." I know that this blog has in its title, "Whatever is happening in Grand Haven," so that's why I'm starting out with "This City" instead of "The City."
A rather long winded way of getting to the weather, isn't it?
The current temperature is 55° as we drop to an overnight low of 45°. Later today, we'll rise to a mostly sunny 66° for our trip to Pensacola. The sun will rise at 6:45 a.m. and set at 5:11 p.m. Ah, the days are getting longer and the advent of spring is just around the corner. In fact in sports, opening day for the Cubs and my beloved Red Sox is just around the corner, following on the heels of pitchers and catchers report in late February.
Yesterday, we had some plans that changed with the weather. We had planned to go to the Gulf Islands National Seashore, but then the skies were overcast and the temperature fell. That seemed to dash our plans. But this being Florida, the temperature rebounded and so we made the trip. It was well worth the time. A beautiful view of "The Beach" from across the sound and a terrific boardwalk. Plus, in our post visit explorations, we found that there is a beautiful picnic area on the grounds that overlooks that sound. We'll be going back.
I took some pictures while we were there, and so I'll try to add some now. It may take awhile. Actually, it went better than expected.
Later today, we'll be off to Pensacola to visit the Palafox Market and just see things we haven't seen before. Each visit yields new things. Then home for a lot of relaxation and little else. All of that after the morning safari with STWD. Ciao.
A rather long winded way of getting to the weather, isn't it?
The current temperature is 55° as we drop to an overnight low of 45°. Later today, we'll rise to a mostly sunny 66° for our trip to Pensacola. The sun will rise at 6:45 a.m. and set at 5:11 p.m. Ah, the days are getting longer and the advent of spring is just around the corner. In fact in sports, opening day for the Cubs and my beloved Red Sox is just around the corner, following on the heels of pitchers and catchers report in late February.
Yesterday, we had some plans that changed with the weather. We had planned to go to the Gulf Islands National Seashore, but then the skies were overcast and the temperature fell. That seemed to dash our plans. But this being Florida, the temperature rebounded and so we made the trip. It was well worth the time. A beautiful view of "The Beach" from across the sound and a terrific boardwalk. Plus, in our post visit explorations, we found that there is a beautiful picnic area on the grounds that overlooks that sound. We'll be going back.
I took some pictures while we were there, and so I'll try to add some now. It may take awhile. Actually, it went better than expected.
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The Gulf Islands National Seashore includes the Naval Live Oaks Area, our nation's first tree farm. |
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Off in the distance, you can see the water tower on "The Beach." |
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I just liked this view. |
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This one too. |
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Wow! |
Friday, January 15, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 3:30 a.m. in "This City." The predicted T-storms have finally arrived. The current temperature of 54° will give way to the overnight low of 49° before today's high of 66°. The skies are forecast to be mostly sunny today and tomorrow with a similar high on Saturday. STWD is not in her hide-e-hole, and that is surprising. She should be happy taking the morning walk today.
Like most Americans and perhaps a few people from other countries, we didn't win the Power Ball lottery prize. Oh well, the anticipation is nearly as much fun, nearly.
Mary and I spent some time yesterday after the morning walk on the deck outside this room. We sat until the clouds obscured the sun, and then came in because we got cold. Mary, got antsy, so we left the intrepid one to go on a short trip to several stores along the highway. We didn't buy anything, but the trip itself was pleasant.
On the way home, we stopped in at Shaggy's for a sandwich and some adult libations. The bartender, Shelly, was there to provide her usual level of fine service. In addition, we met another of the wait staff who was in to pick up her paycheck. She is a relatively recent Floridian, having just moved her about four years ago. She was/is a very intelligent young lady with good plans for her future. We also learned that Shelly has a degree in finance and loves math and science. I think we know someone like that nearer to home.
While we were there, I had Mary take my picture with Shaggy's Shark. I think I looked good, don't you?
Today, we have no plans. A chance to take the morning safari with the intrepid one and then do that reading we planned for yesterday. I have a few crosswords to finish, harmonica lessons to begin, and a chapter from a shared book that Mary and I plan to read in turns. It should be a busy day.
Saturday, we have plans to go to Pensacola to peruse the wares at the Palafox Market downtown. No needs, but it should be such a nice day, so why not?
By the by, Adam and Steph are doing well, so no news is good news.
The sun will rise at 6:46 a.m. and set at 5:10 p.m. Ciao.
Like most Americans and perhaps a few people from other countries, we didn't win the Power Ball lottery prize. Oh well, the anticipation is nearly as much fun, nearly.
Mary and I spent some time yesterday after the morning walk on the deck outside this room. We sat until the clouds obscured the sun, and then came in because we got cold. Mary, got antsy, so we left the intrepid one to go on a short trip to several stores along the highway. We didn't buy anything, but the trip itself was pleasant.
On the way home, we stopped in at Shaggy's for a sandwich and some adult libations. The bartender, Shelly, was there to provide her usual level of fine service. In addition, we met another of the wait staff who was in to pick up her paycheck. She is a relatively recent Floridian, having just moved her about four years ago. She was/is a very intelligent young lady with good plans for her future. We also learned that Shelly has a degree in finance and loves math and science. I think we know someone like that nearer to home.
While we were there, I had Mary take my picture with Shaggy's Shark. I think I looked good, don't you?
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Yes, I was a mouthful. |
Saturday, we have plans to go to Pensacola to peruse the wares at the Palafox Market downtown. No needs, but it should be such a nice day, so why not?
By the by, Adam and Steph are doing well, so no news is good news.
The sun will rise at 6:46 a.m. and set at 5:10 p.m. Ciao.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 3:00 a.m. in "This City."
Yesterday was nothing short of beautiful here. The high temperature reached 63° under sunny skies, a perfect day for our trip to Pensacola. It was cold here according to native Floridians, but being from Michigan, we thought that like Goldilocks porridge, it was "Just Right."
We took the morning walk with STWD, but we forgot that the pills that we had to give her earlier, always slow her down a bit sooner than normal. We'll keep that in mind for today. The pills seem to be having a positive effect, so that's all good. Today, the temperature should reach the upper 50s by about 11:00 a.m. under partly cloudy skies. Tomorrow and Friday, 63° will be the high, but the skies won't be partly cloudy, they'll be rainy. Oh well, a good chance to spend some time with my harmonica lessons and read those books I've been trying to read for about two years or more.
Mary plans to make another pair of vegan "Hams," later today. We couldn't waste yesterday's fine weather, but she did get in her chat before we left for the "Big City." I worked some crosswords at the same time and in the spirit of multi-tasking, Mary made lunch. She is a lot better at doing many things at once than I am.
At any rate, we traveled to Pensacola to a very nice yarn store and then to the museum campus. Mary got the new project that she has been craving at that yarn store. The museum campus stop also included a stop at The Pensacola Bay Brewery for a sample of one of their locally brewed craft beers. Great taste and a comfortable tap room.
Then we were back on tour. We saw many exhibits, buildings, and houses. We mostly self-guided our tour, with the exception of a guided tour of one of the large houses. The Museum of Industry, the Museum of Commerce, and several houses were part of our activities. I took numerous pictures, and they are about to appear. Sadly, the download speed here is very slow. so I am only able to add a few before I get too much older.
There are many more pictures, but I was growing roots waiting. The entire museum campus is part of the Historic Trust and is administered my the University of West Florida. Definitely worth the time we spent.
The sun will rise in those partly cloudy skies at 6:46 a.m. and set into the Gulf of Mexico at 5:09 p.m. Ciao.
Yesterday was nothing short of beautiful here. The high temperature reached 63° under sunny skies, a perfect day for our trip to Pensacola. It was cold here according to native Floridians, but being from Michigan, we thought that like Goldilocks porridge, it was "Just Right."
We took the morning walk with STWD, but we forgot that the pills that we had to give her earlier, always slow her down a bit sooner than normal. We'll keep that in mind for today. The pills seem to be having a positive effect, so that's all good. Today, the temperature should reach the upper 50s by about 11:00 a.m. under partly cloudy skies. Tomorrow and Friday, 63° will be the high, but the skies won't be partly cloudy, they'll be rainy. Oh well, a good chance to spend some time with my harmonica lessons and read those books I've been trying to read for about two years or more.
Mary plans to make another pair of vegan "Hams," later today. We couldn't waste yesterday's fine weather, but she did get in her chat before we left for the "Big City." I worked some crosswords at the same time and in the spirit of multi-tasking, Mary made lunch. She is a lot better at doing many things at once than I am.
At any rate, we traveled to Pensacola to a very nice yarn store and then to the museum campus. Mary got the new project that she has been craving at that yarn store. The museum campus stop also included a stop at The Pensacola Bay Brewery for a sample of one of their locally brewed craft beers. Great taste and a comfortable tap room.
Then we were back on tour. We saw many exhibits, buildings, and houses. We mostly self-guided our tour, with the exception of a guided tour of one of the large houses. The Museum of Industry, the Museum of Commerce, and several houses were part of our activities. I took numerous pictures, and they are about to appear. Sadly, the download speed here is very slow. so I am only able to add a few before I get too much older.
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This is the place. |
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This kitchen may be too old, even for Mary. |
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Me, "Trainspotting." |
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More "Trainspotting." |
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At least we got into the early 20th century. |
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A craft room. |
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In keeping with our interests, this is the vegetable/herb garden on the tour. |
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Kitchen, circa 1920s. |
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OK, so I like petroleana. |
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Mary in the trolley of the Museum of Commerce. |
The sun will rise in those partly cloudy skies at 6:46 a.m. and set into the Gulf of Mexico at 5:09 p.m. Ciao.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "This City." The current temperature is 39°, the lowest it will get this morning. Later today, we are expecting a sunny day with a high of 57°. It should be a good day for our trip to Pensacola.
Yesterday, STWD was feeling better, but she can be so stubborn when it comes to taking pills. She fought both Mary and me in the morning and the evening. We won, but it was a tough fight. The battle will resume in a few hours, after the sun rises at 6:46 a.m. Once breakfast is served, we can take the morning safari and then head out to the "Big City" from "The Beach."
Yesterday, Mary outdid herself in the kitchen. I had been wanting her to try making vegan Philly cheese steak sandwiches, and so she did. They turned out great. The vegan roast that she had crafted the day before became the foundation that she accompanied with a mixture of sauteed onions and peppers and melted cheese. No complaints here, it's a keeper recipe.
In sports, the Crimson Tide of Alabama, defeated the Tigers of Clemson, 45 - 40 in the final seconds of the battle for the National College Football Championship. Bama was a seven point favorite going in, and so I'm not convinced that a last second field goal to win the game was really a decisive triumph.
Speaking of sports, the spring training reporting dates are now posted for all of the teams. The Boys in Blue, aka the Cubs, have their pitchers and catchers reporting on February 20, and their position players on February 24. My beloved Red Sox have pitchers and catchers reporting on February 19, and position players the 24th also. The Tigers get their pitchers and catchers in camp February 19, and their position players on February 23. Spring will officially be sprung in 38 days. Ah, baseball is life.
Today I'll get back to cornflakes and apples for breakfast. I got a great hot breakfast on Sunday and yesterday, we walked with the intrepid one after a late breakfast of salad with Mary's modified recipe for vegan cottage cheese. That was supposed to be lunch on Sunday, but we opted for junk food while watching playoff football instead.
Yesterday, the Bears named quarterback's coach Dowell Loggains to be their next offensive coordinator. Like may Bears coaching positions, OC continues to have a revolving door. Another wasted year for Jay Cutler? We'll have to wait until next season.
The sun will st this evening at 5:08 p.m. Ciao.
Yesterday, STWD was feeling better, but she can be so stubborn when it comes to taking pills. She fought both Mary and me in the morning and the evening. We won, but it was a tough fight. The battle will resume in a few hours, after the sun rises at 6:46 a.m. Once breakfast is served, we can take the morning safari and then head out to the "Big City" from "The Beach."
Yesterday, Mary outdid herself in the kitchen. I had been wanting her to try making vegan Philly cheese steak sandwiches, and so she did. They turned out great. The vegan roast that she had crafted the day before became the foundation that she accompanied with a mixture of sauteed onions and peppers and melted cheese. No complaints here, it's a keeper recipe.
In sports, the Crimson Tide of Alabama, defeated the Tigers of Clemson, 45 - 40 in the final seconds of the battle for the National College Football Championship. Bama was a seven point favorite going in, and so I'm not convinced that a last second field goal to win the game was really a decisive triumph.
Speaking of sports, the spring training reporting dates are now posted for all of the teams. The Boys in Blue, aka the Cubs, have their pitchers and catchers reporting on February 20, and their position players on February 24. My beloved Red Sox have pitchers and catchers reporting on February 19, and position players the 24th also. The Tigers get their pitchers and catchers in camp February 19, and their position players on February 23. Spring will officially be sprung in 38 days. Ah, baseball is life.
Today I'll get back to cornflakes and apples for breakfast. I got a great hot breakfast on Sunday and yesterday, we walked with the intrepid one after a late breakfast of salad with Mary's modified recipe for vegan cottage cheese. That was supposed to be lunch on Sunday, but we opted for junk food while watching playoff football instead.
Yesterday, the Bears named quarterback's coach Dowell Loggains to be their next offensive coordinator. Like may Bears coaching positions, OC continues to have a revolving door. Another wasted year for Jay Cutler? We'll have to wait until next season.
The sun will st this evening at 5:08 p.m. Ciao.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, it is just past 3:00 a.m. in "This City."
Sad news, David Bowie died yesterday. The English born singer, actor, and producer was one of the first artists to explore all the facets of what being a rock star entailed. From glam rock to movies, he was the epitome of a Rock Star. Bowie, who changed his name from David Jones in 1966, succumbed to cancer just days after his 69th birthday.
Yesterday was a day of walking with STWD and watching football, along with some reading, just as I predicted. The winds were strong, and like always, Mary and I didn't win the huge lottery prize. Usually, that's because we don't buy lottery tickets, but every once in a while, we do. Oh well, there's always Wednesday's drawing for over $1.3 billion, yes, that's billion with a "B."
Mary was busy in her adopted kitchen yesterday. Breakfast was a tofu scramble with vegan ham and a slice of toast for me. Somewhere in there, she crafted a vegan roast, that takes about eight to ten hours in the crock pot. As I noted the other day, for Mary, recipes are only suggestions, and so like many of her creations, she left out some ingredients that made the final product different. Better or worse? I don't think the sugar and cayenne that she didn't add made the roast any different. She also made garlic smashed potatoes to go with.
During the afternoon, I got hungry and so she also chopped some carrots and celery to go with our vegan blue cheese dressing. At half time of the game between the Vikings and the Seahawks, we walked over to the local convenience store to pick up some chips and pretzels to go with our salsa. Sadly for the Vikings, they lost to the Seahawks. Later, we watched the first half of the Packers rout of the team from Washington D.C., well actually Landover, MD, as the Packers pulled away to a convincing 35 - 18 win. I switched away from the game and Mary watched the Hallmark Movie Channel. I went upstairs and fell asleep. I was rooting for that team from Landover, because I always root for any team that is playing the Packers.
Today, we may or may not go out to the other side of the bridge. It can wait until tomorrow when we travel to the big city. STWD will get her morning safari and that should be all good. Speaking of which, the intrepid one is feeling better now that she has some medications to treat her allergy attack.
I spent part of my day vacuuming up a dog from around the house. Not that difficult in a house with all bare floors, but using a vacuum that doesn't actually vacuum very well was a bit more challenging.
Otherwise, today will be more of the same until I watch the #1 ranked Clemson Tigers take on the #2 ranked Alabama Crimson Tide. Personally, I'm rooting for Clemson out of spite over the manhandling that Alabama gave to the Spartans of MSU. Well that and some other reasons I won't go into.
The sun will rise on a sunny day at 6:46 a.m. and the temperature will soar to today's high of 48° as we come off this morning's low of 37°. Tomorrow is still forecast to reach a zenith of 57° under sunny skies for our trip to Pensacola. The sun will set over the Gulf of Mexico at 5:07 p.m. this evening.
Our thoughts, prayers, and love are with Adam and Steph too. More on that in the future. Ciao.
Sad news, David Bowie died yesterday. The English born singer, actor, and producer was one of the first artists to explore all the facets of what being a rock star entailed. From glam rock to movies, he was the epitome of a Rock Star. Bowie, who changed his name from David Jones in 1966, succumbed to cancer just days after his 69th birthday.
Yesterday was a day of walking with STWD and watching football, along with some reading, just as I predicted. The winds were strong, and like always, Mary and I didn't win the huge lottery prize. Usually, that's because we don't buy lottery tickets, but every once in a while, we do. Oh well, there's always Wednesday's drawing for over $1.3 billion, yes, that's billion with a "B."
Mary was busy in her adopted kitchen yesterday. Breakfast was a tofu scramble with vegan ham and a slice of toast for me. Somewhere in there, she crafted a vegan roast, that takes about eight to ten hours in the crock pot. As I noted the other day, for Mary, recipes are only suggestions, and so like many of her creations, she left out some ingredients that made the final product different. Better or worse? I don't think the sugar and cayenne that she didn't add made the roast any different. She also made garlic smashed potatoes to go with.
During the afternoon, I got hungry and so she also chopped some carrots and celery to go with our vegan blue cheese dressing. At half time of the game between the Vikings and the Seahawks, we walked over to the local convenience store to pick up some chips and pretzels to go with our salsa. Sadly for the Vikings, they lost to the Seahawks. Later, we watched the first half of the Packers rout of the team from Washington D.C., well actually Landover, MD, as the Packers pulled away to a convincing 35 - 18 win. I switched away from the game and Mary watched the Hallmark Movie Channel. I went upstairs and fell asleep. I was rooting for that team from Landover, because I always root for any team that is playing the Packers.
Today, we may or may not go out to the other side of the bridge. It can wait until tomorrow when we travel to the big city. STWD will get her morning safari and that should be all good. Speaking of which, the intrepid one is feeling better now that she has some medications to treat her allergy attack.
I spent part of my day vacuuming up a dog from around the house. Not that difficult in a house with all bare floors, but using a vacuum that doesn't actually vacuum very well was a bit more challenging.
Otherwise, today will be more of the same until I watch the #1 ranked Clemson Tigers take on the #2 ranked Alabama Crimson Tide. Personally, I'm rooting for Clemson out of spite over the manhandling that Alabama gave to the Spartans of MSU. Well that and some other reasons I won't go into.
The sun will rise on a sunny day at 6:46 a.m. and the temperature will soar to today's high of 48° as we come off this morning's low of 37°. Tomorrow is still forecast to reach a zenith of 57° under sunny skies for our trip to Pensacola. The sun will set over the Gulf of Mexico at 5:07 p.m. this evening.
Our thoughts, prayers, and love are with Adam and Steph too. More on that in the future. Ciao.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:00 a.m. in "This City."
Well, unlike GH, the weather forecast here was accurate yesterday. The T-storms weren't of the severe variety, but on our first try, STWD heard a small clap of thunder and we had to strongly urge her forward for the morning safari. We took an abbreviated walk and then we made a beeline for home. She spent a great deal of the morning hours in her hide-e-hole in the upstairs bathroom.
Speaking of STWD, the concerns we had over her itching reached a crescendo and so we decided to take her to a local veterinarian. A diagnosis was made, a prescription was given and she is hopefully on the mend. Meanwhile, I have my work cut out for me in the vacuuming department. Being a pet parent can be an exacting endeavor some days.
Apparently, no one successfully picked the winning numbers for the power ball lottery yesterday. The latest expectation is for the jackpot to continue to rise to $1.2 billion for next Wednesday's drawing. Naturally, the odds are that a person stands a better chance of being hit by a meteor than picking the winning numbers. Oh well, a person can dream.
Today, we plan to go to a movie at the local cinema. It's either Spectre with Daniel Craig as James Bond, or The Danish Girl. Personally, I'd like to see Creed, with Sylvester Stallone, but that isn't one of the options. So, I may opt for action over introspection, or nothing at all.
Otherwise, there are books to be read and football to watch, so options abound after my chores.
The sun will rise this morning on a partly cloudy day at 6:46 a.m. The current temperature of 44° will be the low for today, and then we'll return to today's high of 58°. The next two days are expected to be sunny, with highs of 48° and 59° respectively. We had talked of going over to Pensacola on Tuesday to visit a yarn shop and more museums, so that looks like it should be the perfect day.
The sun will set here on "The Beach" at 5:06 p.m. Ciao.
Well, unlike GH, the weather forecast here was accurate yesterday. The T-storms weren't of the severe variety, but on our first try, STWD heard a small clap of thunder and we had to strongly urge her forward for the morning safari. We took an abbreviated walk and then we made a beeline for home. She spent a great deal of the morning hours in her hide-e-hole in the upstairs bathroom.
Speaking of STWD, the concerns we had over her itching reached a crescendo and so we decided to take her to a local veterinarian. A diagnosis was made, a prescription was given and she is hopefully on the mend. Meanwhile, I have my work cut out for me in the vacuuming department. Being a pet parent can be an exacting endeavor some days.
Apparently, no one successfully picked the winning numbers for the power ball lottery yesterday. The latest expectation is for the jackpot to continue to rise to $1.2 billion for next Wednesday's drawing. Naturally, the odds are that a person stands a better chance of being hit by a meteor than picking the winning numbers. Oh well, a person can dream.
Today, we plan to go to a movie at the local cinema. It's either Spectre with Daniel Craig as James Bond, or The Danish Girl. Personally, I'd like to see Creed, with Sylvester Stallone, but that isn't one of the options. So, I may opt for action over introspection, or nothing at all.
Otherwise, there are books to be read and football to watch, so options abound after my chores.
The sun will rise this morning on a partly cloudy day at 6:46 a.m. The current temperature of 44° will be the low for today, and then we'll return to today's high of 58°. The next two days are expected to be sunny, with highs of 48° and 59° respectively. We had talked of going over to Pensacola on Tuesday to visit a yarn shop and more museums, so that looks like it should be the perfect day.
The sun will set here on "The Beach" at 5:06 p.m. Ciao.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you my be. It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "This City." Today, the sun will rise at 6:46 a.m. and set at 5:05 p.m. The weather is going to be a bit dicey today, as the high temperature will push near 70°, but the expectation is for T-storms to begin in earnest around 9:00 a.m. and continue until the early afternoon. There are some small gaps in the precipitation forecast, but it will not be until 2:00 p.m. before it becomes dry again.
Yesterday, we made the journey across the causeway to the big city of Pensacola. Our goal was to view the exhibit, Apron Strings: Ties to the Past. The exhibit at the T. T. Wentworth Jr. Florida State Museum was worth the trip. In addition, the museum is part of a larger museum campus in Pensacola that we will be traveling back to see next week. I took a lot of pictures, and I'll add a few just to give a taste of the experience. The internet speed here is so slow, that the downloading of pictures takes many minutes.
After we viewed the exhibits in the main museum, we journeyed to the local health food store and then made a stop at the vegan restaurant that had been recommended by the bartender at Shaggy's, Shelley. This restaurant named Sluggos is very near the museum campus. The menu is not huge, but the offerings were among the best I've tasted in any restaurant. Mary had the black bean burrito, and I had the seitan Philly cheese-steak plate. My plate came with a huge sandwich, that like Mary's burrito, required a take home package. I also chose two sides to go with my sandwich. The curry lentil soup was wonderful, and the collard greens, were the best I've tasted this year. No meat, just flavor.
I am connoisseur of greens, as Steph can attest, and these were terrific. I guess that here in the south, the people are good at southern cooking. This isn't southern style, this is southern!
The day itself was a great one. We had a nice walk with STWD in the morning, and in fact, since I was up, she came to visit and asked to go out a while ago. Probably a good thing with the threat of T-storms for later this morning.
Today we'll be staying in after another walk with the intrepid one, if she'll go. I'll do some chores that go with any household, and then settle in for some reading and TV. Mary has kitchen plans and Sugar will probably be in whatever space she claims as her hide-e-hole in this location.
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The museum is located in the building that once housed the city hall of Pensacola. |
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This is the museum entrance. |
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Part of the exhibits. |
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Mary in her element. |
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An homage to my favorite kitchen activity. |
I am connoisseur of greens, as Steph can attest, and these were terrific. I guess that here in the south, the people are good at southern cooking. This isn't southern style, this is southern!
The day itself was a great one. We had a nice walk with STWD in the morning, and in fact, since I was up, she came to visit and asked to go out a while ago. Probably a good thing with the threat of T-storms for later this morning.
Today we'll be staying in after another walk with the intrepid one, if she'll go. I'll do some chores that go with any household, and then settle in for some reading and TV. Mary has kitchen plans and Sugar will probably be in whatever space she claims as her hide-e-hole in this location.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "This City."
As forecast, the rains came yesterday. About 4:00 p.m., they began. They ended just a short time ago. Today, the skies will be partly cloudy, but the chance of precipitation has been reduced to zero. The forecast for the high temperature calls for 66°. It should be a great day for a planned trip to the big city of Pensacola. More on that later. Tomorrow, the high temperature is expected to be 69°, but there are still T-storms in the forecast. STWD will not be happy.
Yesterday, we took time to do that batch cooking that I mentioned in the previous edition of this blog. The vegan ham turned out great, but the 13 bean soup became refried beans. We don't know what went wrong. The ham tasted great and the soup will become taco filling I guess. Mary also tried a new recipe for vegan cottage cheese. While it would not fool anyone as to its consistency, the taste is great. She's already planning a change to improve its consistency. Vegan cooking is an evolving science, especially for Mary. She always says that recipes are suggestions, not absolutes, except when you are baking.
We took a trip across the bridge to get some supplies at the local grocery, and that trip went fine. In the middle of the day we avoided the school dismissal time and its associated traffic. Somewhere in there, Mary made baked barbecue tofu using the barbecue sauce that she and I love. It is her own modified vegan recipe, and it makes everything taste better.
I read the local newspaper and did one of the crosswords. Since we had time, we journeyed to our current favorite watering hole for an adult libation or two. That was accompanied by some zucchini as an appetizer. While there, we learned of a vegan dive bar in Pensacola that was recommended by the bartender, so while we are in Pensacola later today, we plan to try that out too That will go along with our purported reason for the trip, a visit to the T. T. Wentworth Jr. Florida State Museum to see an exhibit about Apron Strings: Ties to the Past. An odd title, but the exhibit is about the apron's role from the early 1900s to the present day, and it includes information about crafts. That exhibit ends today.
Otherwise, that's about all we have planned for today. The sun will rise in the sky at 6:46 a.m. and set at 5:04 p.m. Ciao.
As forecast, the rains came yesterday. About 4:00 p.m., they began. They ended just a short time ago. Today, the skies will be partly cloudy, but the chance of precipitation has been reduced to zero. The forecast for the high temperature calls for 66°. It should be a great day for a planned trip to the big city of Pensacola. More on that later. Tomorrow, the high temperature is expected to be 69°, but there are still T-storms in the forecast. STWD will not be happy.
Yesterday, we took time to do that batch cooking that I mentioned in the previous edition of this blog. The vegan ham turned out great, but the 13 bean soup became refried beans. We don't know what went wrong. The ham tasted great and the soup will become taco filling I guess. Mary also tried a new recipe for vegan cottage cheese. While it would not fool anyone as to its consistency, the taste is great. She's already planning a change to improve its consistency. Vegan cooking is an evolving science, especially for Mary. She always says that recipes are suggestions, not absolutes, except when you are baking.
We took a trip across the bridge to get some supplies at the local grocery, and that trip went fine. In the middle of the day we avoided the school dismissal time and its associated traffic. Somewhere in there, Mary made baked barbecue tofu using the barbecue sauce that she and I love. It is her own modified vegan recipe, and it makes everything taste better.
I read the local newspaper and did one of the crosswords. Since we had time, we journeyed to our current favorite watering hole for an adult libation or two. That was accompanied by some zucchini as an appetizer. While there, we learned of a vegan dive bar in Pensacola that was recommended by the bartender, so while we are in Pensacola later today, we plan to try that out too That will go along with our purported reason for the trip, a visit to the T. T. Wentworth Jr. Florida State Museum to see an exhibit about Apron Strings: Ties to the Past. An odd title, but the exhibit is about the apron's role from the early 1900s to the present day, and it includes information about crafts. That exhibit ends today.
Otherwise, that's about all we have planned for today. The sun will rise in the sky at 6:46 a.m. and set at 5:04 p.m. Ciao.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. We've just passed 3:30 a.m. in "This City." It is very quiet on the streets here at 3:30 a.m. It should be, when you couple the off-season with the early morning hours.
Today, we are still on track to have precipitation in the late afternoon, effectively peaking around 6:00 p.m. with that same 60% chance. However the high temperature has been forecast to be slightly less than anticipated and will be a mere 60°. Much the same for tomorrow, but the temperature is expected to be 69° under partly cloudy skies without any precipitation.
Saturday, we had planned a trip to the big city of Pensacola, but there are predictions for T-storms along with that warm temperature. If that forecast comes to fruition, STWD cannot be left alone, because I am somewhat certain, how's that for a possible maybe, that her recent less than stellar demeanor is due to the stress of the long drive and the work in which Mary and I have been involved. I expect my DVM degree to arrive any day now.
Be that as it may, today we plan to take the morning walk with the intrepid one and then head across the bridge once again to do some grocery shopping. After that, we'll settle in for some batch cooking and then get on once again with the business of retirement.
We finished that index late yesterday. It was chock full of the bane of an indexer's existence, those dreaded end notes. According to Mary, some authors like to write their books in the end notes, which makes it harder to index, and harder to read, in my opinion.
I started reading another novel yesterday, and that will be a large part of my life after assisting Mary in the kitchen. Other than that, I have no ambitions.
This seems like a perfect chance to vent on life in retirement. As I've often said, my mother-in-law, Eleanor, used to say that she was very busy. As I've also said, now I know what she was busy doing. Retirement can be hard work. Entering index items, editing the final output, and related activities takes up a lot of time.
In addition here on the beach, STWD picks up these little burrs in her pads when we walk, and that requires stops every so often to rescue her. When we went out yesterday morning, she found five or six of those, and in fact, at one point, she managed to pick up three at one time. I'm not sure how much the irritation from those didn't contribute to her ill feelings, but I have my suspicions. As previously noted, my DVM degree is expected to arrive any day now.
Not much of a vent really, but at this hour, that's about all I can muster.
The sun will rise over the beach at 6:45 a.m. and set under rainy skies at 5:03 p.m. Ciao.
Today, we are still on track to have precipitation in the late afternoon, effectively peaking around 6:00 p.m. with that same 60% chance. However the high temperature has been forecast to be slightly less than anticipated and will be a mere 60°. Much the same for tomorrow, but the temperature is expected to be 69° under partly cloudy skies without any precipitation.
Saturday, we had planned a trip to the big city of Pensacola, but there are predictions for T-storms along with that warm temperature. If that forecast comes to fruition, STWD cannot be left alone, because I am somewhat certain, how's that for a possible maybe, that her recent less than stellar demeanor is due to the stress of the long drive and the work in which Mary and I have been involved. I expect my DVM degree to arrive any day now.
Be that as it may, today we plan to take the morning walk with the intrepid one and then head across the bridge once again to do some grocery shopping. After that, we'll settle in for some batch cooking and then get on once again with the business of retirement.
We finished that index late yesterday. It was chock full of the bane of an indexer's existence, those dreaded end notes. According to Mary, some authors like to write their books in the end notes, which makes it harder to index, and harder to read, in my opinion.
I started reading another novel yesterday, and that will be a large part of my life after assisting Mary in the kitchen. Other than that, I have no ambitions.
This seems like a perfect chance to vent on life in retirement. As I've often said, my mother-in-law, Eleanor, used to say that she was very busy. As I've also said, now I know what she was busy doing. Retirement can be hard work. Entering index items, editing the final output, and related activities takes up a lot of time.
In addition here on the beach, STWD picks up these little burrs in her pads when we walk, and that requires stops every so often to rescue her. When we went out yesterday morning, she found five or six of those, and in fact, at one point, she managed to pick up three at one time. I'm not sure how much the irritation from those didn't contribute to her ill feelings, but I have my suspicions. As previously noted, my DVM degree is expected to arrive any day now.
Not much of a vent really, but at this hour, that's about all I can muster.
The sun will rise over the beach at 6:45 a.m. and set under rainy skies at 5:03 p.m. Ciao.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 7:45 a.m. in "This City." The sun rose on a beautiful sunny day here in the panhandle at 6:45 a.m. Later this evening the golden orb will retire at 5:02 p.m. In between, we are expecting a high of 59° and a 0% chance of precipitation. Tomorrow, the temperature is expected to reach a high of 62° with rain predicted in the afternoon.
Yesterday was a long grind. I slaved over a hot computer as I entered, and entered, and entered until I was done. In between, I got the task of reading small numbers on a page and circling them for future reference. Let's just say, that the task was useful, but mind numbing. According to Mary, she is nearly finished, just three to four more hours are needed before she does her final edit and then we have to create a printout for my edit. Here's hoping.
Once we are done, we have nothing of a business nature on the calendar until at least April. That should allow time for both the mundane pursuits of life and the exciting, punctuated by long walks with STWD, who by the by, seems to be feeling better. Only time will tell.
Speaking of the intrepid one, we'll walk again today, following nearly the same route we took yesterday. It should be a lot less windy and therefore, neither of us will feel as cold.
The day will unfold on more work, a trip across the bridge for that printout, and then final editing and a not so fond Bon-voyage to another index. I can't say I'll be sorry to see this one go.
Last night, we watched the crossover, two hour episodes of NCIS and NCIS New Orleans. Something about those two shows resonates with Mary and me, and apparently with more than a few folks we know.
By the time they were over, I was too, so I came up to bed and Mary stayed and watched some news programs. I am at a point where I don't watch much news anymore, because I am less than thrilled by most of what passes for news these days.
That looks like a pretty full day and night, so I'll be going now. Ciao.
Yesterday was a long grind. I slaved over a hot computer as I entered, and entered, and entered until I was done. In between, I got the task of reading small numbers on a page and circling them for future reference. Let's just say, that the task was useful, but mind numbing. According to Mary, she is nearly finished, just three to four more hours are needed before she does her final edit and then we have to create a printout for my edit. Here's hoping.
Once we are done, we have nothing of a business nature on the calendar until at least April. That should allow time for both the mundane pursuits of life and the exciting, punctuated by long walks with STWD, who by the by, seems to be feeling better. Only time will tell.
Speaking of the intrepid one, we'll walk again today, following nearly the same route we took yesterday. It should be a lot less windy and therefore, neither of us will feel as cold.
The day will unfold on more work, a trip across the bridge for that printout, and then final editing and a not so fond Bon-voyage to another index. I can't say I'll be sorry to see this one go.
Last night, we watched the crossover, two hour episodes of NCIS and NCIS New Orleans. Something about those two shows resonates with Mary and me, and apparently with more than a few folks we know.
By the time they were over, I was too, so I came up to bed and Mary stayed and watched some news programs. I am at a point where I don't watch much news anymore, because I am less than thrilled by most of what passes for news these days.
That looks like a pretty full day and night, so I'll be going now. Ciao.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 8:30 a.m. in "This City." The sun rose at 6:45 a.m. and will set at 5:02 p.m., after what will be a mostly clear and sunny day with a high temperature of 53°. Tomorrow, the high temperature rises to 59° with those same sunny skies in the forecast. While it will get warmer still on Thursday, the rain is forecast to come in the afternoon/evening, with a 90% chance. However, by the end of the week, we may see high temperatures in the 70s. I'm so excited, and I think I like it. Oops, I was channeling again.
Yesterday we mostly worked. We finished the index that was due and sent it on it's way after Mary got the printout that we needed. Last night, the power went out for about one hour. Darkness descended slowly over a small piece of "This City." But then, we could see the stars and planets that are always present in the sky, but which are usually obscured by the light pollution. Truly amazing!
STWD had a case of something last night. Naturally, Mary and I were worried and called the emergency veterinarian service in Pensacola. Fortunately, after some brushing, she seemed to be better, and once the power came back on, I went off to bed and the intrepid one slept quietly in the living room. Go figure.
Today, more work is on tap for the index that is due today. I'm helping as much as I can, but I'm slow and not terribly efficient as a typist nor an indexer. Oh well, I am supposed to be retired, which Mary assures me will be my normal condition again real soon.
STWD and I will take the morning walk and then I'll settle in for some additional work. Ciao.
Yesterday we mostly worked. We finished the index that was due and sent it on it's way after Mary got the printout that we needed. Last night, the power went out for about one hour. Darkness descended slowly over a small piece of "This City." But then, we could see the stars and planets that are always present in the sky, but which are usually obscured by the light pollution. Truly amazing!
STWD had a case of something last night. Naturally, Mary and I were worried and called the emergency veterinarian service in Pensacola. Fortunately, after some brushing, she seemed to be better, and once the power came back on, I went off to bed and the intrepid one slept quietly in the living room. Go figure.
Today, more work is on tap for the index that is due today. I'm helping as much as I can, but I'm slow and not terribly efficient as a typist nor an indexer. Oh well, I am supposed to be retired, which Mary assures me will be my normal condition again real soon.
STWD and I will take the morning walk and then I'll settle in for some additional work. Ciao.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Good morning everyone. Another day has dawned in the panhandle. The sun is shining and the skies are a bright azure blue. What's not to like?
Yesterday was a day of mostly work interspersed with walking STWD and entertaining the service person from the HVAC company. He was here for just a short time, but quickly diagnosed the problem and solved the problem. In short, a man with the knowledge and an on site visit and we have a working heater.
Mary and I worked all day yesterday on the two indexes that were and are due. We are close on the first and I am getting closer on my contribution to the second. Mary is still cursing end notes.
In between, we stopped for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Several salads, a couple of sandwiches, and some baked tofu that sated.
I got tired last night, but Mary stayed up to see Gran Torino, a Clint Eastwood film that was a subtle jab at the racism that permeates our society. To quote Rodney King, "Why can't we all just get along?"
Today, Mary will be travelling over the bridge that leads from the beach to the mainland. She needs to get a printout. I will be walking the intrepid one and then getting down to work, which will include a final edit on the first index. Of course, meals will be a high point of the day. Mary has adapted quickly to a new/old kitchen.
Other than the walk with STWD and working, I have no plans. I like it that way.
We have a current temperature of 46° that feels like 39°, as we head towards today's high of 55° under sunny skies. Tomorrow and Wednesday look about the same. Thursday, the temperature will rise into the 60s, but there is a 90% chance of rain. The sun rose the morning at 6:46 a.m. and will set this evening at 5:01 p.m. Ciao.
Yesterday was a day of mostly work interspersed with walking STWD and entertaining the service person from the HVAC company. He was here for just a short time, but quickly diagnosed the problem and solved the problem. In short, a man with the knowledge and an on site visit and we have a working heater.
Mary and I worked all day yesterday on the two indexes that were and are due. We are close on the first and I am getting closer on my contribution to the second. Mary is still cursing end notes.
In between, we stopped for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Several salads, a couple of sandwiches, and some baked tofu that sated.
I got tired last night, but Mary stayed up to see Gran Torino, a Clint Eastwood film that was a subtle jab at the racism that permeates our society. To quote Rodney King, "Why can't we all just get along?"
Today, Mary will be travelling over the bridge that leads from the beach to the mainland. She needs to get a printout. I will be walking the intrepid one and then getting down to work, which will include a final edit on the first index. Of course, meals will be a high point of the day. Mary has adapted quickly to a new/old kitchen.
Other than the walk with STWD and working, I have no plans. I like it that way.
We have a current temperature of 46° that feels like 39°, as we head towards today's high of 55° under sunny skies. Tomorrow and Wednesday look about the same. Thursday, the temperature will rise into the 60s, but there is a 90% chance of rain. The sun rose the morning at 6:46 a.m. and will set this evening at 5:01 p.m. Ciao.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Good morning everyone. I have been off the air, so to speak, due to technical difficulties that were within my control. I needed a few days off for some R & R. But now, I think I'll limit my blogs to a few less per week, or maybe not. Only time will tell.
Yesterday, was an active day. We collectively walked with STWD in the morning and then took time to set up our "Computer Station" in our collective office. The internet connection is not all that reliable, so that will be one reason for limiting my blogging. Then we set out for the big city to do some much needed grocery shopping. We also stopped in the city next door for some additional supplies. On the way home, we stopped in at our favorite watering hole for a quick lunch and some adult beverages.
Home at last, where the computer gremlins that Mary had discovered earlier could not be resolved. But a work around was instituted and that should be sufficient. I have to do some actual entering today too.
Otherwise, we have one index to get out today, and one that is due by mid-week. No more until at least April.
Our current temperature is comfortable enough. The sun rose at 6:45 a.m. and will set later today at 5:00 p.m. Ciao.
Yesterday, was an active day. We collectively walked with STWD in the morning and then took time to set up our "Computer Station" in our collective office. The internet connection is not all that reliable, so that will be one reason for limiting my blogging. Then we set out for the big city to do some much needed grocery shopping. We also stopped in the city next door for some additional supplies. On the way home, we stopped in at our favorite watering hole for a quick lunch and some adult beverages.
Home at last, where the computer gremlins that Mary had discovered earlier could not be resolved. But a work around was instituted and that should be sufficient. I have to do some actual entering today too.
Otherwise, we have one index to get out today, and one that is due by mid-week. No more until at least April.
Our current temperature is comfortable enough. The sun rose at 6:45 a.m. and will set later today at 5:00 p.m. Ciao.
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