Thursday, September 27, 2012
Good morning GH. To borrow rather unabashedly from Crosby Stills, and Nash, just a blog before I go. Yes, Adam and Steph will be taking over the house for a few days and keeping Sugar the Weather Dog protected and safe. When Sugar looks out the Weather Window this AM, she will see partly cloudy skies, and the sun on the rise, with a current desktop temperature of 50 degrees. Mary and I are off to the eastern part of the state today for a short visit, and we plan on taking the byways not the highways as we travel. We have a theory, well actually a reality, that if you avoid highways, you see and discover more when you take the "back roads." You can see more than you can as you whiz by at 70 MPH on the highways. Plus, it is a lot less nerve racking. I guess that as you get older, you just want things to slow down a bit. Ah, the idea that youth is wasted on the young rears its ugly head again. So, we will visit some small towns, some antique stores and whatever else catches our interest. As newly minted Michiganders, we are always discovering new things. Since we lived just outside of Chicago all of our lives, we pretty much knew where everything they talked about on the news was located. Here in MI, what is the known for us, is a small area from here to Beaver Island in the north to Buffalo in the south; Grand Rapids to the east, and of course, GH itself. So for us, each new drive is an adventure. We will rely somewhat on "Hal", our GPS unit, but mostly on the good old fashioned road atlas and maps that we own. So, until I return with ne pictures and things to repiort, I'll just say that it is...Tea time.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Good afternoon GH. I got a late start today due to having some housework to do this morning and early afternoon. As always, a man's work is never done. The view out the Weather Window is a cloudless sky, the sun is a bright yellow orb, and the current desktop temperature is a very comfortable 68 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is downstairs napping, but since she was out this AM for a trip to the Farmer's Market, I think she would pronounce the day wonderful. She had a bone yesterday, so I know she was well sated for her activities today. Adam and Stephany are coming over for a few days, so I know she will be getting plenty of exercise while we are otherwise occupied. This will be my first chance to see Adam's new car. I wonder if Steph has named this one yet, and if so, what she used as a criterion for the name? Me, I have a session at the library this afternoon, so I will be departing soon for that. I am enjoying the experience, but it is a long process that will take a while to see the end. Yesterday, I took the time to create a new index for the Irish Session Music. I used the same software that Mary uses for her book indexes. Now, I can find any piece of music by looking for the name in alphabetical order. I hope it works out as I planned. Once again, time will tell. So, since I have not much more to say, I will simply say "Adios pardners'"
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
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No reason for this picture, just that I think Sugar looks cute. |
Monday, September 24, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, the view out the Weather Window shows that the sun is on the rise and the skies have only a few puffy clouds. The desktop temperature shows 52 brisk degrees, and the forecast from Sugar the Weather Dog is mixed. She spent part of the night in the in-house cave, so I can't be sure what she is predicting. Yesterday, Mary and I spent some time reading the Sunday New York Times, and as always, that took up a lot of time, There are still several stories that I need to read in the front section. Mary said that she was finally finished with the front section after about 2 1/2 hours. What a country. We stopped in at one of the local watering holes just in time to see the Lions lose a heart-breaker in overtime, 44-41. A real defensive struggle, don't you think? True to my word, I refused to watch anymore Bear games. I heard that they won, though this was over a team that lacked the ability to beat them. Today, I plan to get my flu vaccination, and pick up a few things at the grocery store; nothing special. So, I guess I will have time to do some highlighting and and guitar playing. I like the guitar playing more. Mary is thinking that she wants to bring the rocking chair into the house. Of course, that was last night, that could have changed by today. So, now it is time for some television watching downstairs as I enjoy, you guessed it, Tea time.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, I was trying to sleep, but the truth is, when you are awake, you are awake. So, I thought that I would use my time to do a little library searching and writing on this blog. As usual, at this hour of the AM, the view out the Weather Window is...Dark! The current temperature on the desktop is 64 very comfortable degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog came to bed when Mary did a few hours ago, and she was extra cute with her flag flying. However, her ability to predict the weather was limited by her desire for more sleep. She had a busy day yesterday as did I. Once I finished working on the rocking chair and sweeping out the man-cave, Sugar and I adjourned to the deck; she for some bone chewing, while I worked a couple of crossword puzzles as Sugar chewed. It is warmer now than it was at 3:00 PM yesterday. Go figure. I did have to go out to get some supplies to finish the chair, and while out, I also picked up some other items at the various hardware stores. I also went to the farmer's market for some fresh vegetables. Today, I plan to play some on my guitar, and then do some highlighting for Mary's newest indexing project. Otherwise, I have a date at the library for the R.E.A.D. program at 5:00 PM. So, it is now time for bed and then it will be...Tea time.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, it is actually a real morning. It is only 7:40 AM, but that beats getting up at 4:00 AM and blogging. I guess it just depends on how sleepy you are. The view out the Weather Window is partly cloudy, and the current desktop temperature is a brisk 42 degrees. I may have to break down and wear a long sleeved shirt today. Sugar the Weather Dog is still snug in her bed, but that beats the Weather Cave she sometimes inhabits. She spent some time there yesterday, as the weather was very odd. We had rain in the AM, sunshine sometimes, and then sleet in the late afternoon. They used to say if you don't like the weather in Chicago, just wait an hour, but I think we may have outdone them. I actually got several things done yesterday. I went to the doctor in the AM, then to the grocery store and even though my knees were aching after the treatment in the morning, I was able to spend some time in the man cave in the afternoon, doing some upholstery. Finally, I walked to the library to return a book and pick up another. I guess you can accomplish a lot if you push yourself. Today, I have to get some additional nails to finish the upholstery and also pick up a new dustpan for the garage. Some idiot, probably the same one that used too many nails doing the upholstery, stepped on the old dustpan and it got broken. But, I can use the outing to go to the medium box hardware store here in town, and get the broom that is on sale and a new dustpan. I may also be able to get the nails I need there too. If not, it is off to the small box hardware store for those. I also plan to go to the local farmer's market and get some green peppers and things. Then, I'll finish the rocking chair and rest for the balance of the day. Oh, I need to do some laundry too in addition to walking Sugar the Weather Dog. Wow, it really will be a busy day. So, for now, it is...Tea time.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Good early morning GH. It is closing on 4:00 AM here in our fair city and the current temperature is a cool but comfortable 55 degrees. There is a cool breeze coming in the window, and I find it refreshing. I can't see anything out the Weather Window, but I think rain is a possibility. Mary thought I had lost my mind when I went out without a jacket yesterday morning, wearing nothing but shorts and a T-shirt, but I was comfortable. You truly do adapt to your local weather. Sugar the Weather Dog accurately predicted that we would have rain last evening, and once she heard the thunder, she was off to her in-house cave for self-protection. As you may remember, she is terrified by any loud noise, and thunder is no exception. For those of you who wonder, there was a nice article in the Grand Haven Tribune yesterday about our famed Musical Fountain. Some people are in favor of doing nothing, believing that it is fine the way that it is, while others believe it is beginning to show its age. Having viewed the show just last Friday evening, I personally think it is just fine. It may need some improvements on the infrastructure to keep it working well into the future, but the overall concept is a fine attraction for the city's tourism industry. In other words, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Just because the locals have seen it many times, does not mean that it should be replaced. Newer music, maybe, but even that is subjective in nature, since the majority of the people who view the fountain are from out of town and for them, it is always fresh and new. Good music never goes out of style. As Mary and I often say, "Will the young people of today be dancing to some of the current music at their weddings?" We think not! If you can't appreciate the stylings of a Sinatra or a little bit of Glenn Miller, then you are ready to throw in the towel. I mean, how else do you explain the Macarena or the Chicken Dance? That may be age talking, but that is one man's opinion. Otherwise, it is time to go back to bed and get back to doing that voodoo that I do so well. So, until it is...Tea time, later.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Good afternoon GH. For the "Desert Rats" out there, the current temperature is a beautiful 73 degrees, with low humidity and partly cloudy skies. Sugar the Weather Dog is currently not expecting any precipitation, but there might some later or early tomorrow. I took a bike ride over to the small box hardware store in Spring Lake, to make an exchange. While there, I picked up some Wildflower Mix for planting next spring. It was on special for $3.50 versus $8.99, so I figured that it was worth a try, in keeping with my reputation as a "cheapskate." I also wanted to try the path to Spring Lake, and the ride across Harbor Island was as described, lovely. I had stopped by the bike store to add air to my tires and asked the best way to go. I was given two alternatives, and the Harbor Island route turned out to be the best choice. The lakeside path in Spring Lake is great, especially at this time of year. I didn't much like crossing the U.S. 31 bridge, I had to walk my bike and the noise was awful, but overall, the ride was worth the time and effort. Otherwise, my day has been pretty quiet. Mary made a great lunch of Swiss cheese and tomato on crispy crackers. She gave me horseradish, my favorite condiment on mine, while she had mustard on hers. She also boiled the corn we bought at the farmer's market last week, and it was of course, delicious. Last evening, I finished the book Witiku, The Shape Shifter, by David Walks-As-Bear, my favorite Native American author. This book is filled with Native American words, hot cars, and beautiful Native American women, not to mention the "Dog Men" of Michigan. Mary wants to read it too, just as soon as time permits. I am awaiting the newest book in the Ely Stone series by Walks-As-Bear, titled Lucifer's Wedge. However, no release date has yet been given. There, I said all I have to say today, but for those of you who need more, I suggest that you check back later. Or, you can choose the website for the Grand Haven Tribune, and view the city on their "Harbor Cam."
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Good afternoon GH. I got a late start today, just because I just felt like it. I could have gotten up at 4:00 AM, but I decided that I wanted to sleep more than blog. Right now the current temperature on the desktop is 74 delightful degrees. The view out the Weather Window is clear blue skies and the sun is high in the sky. Sugar the Weather Dog and I just came in from the deck. She consumed a bone and I read my book. I also drank some wine, and I will drink more after I am done here. Barb and Ed and Debbie and John went home yesterday. Well, John and Debbie went home and Ed and Barb continued on to her south side people. We had a great time and they indicated that they too enjoyed themselves. On Friday evening, we stopped to see the Musical Fountain at the waterfront; after we had stopped in at the post and sat with Sally for awhile. Ed and John tried some of the pickled sausage and while Ed liked it a lot, John was only okay with it. It is an acquired taste. I had some rum and Pepsi that was on special, and I pronounce it good. Of course, at only $1.00 per glass, I liked it more. We went to the Irish Music Festival in Muskegon yesterday. The festival is held on the lakefront, next to the LST museum. Parking is only $5.00 for the whole day, and the proceeds go to the museum. A win-win for all. I played with the Irish music group in the session tent and the rest of the guests listened for awhile and then went off for some other attractions. I liked the Festival and I want to go back again, even though I am not Irish. Mary and I were really tired last night, and so we went to bed early. The best part of the whole time was just swapping tales and old stories about the families. Overall, we had a great time. We are invited to Vegas, and we will probably go when the weather here gets too dicey. So, until I have more to say, I'll just say, adios. Just a reminder, Salmon Fest is coming up and the following weekend is the Indie Rock show in downtown GH. A great chance for the likes of Adam and Steph to party hearty.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, this morning it is much later than my last blog. It has just turned 8:00 AM here in our fair city and the view out the Weather Window is spectacular. Blue skies, sunshine, and an expected high of about 70 degrees. Currently on the desktop we have a temperature of 50 degrees. Brisk and invigorating to me, but probably a bit chilly for the desert rats. Sugar the Weather Dog is worn out from her activities yesterday, but I think she will like the day that is unfolding. Barb and Ed and Debbie and John arrived safely yesterday, and Mary gave them an abbreviated tour of our "estate." Barb likes it, but it should be noted that she noticed some rodent droppings in the furnace room. Maybe when Adam and Steph come to visit in a couple of weeks, Adam can check for an entry point and seal it. It could just be the normal winter activity too. In that vein, I heard a gaggle of geese fly over this AM, so that is a sure sign that fall is on its way. Ed and I watched the Bears stink up the field in Green Bay last evening. I should know better than to give them any of my limited time here on this planet. I won't make that mistake in the future. We took time to walk the Boardwalk and introduce them to our favorite watering hole. Mary and I had our usual and the others enjoyed their choices too. Today, the womenfolk are going shopping and I don't know about myself and the menfolk. I think I would like to do less, not more, but that is my usual, so I should think outside the box. Yeah, I hate that phrase too, but it seems to fit here. So, until something occurs to me, it is....Tea time.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Good early morning GH. It is nearly 4:00 AM here in our fair city, so the view out the Weather Window is rather limited. I hear the train coming, but it hasn't yet made itself visible; that should take several more minutes. Currently, the temperature on the desktop is a very comfortable 72 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is asleep, as she should be, and so she has nothing to add to the forecast. She had a busy day, as we sent her to the salon to get a manicure and pedicure, or is it just a pedicure. She also had a bath. She always comes back smelling great, looking white again, and feeling soft. The weather forecast for Thursday is for a 50% chance of rain by evening. I don't know about that, since it is often wrong in both directions. Barb and Ed and Debbie and John are due in today for a short 2 1/2 day visit. They will be attending the Irish Fest in Muskegon with us on Saturday. That should be a treat for Barb, given her Irish ancestry. Well, the train made it, but is was only one locomotive and a few cars. In other words, much like always. We do get longer trains, but this wasn't one of them. I finally got to see a train during the day on Wednesday, but it was only one locomotive and two cars. Our plans for today include me getting a few hairs cut, as that is about all that I have, and of course, getting my beard professionally trimmed. That assumes that the barber is feeling well today, as he was a little under the weather last week. We will be doing some sight seeing on Friday, extolling the fine things to do and see here in GH. While our new town is not large in population, we do have a lot to see and do. Now, if I can ge the lawn to recover from the heat stress that it got this summer, everything in my world will be well. So, all that being said, it is time to go back to bed. See you later.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, the view out the Weather Window is blue skies and the sun is a bright yellow orb just rising over the treetops. The current temperature on the desktop is a brisk 49 degrees, so I may have to break out the fall weather gear pretty soon. But, I don't like to rush these things. Sugar the Weather Dog is beginning to stir, but speaking for her, I am certain that she will enjoy her morning walk today. I plan a little yard work this AM, so I will also enjoy the cooler temperatures here today. According to what I have seen on the Weather Channel, the forecast calls for warmer temperatures by mid-week, when Barb and Ed visit with their friends, Debbie and John. So all in all, it promises to be a terrific week. I hope that Adam enjoyed his birthday on Friday. Mary and I celebrated by having spaghetti role casserole in his honor. It was super, as always. Mary tried a slight variation, that I think enhanced it. Saturday, Mary made tomato/lentil soup, that was also delicious. I suspect that the soup required a bit more prep, but since I was slightly less than a keen observer at the time, I am not certain. However, I did enjoy the finished product. Mary pronounced it a keeper, and I must concur. Yesterday, we tried to visit one of the numerous small towns here in Michigan. We thought we had missed the downtown, but it turns out after looking at their website, that no, it just didn't have one. So, that's one more thing we can take off our list of things to do. I have been practicing my touch typing skills this AM, with mixed results. But, I am getting better. Everything takes time. I have added a picture below that shows my new to me guitar, just because I could.
Otherwise, not much to report today, so it think it is...Tea time.
Here she is. I don't have a name yet, but I will, one of these days. |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Good morning GH. The view out the Weather Window is gray skies and the temperature on the desktop is 58 degrees. While for some, that might be a bit cool. I think that when we compare it to those hot and humid days of August, this is a vast improvement. I think Sugar the Weather Dog would agree, and just as soon as she gets up, I'll ask her. But, enough about the usual things. I have decided to wax nostalgic and perhaps get a little maudlin, because today is Adam's birthday. So forgive me if I reminisce a bit. Just sit back, and I hope, enjoy the ride.
It all started on a day in September of 1974. Mary was about two weeks overdue and she was getting pretty uncomfortable. But, this day, she woke me to say that, "It was time!" In an all too typical male response, due in part to lack of sleep, I think, I said "Time for what?" I am thankful she didn't kick me. It was time for us to travel from our new apartment in Wheeling, IL, to the hospital in Park Ridge, IL. At the early hour we left, not much traffic, so sorry Adam, your birthday car ride wasn't too eventful. In those days, men were not routinely part of the birthing process as they are now. Plus, when the doctor decided it was time for a c-section, I was definitely out. We had done all of the Lamaze classes and I was ready, but the c-section was beyond my capabilities and was also off limits. I do remember that Mary was first checked by a resident and then when he hurt her, I think she punched him, or at least she tried to. After that, her regular doctor came in, told us what to expect, and that was the end of my involvement. I was told to go wait with the other fathers. It wasn't long before a Lutheran minister came in and said, "Mr. Wendt?" Let me just say, that when your wife goes off to the delivery room and the first person you see in the father's waiting room is someone dressed in a clerical collar, your heart sinks to your feet. Fortunately, his next words were, "Your wife and son are fine, congratulations." I wish they had found someone else to inform me, but that was the way they did it. Maybe it was always that way, I don't know. I had a brief visit with Mary in her drug induced haze, saw Adam very briefly and the rest is kind of hazy. I do remember calling my parents, but after that, I don't remember much. The weeks and months went by, Adam had his first drag race in my SS Camaro through the streets of Glenview, IL, and then we had a pretty typical childhood. Adam and I had some quality time in our old den in Deerfield, IL, listening to rock and roll and watching the color organ I had built. When I told Mary that Adam was getting up every night, she said, "Well, what do you expect, music, a color organ, a rocking chair and his father?" Yeah, I didn't think that through, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Otherwise, the usual things happened. Adam had his bumps and scrapes, a few of his many cars, some of them of the R/C variety, and then it was time for college. I think I was more upset when we dropped him off at the university, and I guess that was unexpected, but that is part of life. Your children grow up, become adults, and then full fledged members of society. Today, Adam is a responsible member of the community, shares many of the things that his mother taught him over the years about what it takes to be a good man, which by the way, he is, and today he lives in Chicago, with his wife Stephany and makes million dollar decisions. So, before I tear up anymore, I'll just say that it is...Tea time. Happy Birthday Adam.
It all started on a day in September of 1974. Mary was about two weeks overdue and she was getting pretty uncomfortable. But, this day, she woke me to say that, "It was time!" In an all too typical male response, due in part to lack of sleep, I think, I said "Time for what?" I am thankful she didn't kick me. It was time for us to travel from our new apartment in Wheeling, IL, to the hospital in Park Ridge, IL. At the early hour we left, not much traffic, so sorry Adam, your birthday car ride wasn't too eventful. In those days, men were not routinely part of the birthing process as they are now. Plus, when the doctor decided it was time for a c-section, I was definitely out. We had done all of the Lamaze classes and I was ready, but the c-section was beyond my capabilities and was also off limits. I do remember that Mary was first checked by a resident and then when he hurt her, I think she punched him, or at least she tried to. After that, her regular doctor came in, told us what to expect, and that was the end of my involvement. I was told to go wait with the other fathers. It wasn't long before a Lutheran minister came in and said, "Mr. Wendt?" Let me just say, that when your wife goes off to the delivery room and the first person you see in the father's waiting room is someone dressed in a clerical collar, your heart sinks to your feet. Fortunately, his next words were, "Your wife and son are fine, congratulations." I wish they had found someone else to inform me, but that was the way they did it. Maybe it was always that way, I don't know. I had a brief visit with Mary in her drug induced haze, saw Adam very briefly and the rest is kind of hazy. I do remember calling my parents, but after that, I don't remember much. The weeks and months went by, Adam had his first drag race in my SS Camaro through the streets of Glenview, IL, and then we had a pretty typical childhood. Adam and I had some quality time in our old den in Deerfield, IL, listening to rock and roll and watching the color organ I had built. When I told Mary that Adam was getting up every night, she said, "Well, what do you expect, music, a color organ, a rocking chair and his father?" Yeah, I didn't think that through, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Otherwise, the usual things happened. Adam had his bumps and scrapes, a few of his many cars, some of them of the R/C variety, and then it was time for college. I think I was more upset when we dropped him off at the university, and I guess that was unexpected, but that is part of life. Your children grow up, become adults, and then full fledged members of society. Today, Adam is a responsible member of the community, shares many of the things that his mother taught him over the years about what it takes to be a good man, which by the way, he is, and today he lives in Chicago, with his wife Stephany and makes million dollar decisions. So, before I tear up anymore, I'll just say that it is...Tea time. Happy Birthday Adam.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Good morning GH. The view out the Weather Window is partly cloudy and the temperature on the desktop is a very comfortable 66 degrees. The expected high for today is 79 degrees, and the humidity is a bit higher than I would like. Sugar the Weather Dog is still abed, so the anticipated rain event from yesterday and last evening never materialized. That means, of course, that I have to water again. Like I always say, no rest for the wicked. I did spend some time on the Grand Haven Channel yesterday just watching the world go by while Sugar the Weather Dog chewed on her bone and attacked anyone, dog or man, whom she feared was there to steal it. I was reading the latest book I started. I already like it, so I know it will be good. A side note for Adam, I finally spoke with the roofing man yesterday and we agreed to the newly revised amount which will be shown on a revised invoice. I think we will finally be done. Whew! As a member of the "Liberal Media", I must say that the political ads are getting tedious. Mary is in her element, and stays up all night to watch the conventions and their recaps in which the other members of the "Liberal Media" tell us what they told us after they told us what they were going to tell us, well you get the picture. I haven't seen her this excited since the first Gulf War, or at least since the last political season. Either way, I go to bed when it gets too much for me. I like politics, but for Mary it is like adrenaline. Today, I have an appointment at the orthopedist, and then a tutoring session later this afternoon. So, I have to get things done in between. So, it is time for me to say....Tea time.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Good morning GH. The view out the Weather Window is partly cloudy skies and the current temperature on the desktop is 70 degrees. When last seen, Sugar the Weather Dog was still napping, but I am more concerned for what happens to her around noon today, because the prediction is for thunderstorms. If that is true, while I won't have to water today, Sugar will be scared and hiding in her household cave. While I want the rain, I don't want to see my baby scared out of her mind. A tough call. I hope to hear from the roofer today. The last two-way voice communication I had with him was last week, the day before the his crew showed up late to finish the job. I didn't hear from him on the day they were late, just from the sales rep the day after. I did get a voice mail from the boss the next day, but I opted to not return his call until the following day. I guess he must have gone out of town or something, because I still haven't been in further contact. I did however, receive another invoice from the company, this one marked past due, and not showing any of the adjustments that the boss and we had agreed to. So, until I get a revised invoice from them and a call from the boss, I won't be remitting their payment. Otherwise, not much is going on. I mounted the new fire extinguisher yesterday, oiled Mary's "new" rocking chair, and walked Sugar, twice. cut and cooked the wax beans, and cleaned the stove top and the sink too. Today is likely more of the same old same old. I told Mary that I wasn't taking over the kitchen, just doing some cleaning and prepping etc. So, until I decide whether I have to water and whether I want to clean the house further today, it is...Tea time.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Good morning
Good morning GH. Well, it is really afternoon, but the blog had to wait for me to finish a few things. Current view out the Weather Window is blue skies and the desktop temperature is 85 wonderful degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is napping, but I think she would agree that it is another beautiful day in GH. I went to the big box hardware store to get a few things this AM. Mary doesn't much like it there, so I went by myself. We wondered the other day why there was a beer tent at the nearby medical clinic. Turns out that it was part of the car show that they had going today. I didn't stop, because at this point n the year, am car showed out. I followed my big box hardware visit with a visit to the grocery store here in GH. I bought the things I planned to get, but also some things that just seemed to jump off the shelves and into the cart. Fortunately for me, the cart was one of the smaller variety. That jumping off the shelf thing seems to happen whenever I go to the grocery store alone. Go figure. When I returned, I did some concrete work on the front sidewalk and then mowed part of the back lawn and pulled some weeds. Then I was done for the day. Mary and I both got new keyboards yesterday. Mine was being sticky, and Mary wanted a keyboard that was separate from her computer. She is right, you have to feel a keyboard, you can't just buy them online. Had my...Tea time earlier, two cups and a piece of sourdough bread with peanut butter. This afternoon, I was left to my own devices for lunch, so I had a salad and the leftover Sloppy Joe's. Overall, a satisfactory lunch for me. My plan for the remainder of the day is to read Mary's blog, and do as much of nothing as time will allow. It doesn't get any better than that. See you later.
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