Good early morning GH. It has just passed 5:00 AM here in our little corner of the world, and it should come as no surprise, that at this time of the year, the view out the Weather
Window is...dark. Since we had enough snow in the last two days, I am very happy to report that the current temperature is 34 degrees, and that Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly. That's a good sign that no major weather events are on the horizon.
I don't anticipate that I have much to do today, and for me that is also good.
I got to thinking earlier, as I listened to a truck go by a bit before 5:00 AM, that very few of us know much about what our spouses do in their job, or for that matter what they do on a daily basis. Sure, we often know in general terms because of the company that they work for that they deliver things, account for things, teach things, build things, etc. But, we only know general things, not the specifics. What we do know is often garnered from the things they say about their jobs, often in a complaint, but that is about it. I taught school for a long time, I worked in the adult education area before I was a public school teacher, and about the only thing that I generally said was that I was there. How do you really describe your daily activities. Even when we think we know, do we really? I know what Mary does in only general terms. I have assisted her, but if she tries to really explain, my eyes start to glaze over and I get an "I wish I was somewhere else look" on my face. Maybe that's as is should be. I don't mean to not be interested, but if I wanted to do her job, I'd be an indexer. We all have our own interests and unless, or maybe in spite of the fact that you work for the same employer, then you have other thoughts on your mind. This might be a good place to insert a few of the lyrics of that mid-sixties song by the Vogues, Five O'Clock World, if you are old enough to remember. But, that's an awful lot to think about. Raising children can be a tough daily job, but do we all want the daily details? Probably not.
So, I think I've said enough. Next time your spouse, partner, or significant other starts to talk about their day, try to listen, try to understand, but realize that they generally just want to vent, they aren't seeking a solution. That's probably just as well. Most of us would take years to acquire the skills that our spouses, partners, significant others, or just our friends outside of work, spent a lot of years developing. That's okay; just listen attentively, shake your head as you try to understand, but mostly, just listen and be there for them. Mostly, people are just working through their jobs and trying to get you to notice how an activity that consumes the majority of their waking moments has been trying, satisfying or something else.
I was just downstairs to finish my library book, and I turned on MSNBC only to find another host for It's Too Early. Let me say for sure, it was. Tea time is almost upon us, so I'll just say Ciao.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Good afternoon GH. Well, it is nearly 3:00 PM, so I thought that good afternoon seemed appropriate. I had an extended session with the heavy wet snow this AM, and so, my shoulders are achy. Surprisingly, my back is not. Go figure. Currently, the desktop temperature is 36 degrees, so the areas where I removed the snow are showing signs of melting. However, the skies are still leaden in color, and they look like more snow is possible. In fact, we will have to wait until Friday for the chance of precipitation to drop below 50%. Plus, we will have to wait until later next week to see temperatures consistently above the freezing mark. Sadly, Sugar the Weather Dog didn't get a walk this morning, because there was/is too much snow on the sidewalks.
My modified snowblower worked great. The discharge chute rotated freely, and the deflector I made for the space that used to clog with snow worked as I'd hoped. My clamping bolt also worked as I'd hoped. However, this snow was wet and heavy whereas the previous snow(s) were light and fluffy due to the colder temperatures. So, I really didn't get an accurate test. Like I always seem to be saying, time will tell.
I am working on another novel, one that is technically due today. I hope to finish it tonight. Then, I can return it in the AM as I walk Sugar the Weather Dog. Maybe the library folks won't notice, since they can't expect it to be returned until midnight tonight, technically, which means that they couldn't check it in until tomorrow. Gosh I love the word, technically.
I don't have further plans for today. I got the snowblower "parts" down into the man-cave. They are just like the current snowblower, light. So before Mary freaks out, it didn't require too much effort. I plan to drink a bit of that wine Mary got the other day, and that will put me in a righteous frame of mind as I read that novel.
Sorry, no pictures. I just didn't feel like it. Sometimes, to borrow from Dirty Harry Calahan, "A man's got to know his limitations." I didn't fell lucky today. So, until next time, Ciao.
My modified snowblower worked great. The discharge chute rotated freely, and the deflector I made for the space that used to clog with snow worked as I'd hoped. My clamping bolt also worked as I'd hoped. However, this snow was wet and heavy whereas the previous snow(s) were light and fluffy due to the colder temperatures. So, I really didn't get an accurate test. Like I always seem to be saying, time will tell.
I am working on another novel, one that is technically due today. I hope to finish it tonight. Then, I can return it in the AM as I walk Sugar the Weather Dog. Maybe the library folks won't notice, since they can't expect it to be returned until midnight tonight, technically, which means that they couldn't check it in until tomorrow. Gosh I love the word, technically.
I don't have further plans for today. I got the snowblower "parts" down into the man-cave. They are just like the current snowblower, light. So before Mary freaks out, it didn't require too much effort. I plan to drink a bit of that wine Mary got the other day, and that will put me in a righteous frame of mind as I read that novel.
Sorry, no pictures. I just didn't feel like it. Sometimes, to borrow from Dirty Harry Calahan, "A man's got to know his limitations." I didn't fell lucky today. So, until next time, Ciao.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Good afternoon GH. Well, just as the National Weather Service predicted, the weather is quickly going from good to bad. We are starting to see the snow falling, and the temperatures never reached their expected high of 38 degrees. And, the wind is blowing in gusts of 20 - 30 MPH. Snow is expected to fall all night, and end in the early AM hours. Predictions range from 2 - 6 inches. Sometimes, snow is expected to fall at over one inch per hour. Of course, that is what the people in Kansas City thought too. Only time will tell.
Now for the good news. My snowblower "parts" arrived today. I am now ready for anything that might fall from the skies overnight. I just have to find a way to get the "parts" down to the man-cave.
I cooked more kale and squash soup today. This one was a double batch. I chopped and chopped, diced and poured, and made broth and chopped more kale and peeled squash and sauteed and boiled and simmered, and then I ate some. I pronounce it good. So does Mary. Best of all, the house smells like cooking went on here, so that is all good. I don't feel a need to cover the smell in spite of what the marketing people would have us believe. I also saved some squash for Sugar the Weather Dog's breakfast. Of course, in her other role as the official Sous Dog, she was Sugar on the spot and got some of the fallout.
Then I played on my guitar some, and read my email and noted that Barb is as proud as a peahen about the fact that her granddaughter was chosen to play with girls much older than she on the soccer team. I'd be proud too. I still can't believe that she is 12. Time flies when you are having fun. I heard that Barb and Ed are going to the time trials for NASCAR, because they got free passes in Vegas. I guess that what happens in Vegas happens at the race track.
Now, it its time to read some, do a little cross word puzzle solving and reading. I also have to fit watching NCIS in there too. Life is sure harder when you are retired. So, until next time, when I may add some pictures, Ciao.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Good afternoon GH. Well, it is now nearly 6:00 PM, and Mary and I had a wonderful day. Currently, the temperature here our fair city is a balmy 43 degrees, and so Mary and I went for a walk downtown earlier. The sun was, and still is, shining brightly. So, since we are becoming more Michiganders every day, we decided to take the walk while the walking was good. Of course, Sugar the Weather Dog and I took our morning walk too, and true to her breed characteristics, Sugar had to sniff at every set of animal tracks she came across. I wouldn't have minded, but my knees were a bit on the achy side. I took some ibuprofen before Mary and I took our walk, and then my knees were at least livable. I am due for my twice yearly set of knee injections in about three weeks, so I am pretty certain that part of the aches and pains is due to this being the end of the cycle.
I also spent some time in the man-cave and the mud room, modifying the knuckle that moves the discharge chute on the snow blower. I added a small bolt as a clamp to pinch the knuckle and used the grease that Adam recommended on the gears, before I placed my home made snow deflector on the spout/chute. Using very basic hand tools, I was able to complete the modifications in a relatively expeditious fashion. I won't know how well these modifications will work until I use the machine again, but it was/is worth a try. I am still waiting for my snow blower parts to arrive, but like the proverbial slow boat, I'll just have to wait and use what I have for now.
Yesterday, I finished my latest book, A Higher Call, by Adam Makos and I found it thoroughly enjoyable. It was told in non-fiction form, and the author used a writing format of mostly first person accounts as he delved into the relationship between a German fighter pilot and that of an American B-17 bomber pilot who crossed each other's path during WWII and then not again for over 40 years. A fascinating story, and one that evoked memories of my dad and his service during that war. Having been to the RAF/American Army Air Force base in Duxford, England,where my dad served during the war, I was able to get a better, albeit still incomplete, understanding of what his service was like. I heartily recommend this book.
So, I feel as though I accomplished a great deal today and still found time for this blog. It really can't get much better than that. I have a book I want and need to finish by the 27th, as it is one of their short term loans. I think I can make it.
So, until next time, I will finish my ramblings and say Ciao.
I also spent some time in the man-cave and the mud room, modifying the knuckle that moves the discharge chute on the snow blower. I added a small bolt as a clamp to pinch the knuckle and used the grease that Adam recommended on the gears, before I placed my home made snow deflector on the spout/chute. Using very basic hand tools, I was able to complete the modifications in a relatively expeditious fashion. I won't know how well these modifications will work until I use the machine again, but it was/is worth a try. I am still waiting for my snow blower parts to arrive, but like the proverbial slow boat, I'll just have to wait and use what I have for now.
Yesterday, I finished my latest book, A Higher Call, by Adam Makos and I found it thoroughly enjoyable. It was told in non-fiction form, and the author used a writing format of mostly first person accounts as he delved into the relationship between a German fighter pilot and that of an American B-17 bomber pilot who crossed each other's path during WWII and then not again for over 40 years. A fascinating story, and one that evoked memories of my dad and his service during that war. Having been to the RAF/American Army Air Force base in Duxford, England,where my dad served during the war, I was able to get a better, albeit still incomplete, understanding of what his service was like. I heartily recommend this book.
So, I feel as though I accomplished a great deal today and still found time for this blog. It really can't get much better than that. I have a book I want and need to finish by the 27th, as it is one of their short term loans. I think I can make it.
So, until next time, I will finish my ramblings and say Ciao.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Good afternoon GH. It has just turned 6:00 PM here in our fair city and the current temperature on the desktop display is 34 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog and I went for a walk this AM, but she got scared by a snow plow, so that wasn't her finest hour. However, the sun is shining in our partly cloudy skies and at last, I can say that the chances are that there will be no precipitation until Tuesday and Wednesday. Not bad for this late in February. However, at that time, it is likely to be significant, but mostly rain given the expected temperatures.
Looks like we have a winner in the Daytona 500, Jimmie Johnson. And probably more important, we can dispense with the various firsts by a woman. Laps led under green, winning the pole, not crashing, working well with the crew, finishing the whole 500 miles, etc. Enough already!
Adam clued me in to where to look for the grease for the snow blower. Now all I have to do is drag the snow blower into the mud room for some dis-assembly.
So, until I have more to say, or the middle of the early morning comes up, I'll say Ciao.
Looks like we have a winner in the Daytona 500, Jimmie Johnson. And probably more important, we can dispense with the various firsts by a woman. Laps led under green, winning the pole, not crashing, working well with the crew, finishing the whole 500 miles, etc. Enough already!
Adam clued me in to where to look for the grease for the snow blower. Now all I have to do is drag the snow blower into the mud room for some dis-assembly.
Adam and Steph had a small Daytona 500 viewing party, and I have included a picture of their little soiree. You will have to wait for Mary's blog for a picture of our afternoon.
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I think they hit most of the car sponsors, plus a few additions. |
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Good late day GH. It is late, now after 9:00 PM. I don't have a lot to say, but that's often the point of blogging. The current weather conditions are a temperature of 31 degrees, and the view out the Weather Window is dark. We had quite a bit of snow yesterday, and I have literally run out of places to pile it. But, at least the parts for my snow blower should be arriving soon. Since it has a four year warranty, the parts are free. I have to ask Adam if we have any lithium grease here in the garage or man-cave that I can use to lube the gears on the discharge chute and thus repel the water/ice that builds up. I still plan to make the flexible cover for around the discharge chute, but the grease would provide added insurance against future ice jams, I think. I was thankful the snow blower is still partially functional, but it was still hot and heavy work.
Early this morning, a train passed with twin locomotives and multiple cars. I find the whole thing fascinating, but that's just me.
We plan to watch the Daytona 500 tomorrow, but today we caught part of the Nationwide series race, DRIVE4COPD 300, that was run today, and saw what had to be one of the most horrendous crashes on the very last lap. The entire front end of Kyle Larson's car was sheared off and the engine and part of the suspension itself ended up in the spectator's laps. I mean that literally. It will take quite a bit of effort to repair the catch fence and get tomorrow's race in. Tony Stewart won today's race, but he was very shaken and genuinely hoped that no one was severely injured. As it turns out, there were several severe and/or critically injured people in the crowd of spectators. I know that Hemingway said that it isn't a sport unless there is a chance of death, but I don't tune in to see either spectators or drivers die. For those of you who are interested, just do a Google search and you can satisfy your curiosity.
I am still in search of some additional time for all of my activities, so I hope that I can get everything done. I spent time today looking for a replacement mug that was a part of my father's 78th Fighter Group memorabilia, but so far, no luck. Someday, my luck will change.
I enjoyed watching UP w/ Chris Hayes this AM, and I plan to watch again tomorrow, before switching over for the Daytona 500. That will allow me to have...Tea time. I must say that the tea tastes much better without all of the weird "goo" that was in the old pot. So, until next time, Ciao.
Early this morning, a train passed with twin locomotives and multiple cars. I find the whole thing fascinating, but that's just me.
We plan to watch the Daytona 500 tomorrow, but today we caught part of the Nationwide series race, DRIVE4COPD 300, that was run today, and saw what had to be one of the most horrendous crashes on the very last lap. The entire front end of Kyle Larson's car was sheared off and the engine and part of the suspension itself ended up in the spectator's laps. I mean that literally. It will take quite a bit of effort to repair the catch fence and get tomorrow's race in. Tony Stewart won today's race, but he was very shaken and genuinely hoped that no one was severely injured. As it turns out, there were several severe and/or critically injured people in the crowd of spectators. I know that Hemingway said that it isn't a sport unless there is a chance of death, but I don't tune in to see either spectators or drivers die. For those of you who are interested, just do a Google search and you can satisfy your curiosity.
I am still in search of some additional time for all of my activities, so I hope that I can get everything done. I spent time today looking for a replacement mug that was a part of my father's 78th Fighter Group memorabilia, but so far, no luck. Someday, my luck will change.
I enjoyed watching UP w/ Chris Hayes this AM, and I plan to watch again tomorrow, before switching over for the Daytona 500. That will allow me to have...Tea time. I must say that the tea tastes much better without all of the weird "goo" that was in the old pot. So, until next time, Ciao.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Good early morning GH. It is just about 3:15 in the wee hours of the morning here in our fair city. Currently, the view out the Weather Window is, dark. The temperature on the desktop is 25 degrees, and the wind is blowing at 19 MPH according to the National Weather Service. Also, according to those fine folks, for as long as they get to keep their jobs, we are expecting that precipitation will be peaking at 100% by 6:00 AM, as winds continue to blow at about 19 - 20 MPH. Driving will be hazardous as the temperatures and other factors allow for 1 - 3 inches of snow/ice to fall. Like I've said before, "Enough already!"
We were speaking to some of the long term locals the other day, and they noted that the ice fishing on most of the lakes is doing well, but there have been a few rescues as people get too adventurous. Some of that is apparently due to the rapid changes in the temperatures, and the fact that windblown rain acts like sandpaper on ice, eroding it very rapidly to unsafe thinness. But that is the new normal I guess. Our local paper noted that there have been a large number of spin-outs on local roads recently, as people needing to travel have encountered icy and and blinding conditions.
Mary and I finished our shared and never to be named non-fiction book (due to its title) yesterday. The author wrote this book about 6 - 7 years ago, but it is right on target. Amazing how the more things change etc.
Otherwise, I plan to do some playing of guitar today, finish my next non-fiction book, one that details the reality of WWII from the airman's perspective, and start another fiction novel that I picked up the other day at the library. I love having a library so close at hand, especially one that is so responsive to my requests for new and already in their collection/system. This really is a great town.
I hope that everything went well for Adam and Steph over the last few days. Steph is into week three of her new job and Adam had some long days of meetings. While I sometimes miss being young and ambitious, I don't miss the days of long hours and long meetings. Ah, the price we pay for success. But, retirement is always out there somewhere in the future.
So, until more is in need of my commentary, I'll just await...Tea time, which will involve our new tea pot, and hopefully some less bitter tea. Mary and I discovered the other day that our previous teapot had become unusable due to accumulated "goo" in the bottom. It made the tea taste bitter and thus the pot unusable. The new pot being glass, won't allow those nasty buildups to remain hidden. A dishwasher will eliminate them very quickly. The old pot was 2- 3 years old, and maybe that is just how it is, a lifespan of 2 - 3 years. Ciao.
We were speaking to some of the long term locals the other day, and they noted that the ice fishing on most of the lakes is doing well, but there have been a few rescues as people get too adventurous. Some of that is apparently due to the rapid changes in the temperatures, and the fact that windblown rain acts like sandpaper on ice, eroding it very rapidly to unsafe thinness. But that is the new normal I guess. Our local paper noted that there have been a large number of spin-outs on local roads recently, as people needing to travel have encountered icy and and blinding conditions.
Mary and I finished our shared and never to be named non-fiction book (due to its title) yesterday. The author wrote this book about 6 - 7 years ago, but it is right on target. Amazing how the more things change etc.
Otherwise, I plan to do some playing of guitar today, finish my next non-fiction book, one that details the reality of WWII from the airman's perspective, and start another fiction novel that I picked up the other day at the library. I love having a library so close at hand, especially one that is so responsive to my requests for new and already in their collection/system. This really is a great town.
I hope that everything went well for Adam and Steph over the last few days. Steph is into week three of her new job and Adam had some long days of meetings. While I sometimes miss being young and ambitious, I don't miss the days of long hours and long meetings. Ah, the price we pay for success. But, retirement is always out there somewhere in the future.
So, until more is in need of my commentary, I'll just await...Tea time, which will involve our new tea pot, and hopefully some less bitter tea. Mary and I discovered the other day that our previous teapot had become unusable due to accumulated "goo" in the bottom. It made the tea taste bitter and thus the pot unusable. The new pot being glass, won't allow those nasty buildups to remain hidden. A dishwasher will eliminate them very quickly. The old pot was 2- 3 years old, and maybe that is just how it is, a lifespan of 2 - 3 years. Ciao.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Good early morning GH. Sorry about yesterday, but I got busy. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough and not do everything that you had planned. I found time to move the snow, something I could have done without, and then it was time to read more and listen to Mary read our community book. It is very interesting, but it is like preaching to the choir. Most of the things that are being said by the author, are things that Mary and I already believe or thought that we already knew. Still, it has been a great experience overall.
I normally start out with a short weather report. But today, I wanted to start out differently. So now, without further ado, here is that weather report. The current temperature on the desktop is 21 degrees. No precipitation on the immediate horizon, and for me, that is a welcome respite. In fact, by the time we get to Friday, the National Weather Service is predicting highs above freezing each day from there on out. However, snow showers are part of the forecast from Tuesday onward. I don't mind if the precipitation falls in the form of rain. In fact, I welcome that forecast.
I noticed on the golf broadcast, that they had to postpone the golf tournament because five inches of snow and ice had fallen on the golf course. They pointed out that snow was falling to the east of San Diego, CA. I don't know how the deniers are dealing with that, but it is odd. They are even delaying tee times for one-half hour in the AM. So, whether you are a denier or believer, this is odd.
Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly, so that is her prediction that no heavy storms are on the immediate horizon. She is pretty accurate when it comes to storms. I anticipate that she and I will get out for a short walk today, something that we had to forgo on Tuesday and Wednesday. She will of course be ready to rock, because she knows that I need my exercise. The walk will of necessity be short, because I still fear the hidden ice. That's my own fear kicking in.
Mary thinks that we should get out of Dodge next winter, but it could be like this year, last year, or anything in between. Trouble is, you have to make reservations farther and farther in advance. Time will tell, but when you look at the weather that is occurring everywhere in the country, you find it hard to decide where to go. Not necessarily climate change, but certainly worthy of consideration.
Speaking of snow, the company that made my snow blower apologized for their inability to supply replacement parts on a timely basis. So, they clam to be sending an entire machine instead of the parts. When and if that happens, I'll have two machines with the same design flaw. Still, one can serve as a backup and wait in its box on the man-cave. I had/have an idea how to correct the flaw, and not have to work very hard to do it. I'll try it out when time permits. I know what the problem is and what caused it, so fixing it should be simple. In fact, it was Mary who simplified my idea, and for that I have to thank her. Sometimes, two minds are better than one. Her mind seems to work along a different path. That's good. Of course, my threat to use her sewing machine to assist my endeavor probably spurred her mind along.
Speaking of Mary, she met me for dinner after my library play date fell through. That's when she came up with the simplified plan for the idea I had noodling around in my brain. Her original dinner plan called for macaroni and cheese, but the chance to get out overwhelmed her. Me, my plans called for dinner, so anything was good with me.
Lenten time has produced a flurry of commercials for fish specials, and that has set my usually vegetarian mind to desiring fish. Mary says that if we can find some good fish, she is willing to give it a go. So the key phrase there is finding good fish. That may well be the hard part.
I guess it is time to get back to the hard work of sleeping. For Sugar, that is often hard work, but as a dog, she has her duties and sleeping is one of them. So until next time, Ciao.
I normally start out with a short weather report. But today, I wanted to start out differently. So now, without further ado, here is that weather report. The current temperature on the desktop is 21 degrees. No precipitation on the immediate horizon, and for me, that is a welcome respite. In fact, by the time we get to Friday, the National Weather Service is predicting highs above freezing each day from there on out. However, snow showers are part of the forecast from Tuesday onward. I don't mind if the precipitation falls in the form of rain. In fact, I welcome that forecast.
I noticed on the golf broadcast, that they had to postpone the golf tournament because five inches of snow and ice had fallen on the golf course. They pointed out that snow was falling to the east of San Diego, CA. I don't know how the deniers are dealing with that, but it is odd. They are even delaying tee times for one-half hour in the AM. So, whether you are a denier or believer, this is odd.
Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly, so that is her prediction that no heavy storms are on the immediate horizon. She is pretty accurate when it comes to storms. I anticipate that she and I will get out for a short walk today, something that we had to forgo on Tuesday and Wednesday. She will of course be ready to rock, because she knows that I need my exercise. The walk will of necessity be short, because I still fear the hidden ice. That's my own fear kicking in.
Mary thinks that we should get out of Dodge next winter, but it could be like this year, last year, or anything in between. Trouble is, you have to make reservations farther and farther in advance. Time will tell, but when you look at the weather that is occurring everywhere in the country, you find it hard to decide where to go. Not necessarily climate change, but certainly worthy of consideration.
Speaking of snow, the company that made my snow blower apologized for their inability to supply replacement parts on a timely basis. So, they clam to be sending an entire machine instead of the parts. When and if that happens, I'll have two machines with the same design flaw. Still, one can serve as a backup and wait in its box on the man-cave. I had/have an idea how to correct the flaw, and not have to work very hard to do it. I'll try it out when time permits. I know what the problem is and what caused it, so fixing it should be simple. In fact, it was Mary who simplified my idea, and for that I have to thank her. Sometimes, two minds are better than one. Her mind seems to work along a different path. That's good. Of course, my threat to use her sewing machine to assist my endeavor probably spurred her mind along.
Speaking of Mary, she met me for dinner after my library play date fell through. That's when she came up with the simplified plan for the idea I had noodling around in my brain. Her original dinner plan called for macaroni and cheese, but the chance to get out overwhelmed her. Me, my plans called for dinner, so anything was good with me.
Lenten time has produced a flurry of commercials for fish specials, and that has set my usually vegetarian mind to desiring fish. Mary says that if we can find some good fish, she is willing to give it a go. So the key phrase there is finding good fish. That may well be the hard part.
I guess it is time to get back to the hard work of sleeping. For Sugar, that is often hard work, but as a dog, she has her duties and sleeping is one of them. So until next time, Ciao.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Good early morning GH. It is just after one AM here in our rainy city. I am listening to talk radio. I just watched a train go by, not long, but twin locomotives and a few cars. In short, a typical train for this short line that goes by our house.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop is 42 degrees, and the temperature is expected to drop to about 30 degrees by 6:00 AM when the rain will to switch to snow, which might accumulate from 3 to 5 inches. Gosh, I miss my fully functioning snow blower. But, as I've said, it is unlikely to be completely repaired until the spring thaws begin.
Mary and I went over to Muskegon to check out the hotels there, so that we can make a reservation to stay during Irish Fest. We found a suitable property, and we even found a local pub that we like. We had talked about going there this Friday, but the weather may be a factor that we can't control. Time, as always, will tell.
I think I'll be staying in today. Sugar the Weather Dog and I had a nice long walk Monday, but the way the wind is blowing and the way it is expected to continue throughout the day today, mitigates against another long walk. Like I've also said, "Sheeesh, enough is enough."
Sugar is currently sleeping soundly, so she isn't reacting to the winds, yet. Mary and I will find time to read most of the balance of the book we are jointly reading. Well actually, she is reading and I am listening, but we are collectively enjoying the read. I won't share the title, because it is a bit risque. The book is not about things that are inappropriate, but it is an apt title for the subject matter.
I also found time to play here on my keyboard, so life is mostly all good. I even found time to complete the vacuuming and brush Sugar. When I was done with her, I felt like I could have knitted another dog. I also found time a short while ago to wash the dishes that were in the sink.
So, we will probably spend more indoor time today and then watch some television tonight. Of course, we will begin the day with...Tea time, and then see what happens. In any event, snow seems likely. I am glad that I don't have to go to work anymore, except for my editing job. But as you know, that is home-based and therefore, like Mary, my commute is short. So, it is also likely that I will watch the snow fall with a smile on my face. We didn't have any snow to speak of until mid-January, but we have made up for lost time. Ciao.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop is 42 degrees, and the temperature is expected to drop to about 30 degrees by 6:00 AM when the rain will to switch to snow, which might accumulate from 3 to 5 inches. Gosh, I miss my fully functioning snow blower. But, as I've said, it is unlikely to be completely repaired until the spring thaws begin.
Mary and I went over to Muskegon to check out the hotels there, so that we can make a reservation to stay during Irish Fest. We found a suitable property, and we even found a local pub that we like. We had talked about going there this Friday, but the weather may be a factor that we can't control. Time, as always, will tell.
I think I'll be staying in today. Sugar the Weather Dog and I had a nice long walk Monday, but the way the wind is blowing and the way it is expected to continue throughout the day today, mitigates against another long walk. Like I've also said, "Sheeesh, enough is enough."
Sugar is currently sleeping soundly, so she isn't reacting to the winds, yet. Mary and I will find time to read most of the balance of the book we are jointly reading. Well actually, she is reading and I am listening, but we are collectively enjoying the read. I won't share the title, because it is a bit risque. The book is not about things that are inappropriate, but it is an apt title for the subject matter.
I also found time to play here on my keyboard, so life is mostly all good. I even found time to complete the vacuuming and brush Sugar. When I was done with her, I felt like I could have knitted another dog. I also found time a short while ago to wash the dishes that were in the sink.
So, we will probably spend more indoor time today and then watch some television tonight. Of course, we will begin the day with...Tea time, and then see what happens. In any event, snow seems likely. I am glad that I don't have to go to work anymore, except for my editing job. But as you know, that is home-based and therefore, like Mary, my commute is short. So, it is also likely that I will watch the snow fall with a smile on my face. We didn't have any snow to speak of until mid-January, but we have made up for lost time. Ciao.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Good morning GH. Here it is, 8:00 AM in our fair city, and the day has dawned with sunshine and no snow. It really can't get much better than that. The current temperature is approaching 30 degrees, and we are still expecting a high in the low forties. Once again, you'll get no complaints from me. Sugar is in no hurry to take me out, yet, but I would make book on her need to get me out and my need to accommodate her.
Mary and I cleared out the refrigerator yesterday afternoon/evening, which followed on the heels of Mary organizing her kitchen cabinets. Like she always says, "You can't rush these things, you have to live with them for awhile." That applies to the cabinets, not the refrigerator, I believe.
We spent the day like Hugh Hefner yesterday, never changing out of our jammies. I found it personally liberating, and I believe Mary also found it to be true. I am currently working on my touch typing skills, so I have had to make a few corrections, but overall, I am doing well. I find that you can do most anything that your physical body is capable of doing. Fascinating really.
Not much on tap for today. A little reading, a trip to the library, and a bit of vacuuming. I am also planning on that walk with Sugar the Weather Dog as I noted before.
So, soon it will be...Tea time and time to move just a bit of the snow that I didn't get to over the weekend. Best of all, there is no mail delivery today, so I have time to get to the front porch before that letter carrier comes tomorrow. I just wish that the snow blower company would contact me with good news, but I am not holding my breath. Ciao.
Mary and I cleared out the refrigerator yesterday afternoon/evening, which followed on the heels of Mary organizing her kitchen cabinets. Like she always says, "You can't rush these things, you have to live with them for awhile." That applies to the cabinets, not the refrigerator, I believe.
We spent the day like Hugh Hefner yesterday, never changing out of our jammies. I found it personally liberating, and I believe Mary also found it to be true. I am currently working on my touch typing skills, so I have had to make a few corrections, but overall, I am doing well. I find that you can do most anything that your physical body is capable of doing. Fascinating really.
Not much on tap for today. A little reading, a trip to the library, and a bit of vacuuming. I am also planning on that walk with Sugar the Weather Dog as I noted before.
So, soon it will be...Tea time and time to move just a bit of the snow that I didn't get to over the weekend. Best of all, there is no mail delivery today, so I have time to get to the front porch before that letter carrier comes tomorrow. I just wish that the snow blower company would contact me with good news, but I am not holding my breath. Ciao.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Good afternoon GH. I waited until now to type this blog, because I wanted to have a chance to take some additional pictures. Plus, I spent the morning reading the end of a short novel called The Marseille Caper, by French writer, Peter Mayle. Not a long read, but a fun read, for someone who has visited that area of France.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop is a brisk 21 degrees. We are expecting a high today of 25 degrees, and tomorrow, 45 degrees is a strong possibility. My thanks to Mary for letting me stay in all weekend, rather than insisting that we go out somewhere. I didn't go out for the Irish Jam yesterday, because the snow was so intense at times. We actually experienced some white out conditions during the day. We probably got three to four inches overall. We both decided that the snow could wait until tomorrow to melt or be moved. My aching back thanks her.
Sugar the Weather Dog has been cooperative. She likes her walks, but has been accepting of my desire to avoid the outdoors and the slippery conditions. I am pretty certain that by tomorrow, she will insist that she take me for a walk. By then, I may be ready.
Some of the pictures that I took may show the snow falling at its heaviest. I know that some show my friends from the neighborhood menagerie behind us. I got the changes made in the man-cave, and I await Adam's critique. Personally, I like the new additions.
We had our...Tea time this AM while watching UP w/ Chris Hayes. My breakfast was an English muffin with peanut butter, and then I read for awhile. Later, Mary made a great lunch of baked tofu and potato salad. Both were excellent. Sugar in her alternative job as Sous Dog, also thought they were good, at least the potato salad.
So, without further ado, here are the pictures. Ciao.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop is a brisk 21 degrees. We are expecting a high today of 25 degrees, and tomorrow, 45 degrees is a strong possibility. My thanks to Mary for letting me stay in all weekend, rather than insisting that we go out somewhere. I didn't go out for the Irish Jam yesterday, because the snow was so intense at times. We actually experienced some white out conditions during the day. We probably got three to four inches overall. We both decided that the snow could wait until tomorrow to melt or be moved. My aching back thanks her.
Sugar the Weather Dog has been cooperative. She likes her walks, but has been accepting of my desire to avoid the outdoors and the slippery conditions. I am pretty certain that by tomorrow, she will insist that she take me for a walk. By then, I may be ready.
Some of the pictures that I took may show the snow falling at its heaviest. I know that some show my friends from the neighborhood menagerie behind us. I got the changes made in the man-cave, and I await Adam's critique. Personally, I like the new additions.
We had our...Tea time this AM while watching UP w/ Chris Hayes. My breakfast was an English muffin with peanut butter, and then I read for awhile. Later, Mary made a great lunch of baked tofu and potato salad. Both were excellent. Sugar in her alternative job as Sous Dog, also thought they were good, at least the potato salad.
So, without further ado, here are the pictures. Ciao.
As you can see, the snow was falling at a fast clip yesterday afternoon. |
Not much accumulation on the front porch this time. |
Once again, you can see the size of the falling flakes. |
Undisturbed, and it will stay that way until tomorrow. |
Just to make a point. |
As the snow falls on my friends from the menagerie. |
Sugar cooperating. |
See, 3 - 4 inches of accumulation. |
Falling faster. |
Why? Why not! |
Will it ever end? |
An unfinished driveway. |
At least this time, Ragus could look out on an unclogged driveway entrance. |
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Good early morning GH. It is about 2:45 in the AM, and I am still waiting for those "lake effect" snows to arrive. Believe me, I can wait until spring. I am currently embroiled in an effort to get the people who make the snow bower I own to send me the right parts. They are very apologetic on the phone, but there is "Nothing they can do," because they have no real way to expedite orders etc. No supervisors, two warehouses, and most any excuse they can offer. If I hadn't called them, they wouldn't have even begun to alter their glacial pace. I am so glad that I bought this thing. Not!
Currently, the temperature on the desktop display is showing as 23 degrees. Not warm, but at least the snow has yet to arrive as I noted earlier. The National Weather Service is still showing a total accumulation of six inches by tonight, but so far, nothing to write home about.
Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly, so my personal forecaster isn't feeling a disturbance in the force. Do I count on her for her predictions? Not always, because she likes to be out in the snow. Like I tried to tell the guy at the other end of the phone, we are going on our third snow event with my snow blower in less than 100% shape. He expresses concern, but, well you got the idea. I can tell you that as it stands, I couldn't recommend this machine given their lack of follow up on warranty concerns. It has a four year warranty, but a lack of expedient service makes that warranty moot. Next time, I go with a machine that has a better overall track record.
It is a great night here in GH. Well, I guess that it is a great early morning. I am listening to talk radio on the Internet, and I just heard a guy use the "S" word on the air. I guess on the Internet, anything goes. I don't care personally, but it was surprising none the less.
Before you know it, it will be...Tea time and also time for UP with Chris Hayes. I still haven't decided on my trip to the library for the Irish Jam session. Like I said, it all depends on the weather. One fall per winter is enough, especially if I am carrying a guitar. So, I'll play it by ear, pardon the play on words from an itinerant musician.
So, it is time for bed again, and that is always a welcome activity at this hour. So until I have more to say and time to say it, Ciao.
A short while ago a train went by towing a large number of cars behind three, count em, three locomotives. Not all that newsworthy to some, but I enjoy the experience. I think I've commented before that it is like living on a train board in reality scale. Maybe one day I'll be able to visit all of the stops that this short-line visits. Again, not newsworthy to some but something I'd like to do.
Oh, by the by, tonight is the first NASCAR sprint cup race from Daytona. The Daytona 500 is next weekend, the official start to the racing season for some. For me, spring is officially here when the pitchers and catchers report to spring training in Arizona or Florida. That happened this past Tuesday for the Tigers and the Cubs. So, this time for sure. Ciao.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop display is showing as 23 degrees. Not warm, but at least the snow has yet to arrive as I noted earlier. The National Weather Service is still showing a total accumulation of six inches by tonight, but so far, nothing to write home about.
Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly, so my personal forecaster isn't feeling a disturbance in the force. Do I count on her for her predictions? Not always, because she likes to be out in the snow. Like I tried to tell the guy at the other end of the phone, we are going on our third snow event with my snow blower in less than 100% shape. He expresses concern, but, well you got the idea. I can tell you that as it stands, I couldn't recommend this machine given their lack of follow up on warranty concerns. It has a four year warranty, but a lack of expedient service makes that warranty moot. Next time, I go with a machine that has a better overall track record.
It is a great night here in GH. Well, I guess that it is a great early morning. I am listening to talk radio on the Internet, and I just heard a guy use the "S" word on the air. I guess on the Internet, anything goes. I don't care personally, but it was surprising none the less.
Before you know it, it will be...Tea time and also time for UP with Chris Hayes. I still haven't decided on my trip to the library for the Irish Jam session. Like I said, it all depends on the weather. One fall per winter is enough, especially if I am carrying a guitar. So, I'll play it by ear, pardon the play on words from an itinerant musician.
So, it is time for bed again, and that is always a welcome activity at this hour. So until I have more to say and time to say it, Ciao.
A short while ago a train went by towing a large number of cars behind three, count em, three locomotives. Not all that newsworthy to some, but I enjoy the experience. I think I've commented before that it is like living on a train board in reality scale. Maybe one day I'll be able to visit all of the stops that this short-line visits. Again, not newsworthy to some but something I'd like to do.
Oh, by the by, tonight is the first NASCAR sprint cup race from Daytona. The Daytona 500 is next weekend, the official start to the racing season for some. For me, spring is officially here when the pitchers and catchers report to spring training in Arizona or Florida. That happened this past Tuesday for the Tigers and the Cubs. So, this time for sure. Ciao.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Good early morning GH. It is fast closing on 5:00 AM here in our still dark city. The view out the Weather Window is, not surprisingly, dark. The current temperature on the desktop is 25 degrees, and when Mary and I went out late yesterday afternoon, it was trying hard to snow shower. We are expecting a bit of snow, 1 - 3 inches over the next few days, but the plus side is, our UV index is a paltry 0- 1. I just checked a weather advisory from the National Weather service, and they have issued a lake effect warning until 4:00 PM Saturday calling for 6 - 9 inches. Sugar the Weather Dog is sound asleep now, because Mary came to bed late after watching television, and Sugar can't rest comfortably if both of us are not in the same place.
I was supposed to have a session with my student yesterday afternoon, but as had happened the day before, he called late to say he was still very tired and could we reschedule. He suggested that we could meet two days next week to make up for missed time, but I held out for one, because I still need time for all of my own activities. Plus, he has had trouble making it to our scheduled sessions once per week, so I was resistant to scheduling additional sessions before he can make it to one. We'll see what happens next week.
Today, Mary and I have nothing planned, except for things around the house. Me dusting and vacuuming and assorted other activities, like playing guitar. Mary, reading, a new knitting project, and cooking. I like the last one best. I also want to make an addition to the man-cave, which while not particularly useful, it will add ambiance. Adam can see it when he comes up next time.
Speaking of guitar, we have a session of the Irish Jam scheduled for Saturday. The usual coordinator, the director of communications for the library, has another commitment at that time. But, I will go, weather permitting, to see if anyone comes and just jam a bit. Since the sessions are never formalized, the result will be much the same, and may in fact, be even more free form. It all depends on who, if anyone, makes it.
It will soon be...Tea time, and the day will begin anew. I wish we had a consistent weather forecast. If we get the predicted 1 - 3 inches, no big deal. If, on the other hand, we get the predicted 6 - 9 inches big deal, especially for my aching back and my plans for the Irish Jam.
So, before I go back to slumber land, I'll remind myself to take some pictures later today and tomorrow for reference sake. I sure hope those snowblower parts come today. I am so glad that they expedited my recent request, emphasis added. Ciao.
I was supposed to have a session with my student yesterday afternoon, but as had happened the day before, he called late to say he was still very tired and could we reschedule. He suggested that we could meet two days next week to make up for missed time, but I held out for one, because I still need time for all of my own activities. Plus, he has had trouble making it to our scheduled sessions once per week, so I was resistant to scheduling additional sessions before he can make it to one. We'll see what happens next week.
Today, Mary and I have nothing planned, except for things around the house. Me dusting and vacuuming and assorted other activities, like playing guitar. Mary, reading, a new knitting project, and cooking. I like the last one best. I also want to make an addition to the man-cave, which while not particularly useful, it will add ambiance. Adam can see it when he comes up next time.
Speaking of guitar, we have a session of the Irish Jam scheduled for Saturday. The usual coordinator, the director of communications for the library, has another commitment at that time. But, I will go, weather permitting, to see if anyone comes and just jam a bit. Since the sessions are never formalized, the result will be much the same, and may in fact, be even more free form. It all depends on who, if anyone, makes it.
It will soon be...Tea time, and the day will begin anew. I wish we had a consistent weather forecast. If we get the predicted 1 - 3 inches, no big deal. If, on the other hand, we get the predicted 6 - 9 inches big deal, especially for my aching back and my plans for the Irish Jam.
So, before I go back to slumber land, I'll remind myself to take some pictures later today and tomorrow for reference sake. I sure hope those snowblower parts come today. I am so glad that they expedited my recent request, emphasis added. Ciao.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Good afternoon GH. It is just past 1:30 in the PM and that's according to my newly set Citizen Eco-Drive watch. It took awhile to set, and an exchange to get a watch without a scratch on the band, on which I practiced setting, but Mary and I did it. Well, I did the setting, Mary helped with the purchase and subsequent exchange. The watch is huge, and of course it looks just right on my wrist. As Adam says, those guys with their little wrists look ridiculous wearing one of these watches, but it looks just right on me. My apologies to Goldilocks for the paraphrase of her famous line.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop and according to my Weather Window weather station, is 38 degrees. The National Weather Service window shows 37 degrees, but what's one degree, unless you are talking the temperature of ocean water? I took a few pictures out the Weather Window, and at various other strategic places around our palatial estate, just to show the amount of melting that has occurred over the last few days. I'll place them at the end of this blog. We are expecting lower temperatures for the next several days, but back to forty by Monday.
I have a session set for this afternoon at the local library with my student. We were supposed to meet yesterday, but something came up. We plan to work on proofreading of some material and that should use up most of our time. I also have a form to fill out for the program records, but that shouldn't take too long. Otherwise, it is a chance to catch up on some of the time we have lost to weather and other issues.
So, since I have little else to say, I'll bid you all adieu.
Here are the aforementioned pictures.
Currently, the temperature on the desktop and according to my Weather Window weather station, is 38 degrees. The National Weather Service window shows 37 degrees, but what's one degree, unless you are talking the temperature of ocean water? I took a few pictures out the Weather Window, and at various other strategic places around our palatial estate, just to show the amount of melting that has occurred over the last few days. I'll place them at the end of this blog. We are expecting lower temperatures for the next several days, but back to forty by Monday.
I have a session set for this afternoon at the local library with my student. We were supposed to meet yesterday, but something came up. We plan to work on proofreading of some material and that should use up most of our time. I also have a form to fill out for the program records, but that shouldn't take too long. Otherwise, it is a chance to catch up on some of the time we have lost to weather and other issues.
So, since I have little else to say, I'll bid you all adieu.
Here are the aforementioned pictures.
Some of the now snow free menagerie from behind us. |
While much snow remains, it is slowly receding. |
The westward looking view out the window of Mary's office. |
If you look past Mickey's ears, you can once again see my friends in their "Cave Man" outfits, sans snow. |
Most of the snow is now gone from this area of the shared driveway. |
My neighbor keeps his house nice and warm, as evidenced by the lack of rooftop snow cover. |
You can actually see the end of the driveway. In the background, you can see that the houses across the way have no snow cover. |
I too keep our house warm, but we still have some snow cover on the roof. |
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Good morning GH. Well, I made it. It is nearly 10:00 AM, and I slept in and I walked Sugar the Weather Dog, without an incident. Sugar obliged by taking care of business in a quick fashion, maybe she remembers yesterday's end to our walk. A day can't start out much better than that. Currently, the temperature on the desktop and on the Weather Station in the Weather Window shows a very comfortable 31 degrees. We are expecting a high of 39 degrees today, which will be our high for the week. We go back to the mid to lower 20s by week's end. I just don't like the slippery feeling that comes with those in between temperatures. Plus, our shared driveway is ice covered and in some places covered by fallen icicles, that make navigating the driveway more challenging.
I have only the need to play my guitar on the agenda today. I already cleaned the bathroom, including the fixtures inside and out. Mary is down in her kitchen making some soup in her Crockpot, and it promises to be good, because she is adding extra garlic. Sugar the Weather Dog is Mary' constant companion when she is cooking. Can't say I blame her, especially when the outcome will be soup. I like it when I don't have to fend for myself. It is just work for me, not really joy. My outcomes are usually good, but it is still just work to me.
I have a session at the local library this afternoon with my student. We haven't been able to get together of late, due to health and weather concerns. I hope this is the harbinger of better times to come. He has some things that he wants to try working on, and I'll be glad to help, but we have to have continuity. Otherwise, we are constantly staring over.
I am about to travel to my music room and pick up my guitar and then play for awhile. I get joy and I get to practice. I already had...Tea time, so that's one thing out of the way. So, until next time, Ciao.
I have only the need to play my guitar on the agenda today. I already cleaned the bathroom, including the fixtures inside and out. Mary is down in her kitchen making some soup in her Crockpot, and it promises to be good, because she is adding extra garlic. Sugar the Weather Dog is Mary' constant companion when she is cooking. Can't say I blame her, especially when the outcome will be soup. I like it when I don't have to fend for myself. It is just work for me, not really joy. My outcomes are usually good, but it is still just work to me.
I have a session at the local library this afternoon with my student. We haven't been able to get together of late, due to health and weather concerns. I hope this is the harbinger of better times to come. He has some things that he wants to try working on, and I'll be glad to help, but we have to have continuity. Otherwise, we are constantly staring over.
I am about to travel to my music room and pick up my guitar and then play for awhile. I get joy and I get to practice. I already had...Tea time, so that's one thing out of the way. So, until next time, Ciao.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Good afternoon GH. I am getting a late start, due to circumstances entirely within my control. Currently the temperature on the desktop is 29 degrees, just enough tot make the sidewalks slippery with the tiny amount of snow that we have received overnight. So, true to form, I fell on my backside and banged my head. Apparently, according to our letter carrier, I was not alone. Sugar was with me so, that complicated my life just a bit.
I am nearly certain that if I had my new boots on, that I might have avoided the fall, but who knows for sure? I have no other plans for today, especially considering the aforementioned fall, but the need to be able to wear my boots requires a visit to the big box hardware store for some glue sticks, more on that at another time. Turns out, that we went to a movie instead, "Warm Bodies." The movie turned out to be a lot of fun, considering that it was about Zombies. As Mary often says, "Who knew." Then, since we were near, we stopped at Meijer and got the glue sticks and some other things while there. I thought about a new set of gloves, but since it is February 13, they had none left in stock. If I had wanted swim suits, shorts, t-shirts and sandals, I would have been in luck. Next year I'll have to plan ahead.
I had the car into the dealer yesterday, and they found nothing amiss. The system, including the Mass Airflow Sensor readings had normal parameters. So, I guess that the old buggy is good for a few more miles. I did get new wiper blades though, and that is a good thing for future trips. I might have found my local service facility, because they only charged me for the blades and not the diagnosis time. So, when it comes time for new car, I'll likely go there. They were fair and honest, although like most organizations, they did try to sell me on some additional services. Can't blame them for trying.
Otherwise, it is time to move along and then get on with my day. Ciao.
I am nearly certain that if I had my new boots on, that I might have avoided the fall, but who knows for sure? I have no other plans for today, especially considering the aforementioned fall, but the need to be able to wear my boots requires a visit to the big box hardware store for some glue sticks, more on that at another time. Turns out, that we went to a movie instead, "Warm Bodies." The movie turned out to be a lot of fun, considering that it was about Zombies. As Mary often says, "Who knew." Then, since we were near, we stopped at Meijer and got the glue sticks and some other things while there. I thought about a new set of gloves, but since it is February 13, they had none left in stock. If I had wanted swim suits, shorts, t-shirts and sandals, I would have been in luck. Next year I'll have to plan ahead.
I had the car into the dealer yesterday, and they found nothing amiss. The system, including the Mass Airflow Sensor readings had normal parameters. So, I guess that the old buggy is good for a few more miles. I did get new wiper blades though, and that is a good thing for future trips. I might have found my local service facility, because they only charged me for the blades and not the diagnosis time. So, when it comes time for new car, I'll likely go there. They were fair and honest, although like most organizations, they did try to sell me on some additional services. Can't blame them for trying.
Otherwise, it is time to move along and then get on with my day. Ciao.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Good morning GH. It is about 10:45 in the AM, and Sugar the Weather Dog and I have just returned from a field trip to the wilds of GH. It is still cold out there, but we are expecting warmer temperatures by this afternoon, with rain showers. Currently the temperature on the desktop is 28 degrees, with a high of 42 expected. Thus the rain, and the prediction for occasional showers after noon, building to a steady rain.
Sugar and I walked almost a mile on our fact finding safari, and we can tell you for sure, that it is both cold and slippery in some places. Sugar was not to be denied, as she sniffed everything she could get her nose on as we journeyed. We got the NY Times at our local independent bookstore, and then went around the neighborhood several times until she found what she was looking for.
Our new spice store here in GH, is now open, albeit on a winter schedule, and it looks promising. Mary got a spice she has been needing and then we had lunch. From there, we journeyed to the Post and had a few beers and conversation with Sally and the young lady who went to Vegas. She said that the Pawn Stars were filming and that it was an interesting experience to see. Finally, we came home and I proceeded to fall asleep. I have to be sure to teach Mary how to turn on the television upstairs, because she had to call and wake Sugar and I from our nap to get directions.
Mary, went to bed early, but every now and then she does that. Me, I wasn't really tired after my short nap, but I did manage to stay awake until nearly 11:00 PM, and then stay asleep all night, hence the seeming lateness for this blog.
I have to be sure to give a shout out to Adam for his recommendation on these glasses. They work great, I can see again, and best of all, they were a lot less money. It really doesn't get much better than that. Adam would say I'm cheap, I'd say I'm fiscally responsible. See, I learned something from his education.
I got a reply from Stephany regarding how her new job is going. Seems all is going well and she is on a learning curve, but enjoying the experience. Best of all, it is a break from her previous career(s) in the finance area.
Otherwise, not much happening here. We may, and I stress may, walk downtown, just because. But, as I told Mary, I'm not walking in the cold rain. Ain't no way, no how. I had my...Tea time, and I won't get chilled again. Pardon my channeling of a partial lyric from one of my favorite bands, but like it said, it happens.
So, until next time, Ill say Ciao and bid all a fond "later much."
Sugar and I walked almost a mile on our fact finding safari, and we can tell you for sure, that it is both cold and slippery in some places. Sugar was not to be denied, as she sniffed everything she could get her nose on as we journeyed. We got the NY Times at our local independent bookstore, and then went around the neighborhood several times until she found what she was looking for.
Our new spice store here in GH, is now open, albeit on a winter schedule, and it looks promising. Mary got a spice she has been needing and then we had lunch. From there, we journeyed to the Post and had a few beers and conversation with Sally and the young lady who went to Vegas. She said that the Pawn Stars were filming and that it was an interesting experience to see. Finally, we came home and I proceeded to fall asleep. I have to be sure to teach Mary how to turn on the television upstairs, because she had to call and wake Sugar and I from our nap to get directions.
Mary, went to bed early, but every now and then she does that. Me, I wasn't really tired after my short nap, but I did manage to stay awake until nearly 11:00 PM, and then stay asleep all night, hence the seeming lateness for this blog.
I have to be sure to give a shout out to Adam for his recommendation on these glasses. They work great, I can see again, and best of all, they were a lot less money. It really doesn't get much better than that. Adam would say I'm cheap, I'd say I'm fiscally responsible. See, I learned something from his education.
I got a reply from Stephany regarding how her new job is going. Seems all is going well and she is on a learning curve, but enjoying the experience. Best of all, it is a break from her previous career(s) in the finance area.
Otherwise, not much happening here. We may, and I stress may, walk downtown, just because. But, as I told Mary, I'm not walking in the cold rain. Ain't no way, no how. I had my...Tea time, and I won't get chilled again. Pardon my channeling of a partial lyric from one of my favorite bands, but like it said, it happens.
So, until next time, Ill say Ciao and bid all a fond "later much."
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Good early morning GH. This is the day! We are supposed to have sunshine for most of the day, with a high temperature of 31 degrees. We have no chance of precipitation for the next two days, according to the National Weather Service, and it looks like Monday before we have any scheduled, and that will come in the form of rain. Currently, the temperature is a brisk 14 degrees, but since it is the middle of the night, well closer to dawn really, it doesn't really make any never mind.
Mary and I made it to the mall in Fruitport/Muskegon/Norton Shores, and we shopped for a new watch for me Yes, we found one that we both could like. We also searched, in vain, for a new set of salt/pepper grinders. The few that we saw simply wouldn't do. Poor design, no match to our table etc. So, Mary has decided to go back to the internet. We have exhausted all of our local possibilities, so that seems the only prudent course of action.
We plan to go downtown today for the "Frozen in Time" activity. If we understand correctly, live mannequins will be on display in various storefronts. It should be interesting.
Afterwards, it is likely that a stop at the post is in order. We should be able to hear about the trip to Las Vegas from one of the regulars, and from Sally about how much she enjoyed the soup we left with her at our last visit.
Otherwise, this morning is devoted to UP with Chris Hayes accompanied by...Tea time, and then a walk with Sugar the Weather Dog. Since the snow hasn't fallen for 24 hours now, it should be safe for all the planned activities. I have included some post blizzard pictures just for the heck of it. So, until next time, Ciao.
Looking east as the snow melts on the street. |
Not bad, when you consider where I started. |
Post clean up of our shared driveway. That pile of snow on the left is our outdoor entrance to the "Man Cave." |
This view out my northerly looking office window, was before any cleanup on my part or that of our across the street neighbor to the north. |
Pre-cleanup by me, but post cleanup by my Good Samaritan neighbor |
My neighbor to the north and public safety. |
Friday, February 8, 2013
Good morning GH. It truly is morning, and the sun is shining on our fair city once again. Currently, the temperature showing on the desktop display is 25 degrees, which concurs with the display taken from the sophisticated equipment I use in the Weather Window weather station.
I promised a faithful reader some additional pictures of our current outdoor views and I shall deliver. When I let Sugar the Weather Dog out this morning, she had to contend with at least an additional six inches of snow on the deck. It is currently difficult to get the door open, because the snow is over the top of the threshold. So, that truly means more snow moving today. I was very fortunate that my western neighbor came by last night and gave me a head start on the snow at the end of our shared driveway in addition to our front sidewalk. I'll have to thank him and buy him a six-pack of his favorite brew. But, it was like shoveling sand against the incoming tide, there simply was too much snow overnight to have a long lasting effect.
Mary wants to go to the mall today, that's so unlike her, so in order to for that to happen, I have to clear the driveway, again. I don't know what to do with the snow anymore, because I am running out of places to pile it. Kind of like sand in the desert dunes.
Soon, it will be...Tea time, and I will then be fortified to carry Sugar through the snow drifts, right after I clear a path down the shared driveway. Sugar of course, likes the snow, she always has, but this may be more than even she can handle. Yesterday, when she and I went for our morning walk, she spied the local letter carrier at the corner. She and he have an interesting relationship. She is warming up to him. She wanted to see him and bolted down the street, through the snow, to meet/greet him, but then couldn't make up her mind whether to actually approach him up close. As he said, "It will come, we just have to be patient." I doubt if Sugar will ever feel that way about the Big Brown truck and its driver. Oh, byt the way, a train came by last night while it was snowing. Amazing, and long.
So, without further ado, I'll place the pictures in no particular order and say Ciao for now.
I promised a faithful reader some additional pictures of our current outdoor views and I shall deliver. When I let Sugar the Weather Dog out this morning, she had to contend with at least an additional six inches of snow on the deck. It is currently difficult to get the door open, because the snow is over the top of the threshold. So, that truly means more snow moving today. I was very fortunate that my western neighbor came by last night and gave me a head start on the snow at the end of our shared driveway in addition to our front sidewalk. I'll have to thank him and buy him a six-pack of his favorite brew. But, it was like shoveling sand against the incoming tide, there simply was too much snow overnight to have a long lasting effect.
Mary wants to go to the mall today, that's so unlike her, so in order to for that to happen, I have to clear the driveway, again. I don't know what to do with the snow anymore, because I am running out of places to pile it. Kind of like sand in the desert dunes.
Soon, it will be...Tea time, and I will then be fortified to carry Sugar through the snow drifts, right after I clear a path down the shared driveway. Sugar of course, likes the snow, she always has, but this may be more than even she can handle. Yesterday, when she and I went for our morning walk, she spied the local letter carrier at the corner. She and he have an interesting relationship. She is warming up to him. She wanted to see him and bolted down the street, through the snow, to meet/greet him, but then couldn't make up her mind whether to actually approach him up close. As he said, "It will come, we just have to be patient." I doubt if Sugar will ever feel that way about the Big Brown truck and its driver. Oh, byt the way, a train came by last night while it was snowing. Amazing, and long.
So, without further ado, I'll place the pictures in no particular order and say Ciao for now.
Just a hint of our newly fallen totals. |
One of my favorites. looking west over my neighbor's roof at Public Safety. |
Similar, yet different. |
A new view, out my eastern looking office window. |
Similar, but you can see my neighbor's roof to the east. |
The obligatory shot of my front porch. |
One of my favorites, looking north out the office window. |
If you look close, you'll see my frigid friends in the yard of my neighbor to the south. |
Sugar's path to the backyard, and if you look under the snow covered tree, Sugar the Weather Dog, doing what all intrepid reporters do, standing in the snow. |
Not as close up. |
Proof, that I have snow to move. |
As you can see, I have to move the snow to open the door. |
Ouch! |
Well, why not? |
I have to admit, that the trees look great all covered in snow. |
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Good morning GH. It has just crossed the 8:00 AM hour here in our fair city, and the snow has not yet arrived. Wait, an update on the facts. It has begun to snow. On the other hand, the refuse people have arrived, and part of the trash I put out did not get picked up. Hopefully they will be returning for it later, but somehow I feel as though I will have to place a call. I hate when that happens. Speaking of placing a call, I have to try again to contact the car dealer. Seems like no one is desirous of taking my money. It also doesn't bode well for finding a local place to service the car, nor finding a place to buy another car. I won't deal with a place that is that slipshod, but do I have a choice? Speaking further of placing calls, I have to call the place that sent me the wrong parts for my snowblower. I got parts which I can use, but not the parts that I really need. Is there no one out there who can get things right?
Our current forecast calls for 1 - 3 inches of new snow by tomorrow. Update on that forecast. Now there is an alert predicting 6 - 12 inches by noon tomorrow. Once again, time will tell. Our current temperature is 30 degrees according to all of the sources available to me here in the Weather Center, where the temperature is a very comfortable 68 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly next to the bed. Mary is sleeping soundly in the bed. The two most important girls in my life are doing a great impression of Sleeping Beauty.
I heard on the radio yesterday and again today, that the level of two of the great lakes, one of them our own "Big Lake," are at historically low levels. In spite of the precipitation that we have been receiving, the levels are obviously low. In addition, the Grand River is clogged by ice at the drawbridge. The water is backing up and that has reduced the flow through the channel Of course, that is allowing ice to form in the channel, and although that might be good for some, it is predicted that flooding might occur upstream. The people who are climate change deniers are in for a rude awakening. That of course assumes that they can be awoken.
Isn't it amazing that for some people it doesn't matter what evidence you offer, they can still shape the facts to suit themselves. Like someone once said, "It doesn't matter what the facts are, what matters is what people believe the facts are." Mary likes to say that, "People are entitled to their own opinion, just not their own facts." I am not so sure anymore. I think that her other quote,"We're Doomed!" is more on target. No wonder people keep voting for fools. Those people want to have the facts meet their own point of view, not let their view be shaped by those facts. So, what you get is a small subset of people controlling the lives of a large percentage of the citizens, mostly for the sake of their personal profit. Somehow, I doubt that we are going to avoid Mary's scenario.
But, too much gloom and doom. I have to keep an open mind myself. Maybe the people at the car dealer got busy. Maybe the trash hauler will be back because it was too much for one stop. Maybe the people at the snowblower parts department sent the wrong parts because I didn't explain my needs clearly enough. Wouldn't it be nice if all of that were actually true? Well wouldn't it?
So, until I have to go out with Sugar this morning, I'll maintain a positive outlook. I'll wait until 9:00 AM to call the snowblower parts people and try to sort that out. Still, if they haven't shipped the other parts I need under separate cover, I'll have to try again. That may delay the final repairs for another 10 days unless I can convince them that they need to improve their idea of timely. Sheesh. So, before I wax anymore, it is nearly...Tea time. Ciao.
Our current forecast calls for 1 - 3 inches of new snow by tomorrow. Update on that forecast. Now there is an alert predicting 6 - 12 inches by noon tomorrow. Once again, time will tell. Our current temperature is 30 degrees according to all of the sources available to me here in the Weather Center, where the temperature is a very comfortable 68 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping soundly next to the bed. Mary is sleeping soundly in the bed. The two most important girls in my life are doing a great impression of Sleeping Beauty.
I heard on the radio yesterday and again today, that the level of two of the great lakes, one of them our own "Big Lake," are at historically low levels. In spite of the precipitation that we have been receiving, the levels are obviously low. In addition, the Grand River is clogged by ice at the drawbridge. The water is backing up and that has reduced the flow through the channel Of course, that is allowing ice to form in the channel, and although that might be good for some, it is predicted that flooding might occur upstream. The people who are climate change deniers are in for a rude awakening. That of course assumes that they can be awoken.
Isn't it amazing that for some people it doesn't matter what evidence you offer, they can still shape the facts to suit themselves. Like someone once said, "It doesn't matter what the facts are, what matters is what people believe the facts are." Mary likes to say that, "People are entitled to their own opinion, just not their own facts." I am not so sure anymore. I think that her other quote,"We're Doomed!" is more on target. No wonder people keep voting for fools. Those people want to have the facts meet their own point of view, not let their view be shaped by those facts. So, what you get is a small subset of people controlling the lives of a large percentage of the citizens, mostly for the sake of their personal profit. Somehow, I doubt that we are going to avoid Mary's scenario.
But, too much gloom and doom. I have to keep an open mind myself. Maybe the people at the car dealer got busy. Maybe the trash hauler will be back because it was too much for one stop. Maybe the people at the snowblower parts department sent the wrong parts because I didn't explain my needs clearly enough. Wouldn't it be nice if all of that were actually true? Well wouldn't it?
So, until I have to go out with Sugar this morning, I'll maintain a positive outlook. I'll wait until 9:00 AM to call the snowblower parts people and try to sort that out. Still, if they haven't shipped the other parts I need under separate cover, I'll have to try again. That may delay the final repairs for another 10 days unless I can convince them that they need to improve their idea of timely. Sheesh. So, before I wax anymore, it is nearly...Tea time. Ciao.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Good early morning GH. It is just after midnight and I have just seen a train with two locomotives go by. Earlier today, they were predicting a lot of snow, but now that has been pushed back to Thursday. In fact, I got an early start on my errands because it was snowing when I went out with Sugar. Mary and I went north earlier today, to beat the snow that was predicted for 1:00 PM, but it only lasted a very short time, just like I thought might happen. According to the desktop temperature reading, it is currently 27 degrees. It felt downright balmy earlier at 29 degrees.
Sugar the Weather Dog is lying on the floor, and according to the book that Mary ordered from the library, any flat surface is as good as the next when it comes to a dog sleeping. So, that bed problem isn't really a problem. Go figure.
I have no real plans for today, as I just want to do as little as possible. I have to get Mary to help me get some of the excess things off my computer memory to save some space. Not critical, but it would be nice.
I got my new short guitar stand, and it works perfectly, just as I'd hoped. I guess that given its function, the form was dictated and the fact that it works as advertised, shouldn't have surprised me.
Otherwise, I don't have much to say, so I'll be going and get some sleep. Tea time comes too early, so I don't want to miss my beauty sleep. Ciao.
Sugar the Weather Dog is lying on the floor, and according to the book that Mary ordered from the library, any flat surface is as good as the next when it comes to a dog sleeping. So, that bed problem isn't really a problem. Go figure.
I have no real plans for today, as I just want to do as little as possible. I have to get Mary to help me get some of the excess things off my computer memory to save some space. Not critical, but it would be nice.
I got my new short guitar stand, and it works perfectly, just as I'd hoped. I guess that given its function, the form was dictated and the fact that it works as advertised, shouldn't have surprised me.
Otherwise, I don't have much to say, so I'll be going and get some sleep. Tea time comes too early, so I don't want to miss my beauty sleep. Ciao.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Good morning GH. It is all the way up to 8:20 in the morning, and I have just finished thinking about my day. I have some errands to run this morning, including a trip to the doctor for my six-month check-up, and a stop at the library to return and pick up some books. I also have a stop at the local health food store for some needed supplies. When the weather gets threatening, you need to stock up on some thing like bread and milk, and the need for plywood becomes almost insatiable and overwhelming. Plus the need to buy a generator and wait in line for gasoline assumes huge importance.
Speaking of weather, the current temperature on the desktop is 18 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog and I are scheduled for an earlier walk today, because of my errands. Our collective forecast, myself, Sugar the Weather Dog, and The National Weather Service and the view out the Weather Window, calls for snow to begin about 11:00 AM and continue for today and tomorrow with accumulations anywhere between one and four inches. Like I always say, we'll just have to wait and see.
When I rescheduled this doctor's appointment two weeks ago, it was because of the snowy weather and here we are again. Like I noted the other day, "Okay G-d, you win, I give up, enough snow already." That only applies if you think that some supernatural being is controlling the weather all over the world, not climate change. Come to think of it, that would explain why the deniers don't believe in climate change. I think I heard something yesterday that fully one-third of people don't believe in science anyway. If that's true, then as Mary often says, "We're doomed!"
So, I'd best be on my way, in the early morning snow and cold. My apologies to Gordon Lightfoot for misappropriating and reworking one of his famous lyrics. Sometimes, song lyrics creep into whatever I am doing. So, it is now...Tea time and time to get this party started. Oops, there's another one of those song lyrics. Ciao.
Speaking of weather, the current temperature on the desktop is 18 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog and I are scheduled for an earlier walk today, because of my errands. Our collective forecast, myself, Sugar the Weather Dog, and The National Weather Service and the view out the Weather Window, calls for snow to begin about 11:00 AM and continue for today and tomorrow with accumulations anywhere between one and four inches. Like I always say, we'll just have to wait and see.
When I rescheduled this doctor's appointment two weeks ago, it was because of the snowy weather and here we are again. Like I noted the other day, "Okay G-d, you win, I give up, enough snow already." That only applies if you think that some supernatural being is controlling the weather all over the world, not climate change. Come to think of it, that would explain why the deniers don't believe in climate change. I think I heard something yesterday that fully one-third of people don't believe in science anyway. If that's true, then as Mary often says, "We're doomed!"
So, I'd best be on my way, in the early morning snow and cold. My apologies to Gordon Lightfoot for misappropriating and reworking one of his famous lyrics. Sometimes, song lyrics creep into whatever I am doing. So, it is now...Tea time and time to get this party started. Oops, there's another one of those song lyrics. Ciao.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Hello it's me, I've thought about you for a long long time. Oops, I think I was channeling Todd Rundgren there. Good morning GH. It is closing on 5:00 AM here in our fair city and that's closer to Sunrise, than it is to midnight. In fact, sunrise is scheduled for 7:57 AM EST. Currently, the temperature on the desktop is 20 degrees, which corresponds with the National Weather Service and the sophisticated weather station in the Weather Window. The digital display on the wall mounted unit here in Weather Central, is reading the expected sixty-eight degrees.
No surprise, we had more snow overnight, but it doesn't look like it was as much as predicted; judging by the amount deposited by the city in our shared driveway. I'll know more in the morning when I let Sugar the Weather Dog out. I hope that I can skip part of the removal process.
Mary and I went to the local purveyor of dog biscuits late yesterday for a 1/2 price sale. Then, we journeyed downtown in search of a place to watch the Superbowl, won by the Ravens, 35-31 with a great offensive effort and less than a stellar defensive effort. We found just the place, Rbud, where we watched the first half. We had our usual pineapple pizza, 1/2 of which we brought home. The game was a blowout up until halftime.
Once home, I let Sugar the Weather Dog out for her final time and then scurried up to the media room for a good view of the second half. The 49ers staged a big comeback following the over thirty minute delay caused by a power outage. Many people tweeted during the outage, "How bout that infrastructure here in NOLA," or "Heck of a job Brownie." We don't have an infrastructure problem in this country, do we?
I hope the parts for the snowblower come this week. I keep patching the old machine up, but new parts would help. Much as I don't mind shoveling the light in weight snow we have been receiving, a snowblower makes it easier.
Until it is once again...Tea time, I think I'll return to my little big bed and get some additional sleep. So for now, Ciao.
No surprise, we had more snow overnight, but it doesn't look like it was as much as predicted; judging by the amount deposited by the city in our shared driveway. I'll know more in the morning when I let Sugar the Weather Dog out. I hope that I can skip part of the removal process.
Mary and I went to the local purveyor of dog biscuits late yesterday for a 1/2 price sale. Then, we journeyed downtown in search of a place to watch the Superbowl, won by the Ravens, 35-31 with a great offensive effort and less than a stellar defensive effort. We found just the place, Rbud, where we watched the first half. We had our usual pineapple pizza, 1/2 of which we brought home. The game was a blowout up until halftime.
Once home, I let Sugar the Weather Dog out for her final time and then scurried up to the media room for a good view of the second half. The 49ers staged a big comeback following the over thirty minute delay caused by a power outage. Many people tweeted during the outage, "How bout that infrastructure here in NOLA," or "Heck of a job Brownie." We don't have an infrastructure problem in this country, do we?
I hope the parts for the snowblower come this week. I keep patching the old machine up, but new parts would help. Much as I don't mind shoveling the light in weight snow we have been receiving, a snowblower makes it easier.
Until it is once again...Tea time, I think I'll return to my little big bed and get some additional sleep. So for now, Ciao.
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