Friday, August 31, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, it is nearly noon, but it is still morning. The view out the Weather Window is blue skies and the forecast is for no showers until at least Sunday. Sugar the Weather Dog agrees, but thinks that Sunday is too soon. Current temperature on the desktop is a beautiful 79 degrees, but the humidity is a tad high at about 60%. Take that you desert rats. We expect a high today of about 80 degrees. We don't ever have dry heat. Except for finishing my indexing work at about 7:00 PM last night, my birthday was great. I anticipate a low key weekend of guitar playing, reading, Grand Haven channel watching and of course, enjoying life with my wife of 39 years. I doubt that Newt could make that claim, unless he is allowed to add all of his marriages together. I noticed that the channel watching just gets better and better. I heard a radio guy last night wondering what celebrity people would want to sit at a bar with? For me, I think it would be a philosopher or writer. Perhaps they are one and the same. I already was out with Sugar, so that is off the agenda for this AM. Already had my Tea time too. So, the rest of the day is another walk with a needy dog, who has been feeling neglected lately. No surprise there. So, until I have more to say, later much.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Good morning GH. To paraphrase the Beatles, "I've been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home." Oh, I should toss in another paraphrase from that group, "You say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too yeah." Yes, that's right, it is my birthday today, and I am one day closer to to being 62, since today I am 61. Funny, I don't feel older, just better. The desktop temperature is a very comfortable 59 degrees, and the forecast from Sugar the Weather Dog is for no precipitation today. In honor of my birthday, I am wearing the Road America shirt that Adam and Steph brought back from their visit to the track earlier this summer. It is my first official wearing, and it looks great! Finally had the roof job finished on Tuesday, after two long weeks. I received a call from the sales rep last evening, to see how things had gone, and I told him just how I felt about the crew arriving late on the day that they had promised to be there between one and three, about the "boss" calling late on a Sunday to tell me that they would in fact be here, this three days later than he had promised to call, etc. I could go on, but when the rep said he would have the boss call me last evening, I flat out told him no, I have other plans. Of course, it would have been nice to hear from the boss the day the guys were late and then a call to see if I was satisfied would have been nice, but that's just one man's opinion. To say the least, I am not pleased with their professionalism. Sure the roof looks great, but it shouldn't take two weeks to get it that way. The neighbors were way over the top on their tolerance, and for that I must say thanks. So, I anticipate a call today, but if the rep thinks that his protestations that this was the only job that has ever gone south are not highly suspect, he has another think coming. So, before I go off to the orthopedist and the lab for additional tests, I must comment on the card that Mary left for me this AM. I liked it! The sentiments are great, and the truth is, that on Saturday, we will have been married for thirty-nine years. It really can't get much better than this! So, all that being said, time to get ready for another day. No Tea time this AM, but when I return from the doctor, then I can begin my celebration by entering more tables, right after I water the palatial estate grounds. C-ya!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, it is 73 degrees on the desktop this AM, and the view out the Weather Window is blue skies and sunshine. We had some rain last evening, so I won't need to water today, except for the new hanging baskets. Sugar the Weather Dog is calmly lying in her bed, so I can safely assume that today's weather events won't be of the traumatic kind. Finally got a call from the roofing guy last evening, about two days later than he promised, indicating that they will be back on Tuesday at 9:00 AM to finish the job. I await the final results. I learned more about indexing yesterday than I wanted to know. I can safely say, that it is harder than it looks. I am attempting to be more helpful, but at only ten pages per hour, it will take me thirty hours to complete what I am working on. Otherwise, I spent a few hours in the man cave, working on Mary's new rocking chair. While my efforts were more of the makeshift than professional variety, Mary pronounced the end results satisfactory. Now, I just have to learn more about upholstery. Like I said, no rest for the wicked. Today, more indexing activity, a little watering, and I have to look up the number for the local computer store downtown before I leave the keyboard. So until next time, it is...Tea time.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Good morning GH. It is about 7:15 in the AM, and the view out the Weather Window is still somewhat gray. Sugar the Weather Dog is still asleep, so I can't call on her for any additional information. The current temperature on the desktop is a sultry 70 degrees, with an expected high in the mid to upper 80s due later this afternoon. Chance of showers is 40%, so the assistance provided by mother nature is going to be minimal at best. About our hanging baskets. The old ones had peaked and it was either have nothing, just keep watering the dead stuff or replace them. Fortunately for us, I went to the big box hardware store for some twine, and they were having a close out sale on their hanging baskets for $5.98 each. So, there are new ones where the old ones used to be. Much better looking and of course, a better use of water. Mary and I had to make an emergency run to the big box electronics store for an additional computer monitor. We finally found one for $89.99. I say we, because the store in question is showing declining sales and Mary and I both agreed, that much of the blame can be laid at the feet of the company that has no one with any electronics or sales knowledge. While the young man was personable enough, he wasn't from Huntsville, if you catch my drift. If I hadn't asked about the box I saw on the lower shelf, a model not on display. Without my ability to look for myself, we would never have found the monitor. Mary wanted a working monitor that was under $100.00 and none of the displayed monitors fit that criteria. Fortunately, we found one that did. In fact, as we were preparing to check out, we found another model for the desired price, right near the register. Of course, that "sales person" in computers didn't point it out, as he didn't know it even existed. However, he was able to point out the available extended service contract for an additional fee. I think that's because it was a prompt provided by the register. Let's just say that he wasn't a computer whiz. Otherwise, I read another book yesterday afternoon, because it was due in at the library by the 28th of August. One more to go from that group. So, until next time, it is officially....Tea time.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Good morning GH. Anther beautiful day is dawning here in our fair city. The current temperature on the desktop is a very comfortable 58 degrees, and the view out the Weather Window is a cloudless sky and the sun is once again smiling upon us. Sugar the Weather Dog concurs with the forecast, so all is right with the world, at least here in GH. Today I have an appointment at the orthopedic doctor for my knees, and I promise that this time I will not go on a long bike ride the next day. That's just too painful. Mary is currently downstairs wrestling with her computer, while I am here at the keyboard slaving over this blog. Man, there is no rest for the wicked. We are still waiting for the roofing guy to get back to us and finalize the plans for the completion of the job. Sometimes, I think these things take way too long. Yesterday, both Mary and I were very productive. She produced a bevy of kitchen products, and I washed the rug from the mud room. I can tell you for sure that the rug gets very heavy when wet. It should be dry by today, and then with some help, I can get it back in place. Otherwise, it should be a day of more cleaning for me, more indexing for Mary, and for Sugar, a little walking with Mary while I vacuum the house, one of her least favorite activities. So until tomorrow, it is...Tea time.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Good morning GH. Well. the view out the Weather Window is nothing short of fantastic. Current temperature on the desktop is 62 degrees, and Sugar the Weather Dog has predicted another fine day. Not much on tap for the day. We had a visit from the roofing man yesterday, and I think we are on the way towards a final resolution of our concerns. However, I personally picked up several nails from the driveway, so I know that the clean up needs additional attention . I plan to do some dusting, vacuuming, and perhaps play on the guitar some. I am going to attempt to dust Mary's desk, but that will necessitate moving many things to get to the bottom, so it will take some time. Tonight, I have a session at the library, so all is good. So, until tomorrow, it is...Tea time.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, it is a little after 8:00 in the AM, and the view out the Weather Window is clear skies and sunshine. Sugar the Weather Dog is at my feet and she is coming off a bone chewing high, more on that later. The current temperature on the desktop is a brisk 55 degrees, just like I like it. Mary and I had a good day of reading the papers and watching the noon show on MSNBC, a discussion about women's issues, and then we set out for some shopping. All of this was preceded by a little cleanup of the deck and the viewing platform for the Grand Haven Channel, which is another part of the story for later. Everything went swimmingly up until the end. We stopped in at the local big box hardware store and got all that we needed. Next, we stopped in at the everything's a dollar store and the results also were good. Finally, we went to the local pharmacy/stuff retailer, and picked up a few items where everything also went well, until we got to the pharmacy counter. I was planning to get a vaccination for Shingles, no pun intended as it regards that recent roof debacle, but the young lady at the counter said that we would have to wait while it thawed. However, after a few short minutes of waiting, she told us that the insurance would not cover because they weren't a clinic. A quick check of the customer service people at the insurance company confirmed that. Next we tried the local urgent care clinic, they don't do that there. Our choice may be to pay up front and then be reimbursed. So, today I'll spend some time checking for a clinic that does perform that service. Which leads me to the story of watching the GH channel. Sugar and I repaired to the front porch, she with her bone, of which she is highly protective, and me with my surf radio and the last three bottles of the beer that Adam and Steph left behind. I also had the cooler to keep them cold, along with a few cans of beer that Mary had placed in the freezer for my benefit, LOL. It was excellent. I have included a picture, courtesy of Mary's Photography Service, to illuminate the tale. Until later, it is...Tea time.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Good morning GH. Did you miss me? Well, as is often the case, I just ran out of time. We had to get up early for another event, which I will discuss more later. Thus, I simply didn't have enough time to do all the things that I like to do. Right now, the view out the Weather Window is blue skies and the temperature on the desktop is a cool 53 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is peacefully lying on the floor, so I will assume that all is well on the weather front as far as she is concerned. Let's start with Friday first. The roofers arrived on the job at about 8:30 AM, and everything went downhill from there. No way to get their trucks onto the property, too big. Three layers of old roofing materials, too much. No sheeting on the roof underneath the shingles, necessitating new sheeting, requiring extra time and effort. Not enough tarps to cover everything, so the resultant mess was unwelcome, and inevitable. They worked nonstop from early morning until after 10:00 PM. Suffice it to say, they couldn't really see what they were doing once it got dark. They couldn't place the correct pieces on the roof and they couldn't really see to clean up. Plus, they were all so tired that the results of their late night efforts were predictable. Enough on their problems. Now, let's talk about about Saturday, a much more pleasant experience, and the reason we got up early. It was the day of the Michigan Fiberfest. I chose to go, because I had never been to Allegan before. A pleasant ride, and although I missed the Irish Music Jam, I am glad I went. Mary was involved in a session on spinning wool into yarn, so I had about three hours on my own. I wandered through the various buildings, and I got to see wool on the hoof. Best of all, as a man, nobody bothered me with sales pitches. I stopped to see the working dog exhibition, and they were a delight. Much to the chagrin of the owners of Border Collies, the farmer noted that the dogs really are a pedigreed mutt, bred for their herding abilities more than their looks. They are also able to adapt to their roles as working dogs and pets, a strong indicator that they are as advertised, quite smart. They also don't try to train out their ability to bite or nip, a necessity for an animal that is outweighed by anything from four to forty times its own size. After that, I spent some time listening to the musical duo playing nearby. Once Mary was sprung, we toured the buildings again. Mary bought some Romney roving wool and then we were ready to go. A great day all in all. We finished our day at the post. Tomorrow promises more roofing headaches as we gird our loins for another battle. Until then it is...Tea time.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Good early morning GH. Although it is morning, the view out the Weather Window is limited by the lack of sunshine. It will be another 45 minutes or so until I can give a definitive forecast for the day. Currently on the desktop, it is 63 cool degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is sound asleep in her bed, so I am not expecting any precipitation today. Yesterday, she spent quite a bit of time in her hide-e-holes as she was afraid of the storms. She wouldn't even go out. It was late in the day when she was willing to go for a short walk, and that wasn't her idea. With a little luck the roof should get done today. We missed a beautiful day for a new roof on Wednesday, because the roofer's truck had a breakdown. I guess when things go south, they do. It happens to everyone sometimes. For lunch, we enjoyed some corn that we picked up from a MI farmer the day before. I think it was some of the best that we have tasted this year. Mary and I walked into town in the afternoon, and enjoyed a few beers and conversations at the post and at one of the downtown restaurants where we also had a pineapple pizza. Then it was home for Sugar's dinner. Immediately prior to her dinner, she finally had to do her duty, so I have to clean that up this morning before we leave the area for the Great Roofing extravaganza. So, until I have more to report about roofs and the like, I will simply say it is.......Tea time.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Good afternoon GH. I didn't get a chance to sit down and blog this AM, but when I looked out the Weather Window, the view was limited due to the foggy conditions. Sugar the Weather Dog and I went for our morning constitutional and then I sat down to edit the index that Mary and I have been working on for what seems like forever. Currently, the temperature on the desktop is showing 74 beautiful degrees. Sugar has an appointment at the Doggie Day Care tomorrow while the roofers are here. She will also be getting a grooming, so when we pick her up, she too, will be beautiful. I got a message from Adam that he had sold his Corvette, Cora, and he subsequently bought a 2010 Volkswagen Golf. Ostensibly, the instigation for this action was the ride of Cora, but I think that he had finally gotten Cora almost perfect, so it was time for another car. Oh well, what would life be like for Adam if he didn't get a new car every year or so. Me, I am keeping the Vibe, because we really can't think of a reason not to. Had Tea time this AM, and then edited . This afternoon Sugar and I walked t o the Doggie Day Care to make her appointment, and now we are ready to face the afternoon crowds in our bustling metropolis. So until my next blog, adios.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Good morning GH. Had a great "Day Off" yesterday. Today, it is back to the old work a day world. A quick look out the Weather Window shows a cloudy sky and the current temperature on the desktop is a very mild 66 degrees. Sugar the Weather Dog is concurring with the National Weather Service, as she seems to be expecting the rain event that was predicted for this morning. We have varying amounts of precipitation predicted for today, with a peak at around 8:00 AM of 60%. Looks like a good day to stay indoors. I hope I can get Sugar to go out this AM, because she often won't go or wants to return quickly if she feels a change in barometric pressure. That's one of the reasons that she is Sugar the Weather Dog, her uncanny ability to pick up on those weather nuances. However, sometimes her sense of danger is a little wacky, as I noted the other day. Yesterday, I finished a novel that was one of my favorite genres, detective fiction. Started the book in the early afternoon while sitting on the deck and watching Sugar eagerly devour a bone for several hours. When Mary came down to look for us, she found the things that make a life complete. A man, his dog, the dog's bone, surf music on the iHeart radio, a good book, and a bottle of wine. Truly, it doesn't get any better than that. Did I mention that the weather was perfect? After a bike ride and a superb breakfast, that was a variation on Adam's hash, sans the lamb, and no TV, the day was a perfect 10. Oh, I did mow the little bit of grass that is left in the lawn out back, but that took all of 5 minutes. Otherwise, the day was a total triumph. Mary is expecting a hard day of indexing for both of us today, and I will help, because now that I know the "secret", I can do anything. Well, not anything, but I can enter tables. So, until the workday begins, it is...Tea time.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Good early morning GH. I got up early to see the meteor shower, but I didn't see it. Maybe I just didn't know where to look. Not much to see out the Weather Window, but that's to be expected at 3:45 AM. Sugar the Weather Dog has been a little weird tonight, but that seems to be something that she does periodically. She had a strong desire to be in the bathroom this afternoon, we just don't know why. After Friday's torrential rains, I was happy that Saturday was a bit drier. The beauty is that it was also cooler than it has been recently. Right now, the temperature on the desktop is showing a brisk 62 degrees. I like it. Our garden is liking the rain, as we are suddenly getting more cucumbers than ever. They seem to need the rain. Cucumber salad, here we come. Tomatoes seem to be nearing their end, and the peppers are ripening without getting bigger. I think that their growth was stifled by the heat. Peppers usually like the heat, but perhaps, they didn't like the hanging basket we had them in. I think that next year we are going to grow them in pots on the ground. We just have to be sure to get clean soil that has not been tainted by lead paint or chemicals. Once again, we live and learn. Mary gave me the day off, and that means that I can do whatever I want. I am thinking a bike ride after I walk Sugar the Weather Dog. Otherwise, I have been asked to not play my music, as it can be a bit of a distraction. So, that means a bit of reading, a bit of race watching, and perhaps some headphone listening to music. I'm okay with that. So, until Chris comes on with his UP show and I have...Tea time, it is time for me to say adios.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Good morning GH. Well, I've been away from the blog for a few days, just doing some work for Mary and generally keeping a few appointments. The view out the Weather Window is a little difficult to see, because the screen is covered with precipitation. Rain began yesterday, and was I surprised that Sugar the Weather Dog wouldn't go out yesterday afternoon. In fact, she ran upstairs and hid under Mary's desk. I guess her skills at predicting a front coming in came into play. Current temperature on the desktop is a brisk 58 degrees, quite a comedown from the nineties we have been having. Unfortunately, tonight was to be the bluegrass band at Central Park, but with this weather forecast, that is highly unlikely. A few new things have been happening. I finished my readings for the library's Book Bingo 2012, and so I received my bag for my efforts. While not huge, there is room enough, as promised for a book, a sandwich, and a bottle of water. And best of all, I just had to read to get it, something I would do anyway. I included a few pictures below by way of edification. Otherwise, not much on tap today. More work for Mary, more reading, and then relaxation. For now, it is...Tea time.

Monday, August 6, 2012
Good afternoon GH. Well, Coast Guard fest is done for another year. I enjoyed it, but it was a challenge keeping a smile on my face when the tourists tried their best to run me and Sugar the Weather Dog over during our morning walks. Currently, the temperature on the desktop is a very comfortable 78 degrees, and the view out the Weather Window is blue skies. I walked with Sugar and rode my bike this AM, I can confirm that GH is the place to be, because the day outside is beautiful. Adam and Steph were out for the final weekend of the fest, and we all had a good time. My thanks to both for the birthday/anniversary dinner that they treated us to on Sunday. I didn't know what a great place we had for Italian food we had here in GH until I sampled their wares. I don't know the Italian for my comment, but the English is Fantastic! Otherwise, all is good here. Adam got his car washed and waxed, Steph got some well deserved R&R, and Mary and I enjoyed seeing them both. For Steph, your comments on Sunday evening were appreciated and we can't tell you how great we feel about having you in the family, except to say, we love you. You truly are the daughter we never had, but now do. So, that being said, I am off to do some additional markups for Mary and then play my guitar more. It truly doesn't get any better than this.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Good afternoon GH. I got a late start this morning due to housecleaning, so it is already afternoon. I was going to water outside, but an overnight shower made that unnecessary. However, a quick glance out the Weather Window tells me that the skies are partly cloudy and the desktop temperature is 79 comfortable degrees, although it is somewhat humid. Sugar the Weather Dog didn't seem to mind, so it wasn't anything to worry about. I got several things done today, so that is all good. I am also in the process of moving things around here in my office, but that will take a little time. Otherwise, it is nearing lunch time, so I think that will be my next stop. Later.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Good morning GH. It is currently 67 degrees on the desktop and the view out the Weather Window is clear skies and no sign of precipitation. Sugar the Weather Dog concurs with my forecast, and she is predicting fair weather. Had a great time last evening listening to the band at Street Dance. We have heard them before and they are super. Unfortunately, I had to depart before they finished their two hour set, but it was still excellent. Prior to that we stopped for a few cold ones and then on to the show. We had been to the library earlier in the day to pick up books and to turn some in. I am one book away from my Beach Bingo bag, I just have one more young adult book to read. I am going to make it. Otherwise, I played and scored some music, listened to the music app on my computer, and in general had a quiet day. No driving required. So, that about sums things up. I added some pictures that I got from Mary's files just because I liked them. So therefore, it is...Tea time.
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